Mystical & Infamous

Recognizing Energetic Shifts within Ourselves with Jean Adrienne

Blaire Stanislao @Happy Lyon Center Season 3 Episode 29

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In this episode with Blaire Stanislao and Jean Adrienne, we delve into our own profound awakening that began with an eclipse—an event that resonated deeply with my soul, leading to a heart-wrenching release of past life traumas and the birth of a new self. Our conversation explores the symbiosis of emotional and physical health, revealing how tackling physical ailments can result in seismic shifts within our emotional landscape, and how these shifts can sometimes be echoes of lives lived long ago.

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Speaker 1:

Hello, this is Blair Stanislao with the Happy Lion Center. Welcome to our podcast, mystical and Infamous, where we have playful and easy conversations about anything mystical, getting to the heart of all things, strange and weird. Join us in a bit of magical tomfoolery, spreading the alchemy of love and light. And now we invite you to enjoy the show and Link.

Speaker 2:

And now we invite you to enjoy the show. Well, I think my eclipse experience actually started two weeks ago, tuesday or Wednesday, and, quite you know, unannounced, it just sort of like crept in and rocked my world and I've got to believe that that had to do with the eclipse energy. I was reading another one of these books that I read you know that triggers stuff for me and then this one God bless Trisha O'Malley, because most of the books that I've read have been hers that have just like rocked my world. But anyway, I read this thing and there was a sentence in there where the woman said nobody's ever picked me. And I lost it because that was my sentiment exactly. I mean even in school, because I was totally unathletic so I'd be the last one to be chosen for any team, you know, but all my relationships, always nobody ever picked me. I've never had somebody declare undying love for me. It's always been me chasing after the relationship, making it happen, and it should never have happened, but I did it anyway I'm really good at that and I started crying and I probably bawled for about two hours. I cried myself to sleep that night. My eyes were swollen, you know it was. It was a hot mess and it was that every day there would be something else after that. That was just. It was like building and building and building. I finally decided that you know what I know I'm giving birth to something new. That's what this feels like. It feels like labor pains because it's you know and about I don't know Monday or Tuesday of the following week I must have hit transition and I was in hard labor and the pains were coming just like that, you know, because it was one thing after the next that was just keeping me emotionally bereft, a lot of grief.

Speaker 2:

And so I have a friend who she's older than me and she's retired now from her other job. She was a doula for many, many years. She's a Reiki master, reiki teacher for many, many years. She's a Reiki master, reiki teacher, and I mean she's really good at it. And so what she's doing now in her retirement is she calls herself a life doula and her name is Ife Tayo White. And so I called her up and I said Ife Tayo, I think I'm in the birth process. I want to hire you to be my doula Interested. And she said, oh yeah, so we had our first doula session on Wednesday and basically she got onto the call and she said she was waked up in the night.

Speaker 2:

And she said I saw there was so much scar tissue around your heart and in your womb area. And I said, yeah, I feel it, I know it. I mean, yeah, I get that. And so we started like a meditation where she had me put my hand on my heart, my hand on my second chakra, and she was talking me through stuff and at some point in there the light bulb turned on over my head and I got oh my God, now I see the contract. I said I've been doing this for millions of years and the contract was to be a maybe you call it a sexual healer, I don't know, but to help the quote unquote immature male find their heart opening. Oh yeah, I could see that.

Speaker 2:

And and so all of these relationships that I've had, you know, as they ended for whatever reason, these men went on to meet their beloved partner and most of them are still married to that person today.

Speaker 2:

You know, certainly all four of my husbands. That has happened with you know, but I mean even the random guys that I dated, same thing they would be with me for a while and then they would move on and I always felt like. I felt like I was just a placeholder. You know, I mean, and I always knew that that you know, this is I'm just a placeholder. You know, I mean, and I always knew that, that you know, this is I'm just their placeholder. They're waiting for something better to come along, you know, and, and it hurt, it created all these scars and all these wounds, because it was so painful to me, um, that to always be the one left behind, um, the one left behind, the one who didn't get her needs met, all that kind of stuff. And so, as part of this meditation that we're doing, we're breathing, we got hands, you know, whatever, I began to see that it went back to like being a vestal virgin in the temples for ISIS, you know.

Speaker 2:

But you know they weren't virgins, right, I think we all know that one and I lost my innocence, I lost my purity, I lost all that and I was holding all the energy of all of these men that I thought I had cleared. I mean, I've been working on this for 20 years, you know, but I was holding all of this, this energy still, and I I got to release it as part of whatever it was we were doing, and I'm still not really sure what we were doing.

Speaker 1:

Let me ask you this, because I've, I've, I've gotten, I've gotten much more familiar with these, these big energy shifts like this, and I know that it comes out different for different people. For me, I actually asked a friend of mine. She was telling me she was having a big shift like this too, and I said are you like feeling it in your body? And because she knows me well enough, she said not like you. And what she means by that is like for me, if I have a big energy shift like that, not all the time, but a lot of the time, because you hold that energy, the energy that doesn't flow, you don't get stuck in your body and then you essentially have disease, right, that's what causes pain. Yeah, pain, so, or pain, right, same thing. So, yes, I have a lot of pain.

Speaker 1:

My husband jokes with me you're falling apart, you're going to, you know, you're going to kick the bucket before me and I'm like you don't know how much better I feel than I used to feel, you know, right, but but another way that it comes out is like sometimes I'll just have like this weird physical reaction. I'll go to the bathroom nonstop for two days, or you know, I have. Let's see, I'm trying to think, I don't know. You can just feel the energy shift when it's gone. I'll describe it like this I just had dental work done in the last two months on my teeth.

Speaker 1:

Okay, and they were like replacements for old fillings that were there and I didn't realize and he didn't realize either he's a very good dentist but he pulls out these two that are next to each other they had started in between and then, as he gets those two out, oh, look, right behind it, You've got decay that nobody could detect. He said it was it with x-rays, right, it was taking a long time to get there. He actually showed me a picture of it. Of course it was disgusting, but I didn't realize until after that was done because he dealt with that one too that I felt so much better, Like just my body just felt like it was working better.

Speaker 1:

I didn't realize I was having that little low-level pain, or I don't think it was pain, it was some kind of discomfort, Something was off, and so when that was fixed you just go back into more harmonious. But then I also noticed, I mean, like it took me less than a week to be like, okay, this is my new norm now, Instead of it being this major shift and like you're talking about, you know you had something shift. You recognize that it's there and then you've got to finish the shifting, you know, before you can kind of reacclimate. So how does that come out for you? You're talking about emotionally, but does it come out in other ways?

Speaker 2:

Okay. So about um, I don't even really remember when it started, but I started having pain in my left hip, um, like in the glute area and in the back of the hip joint, and I was like, oh crap, I had both my knees replaced over the last couple of years. I certainly hope I'm not heading for a hip replacement and I had to go in for my one-year checkup on the second knee replacement and he said, oh no, no, if your hip needs replacing, you feel that in the groin. You don't feel it in the hip joint. And I was like, oh, thank God for that, um, but still, you know so, um, and actually it started before that.

Speaker 1:

My vision went wonky oh so yeah, in the last couple of weeks you experienced that no, the last couple of months.

Speaker 2:

It started maybe a couple months ago that my vision got off and it would like, all of a sudden I would be on the computer or reading or doing something, and all of a sudden we get blurry, oh, no reason. And then it would go. You know, a minute, seconds later it would clear back up. Yeah, it was just like, but like during that time I would have to pick up my computer and go like this to try to yeah, like really bad.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, bad, you know. And so I started trying to figure out what was wrong with that. I have blood work done. My blood work was normal, they did. They did a MRI on my head. All they found in squirrels. They did my neck to see if there's something was squeezing off something to the optic nerve in my neck and they found you know some like bulgy disky things, but nothing that would affect my vision. And then what do you do next? Oh, he did a scan on my carotid arteries. They were perfectly clear. And eventually, oh, and I went to the chiropractor because somebody said well, maybe your atlas is off and that could affect that. And my Atlas was off. They fixed that, everything's been fine. And so I went back to the ophthalmologist and he said oh, it's dry eye that's causing your vision problem.

Speaker 2:

So I've been getting drops for that and it's gotten better. And then the hip pain started.

Speaker 1:

So yeah, I see this as like well first. First off, we know that you're sensitive to energy. Because you do the muscle testing, you do this energy work, you know you're sensitive to it. So you know other people may or may not notice that this kind of thing, but somebody who's sensitive to energy would notice those kinds of things. Try and figure them out. But if you're not getting at the root cause then, like you said, it just shows up somewhere else.

Speaker 2:

Okay, yes, maybe you kind of like?

Speaker 1:

messed around with this, but we're going to keep coming at you until you understand it.

Speaker 2:

And you know, and this whole time I've been doing sessions, try to get to the root cause and I keep getting this, that and the other, but never really got to it until last Wednesday. Okay, yeah, my vision cleared up immediately. So that was a good thing, because I didn't want to see this. I didn't want to see that I'd had this contract for all these lifetimes and that the big piece I didn't want to see was that I signed up for all of that hurt. Yeah, you know this guy and that guy and the other guy. You know because I've been playing this guy and that guy and the other guy.

Speaker 2:

You know that broke my heart, uh-uh. I was there to help them move forward and I said I would do it. I volunteered well.

Speaker 1:

So here's my question are you I know you didn't want to see it meaning consciously you didn't want to see that right? Can you? Can you sense on a deeper level how you, how and why you would have done that?

Speaker 2:

You know, apparently I signed a contract I think it goes back as far as maybe Lyra that many lifetimes ago to do this, and I don't think I really went into that contract willingly. Oh the rust upon me, you know. It's like okay, here's your job, jean, you got picked. And I think that I got picked then. And then all these other times I'm saying I didn't get picked but it was because I shut myself off.

Speaker 2:

So all this stuff, you know, in my body, the pain in my left side of my body that I've been dealing with, is because energy has been trapped, because I shut myself down. I didn't want to receive anymore. I've done enough of this. I don't want any more men in my life. So therefore I've been in this desert of men. I haven't been able to even see a man, no matter how hard I look. Know that kind of thing? Um, because I was shut to damn. So I'm thinking, given birth to this new me, who is now back to being a virgin and back to her purity. And the next thing I heard was that song from Enigma, Return to Innocence. And I had to Google that that afternoon and found the music video. Oh my God, if you've never watched that music video. It is the most profound thing.

Speaker 2:

I mean the song is lovely to begin with, but you know the words. They're not really. They don't mean anything. That much you know. But the video, yeah, it starts with an old man eating fruit out of an orchard, but it goes back through the life minute by minute, my minute, all the way back to the womb.

Speaker 1:

Okay, this is. This is the I. I have come to the conclusion. It was my conclusion, I don't care what anybody else says.

Speaker 1:

Is that creative, um, uh, creations, I should say, no matter what they are, and of course you've got your own. You know the mediums whatever the format is, it doesn't matter are standard ones that people accept on a regular basis. On music, you know something visual can be dance, you know any of those things. If you really, if the person is really in tune with their higher self, they get those clues. It's like, hey, make this thing like this, and then it becomes a message for you. I mean, like I have had, I do get messages through song. It's a little bit weird, I think I don't. It's not I don't know how to describe it other than it's got.

Speaker 1:

The song that I'm given is the lyrics are usually important, but recently, in the last couple of months, I've actually gotten songs that the lyrics work and they definitely support the idea, but it's actually the sounds that really like I actually heard in a.

Speaker 1:

The last song that I heard was in a dream and I had listened to it recently, but I didn't. I hadn't listened to it enough to really know what it was. So when I woke up and I heard that song, I was like trying to replay it in my head and then I was kind of searching. I was like, oh, it's that song, that's the song I've already been pulled towards anyways, right, um, and I think that's a way you're describing you were saying, you know, it was months ago that this, this started, this started bothering my eyes were bothering me, and then my hips, and and now you're to the point where, like you said, you're kind of birthing it, like you. So it's not like it's boom all of a sudden we turn the light switch on. It's like you're getting little hints over and over that are just kind of leading you there.

Speaker 2:

And again I mean, and I owe such a debt of gratitude to this author, tricia O'Malley, because it's her books that have just blown me wide open and they're just little romance novels, yeah, you know, about witches and fairies and dragons and unicorns and gnomes and hedgehogs.

Speaker 1:

I don't know if you've listened to or talked to any of these people who talk about alien races and like they communicate with them and so forth, but there's, there's one person that I've interviewed a couple of times and she does communicate with them. She says she's a hybrid. Uh, but it was interesting because we had a brief comment about star wars. My husband loves Wars. It's on TV every day. They have so many cartoons you can't even imagine. So it's on every day. And as I was saying that to her, she said yeah, that's based on this alien race and this particular galaxy or what have you.

Speaker 2:

It's based on our client you know, yeah, right, exactly.

Speaker 1:

What I find really funny is that you know, my husband doesn't get this stuff Like he's not in, he just this is not his thing. But he kind of makes jokes like you know something about the force. And I'm like yeah, the force is real, it's not pretend. You know, it's not just used during war, we actually use it on a regular basis. You don't even know it. So there's always those little subtle hints. A friend of mine calls them soft reveals. You know, avatar is a good example. Right, that's a anybody who's in tune with any of that new, like Whoa. That is a big time visualization of it.

Speaker 2:

You know, yeah, yeah, completely, completely, so yeah.

Speaker 1:

So let me, as you're telling this story this is what it reminds me of, um, over the last month or so I've also had some major energy shifts and it's involved family. We went on a trip and, um, essentially what happened was I got triggered, wasn't because anybody did anything necessarily wrong, it was just the circumstance caused me to get triggered. And it wasn't just a light trigger, it was like let me put you back in this situation that you had as a child, that you really didn't get to deal with. You know, here I am 46. Right, and um, anyways, it it to me every now and then. I just get these glimpses, largely because we just got married, so it's sort of new right. But these glimpses of, wow, look at your issues compared to my issues and his issues and her issues, and it is like you know, I can kind of have like this feel, for you can sort of see the subconscious stuff, but sometimes you know it's hard, it's elusive, and just looking at the dynamics of all of it and just looking at the dynamics of all of it, so I pulled myself to him. We eventually get married.

Speaker 1:

Like this is not lighthearted. This is quite an involved process, involves a lot of people so that I could get in the car and be triggered perfectly right, so that I could have this reaction. So are you? Well, I know that you just kind of went through that, but are are you able to see how you feel a certain way in response to learning this stuff? But can you see that your role is a? It is a specific role for you, but they played roles for you as well. Like is Totally.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, totally yeah, uh-, uh-huh, and you know, and so, especially like for this one, you know, I had to go give gratitude to every one of those men that allowed me to be their love mentor, to help them open their heart. Yeah, um, and, and, and all of them didn't get it with the immediate next partner. Yeah, they come to me in my dreams. Over the last week I've had one after another in my dreams, and one of the guys so, and this one I'm telling myself here, but this was an affair that I had with a married man. He had just gotten married, he was a newlywed, and I mean, and there was not, there was no commitment at all in this, this was just purely lust, and you know, and it went on for years.

Speaker 2:

It was an ongoing thing the whole time we worked together. We were co-workers for several years and then after that I left the company and we kind of lost contact with each other. You know, but you know he was already married you know, with his wife.

Speaker 2:

But he ended up later on having another affair with another co-worker and he fell head over heels in love with this woman. That was. It was about ready to wreck his marriage. And I only found out about this much later from a mutual friend, um, because I haven't seen this guy in years. Um and um, she was killed in a car wreck and it derailed him Somehow or another. His wife stuck through this with him because they were, I think, meant to be twin flames or whatever, or maybe, in their case, soulmates, because it was a learning thing. And they're still together today. They both retired. You know I mean, this has been over 20 years ago that all this stuff happened, you know. So it was. It took that second teacher for him to get him to go.

Speaker 2:

Oh shit, maybe I need to look at what's in my own backyard, kind of thing, and appreciate that.

Speaker 2:

I don't know, but anyway, came to me in a dream and in the dream I was, um, it was a billboard and it was like celebration of life for this person's name and I looked at the billboard. I thought, whoa, I wonder if he's dead. I need to Google this. Of course I'm asleep, the dream goes on and I go into a building and in the building there's a sign on the wall celebration of life, this person's name in a day, so that's twice. And I was like really I need to Google this. And I went out of the building and as I'm walking out of the building, there's this big, you know, like in Tallahassee, these big oak trees that you know hang to the other ground and everything, and like the Cheshire cat in the tree is this guy and he's just smiling at me and nodding and I was like, oh, you did get it, you finally learned the lesson and we're celebrating your life because you got it. And I woke up.

Speaker 1:

That's pretty cool. So you know, I don't know if I told you, but I'm doing a dream interpretation class. Oh, cool yeah. So, uh, my mind's going all over the place with that.

Speaker 2:

but but he is still alive. I did Google him when I got up. Okay, yeah.

Speaker 1:

And I find that I I've also. I found myself actually dreaming and almost like analyzing it, as I'm dreaming of. You know, like last time. I dreamed that I was, uh, two nights ago. I had a dream that I was gonna move these cars and I started to do it, but then I was getting too close, I need help. So I needed to, either to move some of the cars or I needed to do it, but then I was getting too close. I need help. So I needed either to move some of the cars or I needed to get somebody to help me or something. So I tried to go get help and then I um, nobody responded. So then I was like, okay, I'm going to channel on it when I'm taking formal training and channeling. I now know I've been channeling, right, this is just a more formal Okay. So I was like okay, I'm going to channel. So then I went into this channel mode and then they almost like came into the channel and like were checking to see what I was doing, and then I came out of it.

Speaker 1:

So I knew that I wanted to go back into that dream and try and do the thing I was supposed to do, because that's what you should do. So I tried to go back into that dream and then last night my dream was like all about channeling and I was getting all different kinds of stuff. But yeah, I actually wound up waking up early. I don't know if it was the moon or whatever it was, but I wake up like really early today. But it's trying to figure out how do you kind of put that information that's coming into you from a dream, how does that apply to reality? That information that's coming into you from from a dream, how does that apply to reality? So for it to be up high, the person to be up high means that they're a guide, right, so they're giving you that information that you needed, which is this and essentially so, when was that dream? Um, like three nights ago, and how long has it been since you did your? It's been about five days since you did that session.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, and then the very next night, different guy. This was a guy that I was in a relationship with for about three years and I really did think I loved this guy, you know, and I thought, but again, this is one of those ones where I knew that he was just marking time, that I was not his one, and, um, he ended up I kind of caught him red handed in an affair and that was the end of that, you know. But in this dream he was in the dream and everything was really nice. I mean, there was no, there was no angst at all, and but I was still teaching him in the dream.

Speaker 2:

I don't, I don't remember what it was I was teaching, but I was. I was going back over it, but it had to do with, you know, life lessons and love, but yeah, and, but it was all it was. There was like nothing negative in it at all and I was very detached from it, like I wasn't in a relationship with him, I was just mentoring so have you considered yourself through this evolutionist energy shift?

Speaker 1:

have you considered yourself just um a being who is here to help, not just men? It seems to me that you help everybody through that.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I think this is my segue into coaching everybody.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, Okay, okay, yeah, that would make sense.

Speaker 2:

So I don't know. But it's just, you know, it's going to be interesting to see what evolves out of it, as I have no idea, I'm not. I'm not certainly attached to any kind of an outcome or I don't have any expectation, but I feel like I'm birthing a baby and so I wonder where that baby's going to be.

Speaker 1:

You know, yeah, well, I think you had some permunitions and we recorded some of it. You know, yeah well, I think you had some premonitions and we recorded some of it, so it'll be really interesting to see exactly. Um, you know, I really I really appreciate your frank conversation about this. This is something that I struggle with sometimes.

Speaker 1:

Um, you know, I do a lot of this energy work and I swap with people and we give each other testimonials and things, but the really heavy energy work that, like what you're talking about, the stuff where you're making big shifts, it takes time to understand what has happened, what has shifted. Where is your new thought process? You know, and for me, you know, like I can, I can say something nice about whatever experience I had with them, but that's very temporary. Energy work is not. It can be temporary, but it's not for the most part. Usually, if the intention is set by both people that it's bigger, it's going to be bigger, which means the, the consequences or the reactions, or whatever you want to call it, that comes out of that shifting can take months or years like an eclipse.

Speaker 2:

Yes, very much like an eclipse. If the universe has shifted today for all of us, we won't really probably know for six months.

Speaker 1:

No, and you know, when the nodes shift like they are, I mean this is an eclipse, but it's a new moon, but it's specifically in a very spiritual nakshatra. It's in Pisces and the way that I calculate it it's in Pisces, and so it is going to be a really spiritual shift and I'm a Pisces, yeah, so it's probably going to be a big big thing for you and it's going to be a big thing for me because I'm a Virgo rising. So it's in the house.

Speaker 2:

The other side of that seesaw.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, right, the other side of that seesaw. Yeah, but I think there's a lot to be said for the authenticity of even people who are very veteran and doing this energy work. You know, it just takes time.

Speaker 2:

You just you can't articulate everything right away no, no, I mean I, I think I've done a good job for myself. I pat myself on the back just for getting out to you what I've gleaned so far.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, the energy shift that I had started in March, one of the first things. So I call it like like, I think there's definitely that birth phase. So there's the. The pre-phase, which I would say in this conversation, was your eyes and your hip. You knew something was happening. Maybe you weren't consciously aware of it, but we now know the precursor to all this. So maybe that's like the pregnancy phase.

Speaker 1:

Then you have the, you have the main event. That's like slapping you in the face. Okay, you better pay attention to this, because if you don't, it's just going to come back, right. So then you have that phase and then for me, it's like you've got to have a recovery period. And then you have like an assimilation or an application period, and then you have more of like what does it really mean in my life? You have more of like, what does it really mean in my life? And so in those, I would say, after the recovery period, but really before I got into any of the next part, I realized I had to write something because, because, writing a book about this, aren't you darling?

Speaker 1:

Maybe you've just outlined it, but I just wrote the uh, I just wrote a blog about this because I recognized being in the situation that I was in, because it was so perfect for me, right, like it was highly emotional and it was exactly what I needed to be able to see this and it forced me to recognize oh, here's this subconscious thing that I have not dealt with. It's going to slap you in the face. Do you know that? I finally realized. It finally occurred to me. I said, oh my gosh, I have been begging for months, years, almost to say.

Speaker 1:

I need to understand how these things get in the subconscious. What do they feel like when you've got something in the subconscious and then it comes out in the real life? And so this was painted for me in a picture, in real life form. So I'm like, okay, I totally write this down so that other people can understand it hopefully. So that's what I. That was the first thing I did, and I knew and I get, I get told things like that. I just know I have to write something. But, um, for other people really, I mean, it sort of is, but it's, you know, sometimes it's really just for yourself. But this wasn't completely about processing only. It really was. I feel like other people should understand.

Speaker 2:

Exactly, I mean, the second book I wrote came out of a nervous breakdown, literally. I mean today they would call it like a dark night of the soul. But for me it was really a nervous breakdown and it happened in a grocery store parking lot and I started crying and couldn't stop for no reason, you know.

Speaker 2:

I mean, I had a perfectly good life, I thought, and in that grocery store parking lot, when I finally kind of got my act together enough to I could go in and buy the roast. Um, I realized that, uh, you know, I'm in a big shift and I don't know who I am anymore.

Speaker 2:

And these are not tears of sadness, these are tears of fear, yeah, and cause I don't know who I am anymore and if I don't know, nobody else does. And I made a commitment in my car to blog that and to chronicle it and then use that as a workshop to help other people. And At the time I was eating women, you know. But it ended up being my second book. Reframe your World was the, the, the catalyzing moments and the process that I went through to dig out of that big hole.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so yeah, I don't think that's uncommon, I think that's a it's, I don't know. It's just different how we come up with things and how, how do we process? You know the subconscious stuff. You don't even always have a feeling about it. You can be aware of it. You can have a feeling, even makes it into words. Right, you, you have the feeling. But if, if you don't allow it to go through that process of manifestation or whatever you want to call it to go through, then you're still stopping the energy and it comes back.

Speaker 2:

And when you stop the energy and it gets all up. It makes pain. It makes pain in the butt.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I actually. You know, I started on this physical plane so I'm very connected to my body. I didn't realize that it was, but I am Regardless of any of this stuff. Really, before I even got into any energy work, I played sports in college and I overused my shoulder, didn't know it was chronic pain, didn't even know it was pain until after my husband died and I was like you know what my shoulder does hurt.

Speaker 1:

But I, when I make it up to Montana, I started working with a P which is a personal trainer, but he was different one in that he did something called muscle activation technique. Well, I had become a massage therapist, so I had an idea of what that was and I really liked the way it was kind of set up and through I did work with him about a year and through that experience what I discovered was if I paid attention to what the signals were physically in my body so that would be pain, discomfort, something off, you know something like that and I told him which is what he wanted me to do at the moment. What he would do with this technique is then you say, okay, do it a little bit more, let's make sure it's there. Yes, it's still there. Yes, that's the problem. Okay, now go get on a massage table and we're going to palpate the muscles that are involved in that joint movement. Okay, so depend on what joint or what movement it was. Yes's what you got Every single time for a year it either moved, got better or completely went away, just with palpation. Okay, so that's just a physical, manual manipulation.

Speaker 1:

But through the conversations with him, I started to recognize like I can remember being a child and like doing something physically and be like oh, that hurts my pinky. You know like sometimes, like this morning, I walked up the stairs and I was like, oh, my left foot feels weird. Obviously, this muscles aren't functioning properly and I've taken two or three more steps and it kept hurting, but then it went away. Um, what I noticed is that as a child, when I would do that and I'd be playing especially playing a sport in my brain I was just like, oh, that let's say this the pinky finger, oh, the pinky finger hurts, I'm not going to use it, I need to hold it like this. So then I would do the next move in a different way to compensate. So everybody nobody knew that I was having a pain in a weird place and you can even do it Like I was thinking, like rowing.

Speaker 1:

You know, if you're doing the crew movement, you know there's a lot of motions involved and if you're pushing, nobody knows if you're pushing with your right foot or your left foot, right, it's the same, yeah, so, but that's that's not paying attention to what's going on in your body Right. And when you pay attention, like your eyes or your hip, if you pay attention to that, turn around and ask it, then you can actually get some answers. But I noticed that the sensations that I felt that I would have associated with pain are really just energy moving. And when I'm not moving right, well, okay, right, it's not energy moving, it's a.

Speaker 1:

I would say it in terms of like art, where you say it's contrast. So, like a lot of people say things like negative energy or bad energy, no, to me it's like, okay, there's a difference between this energy over here on the right and the difference between that energy on the left. I don't know that we should actually go to the point of saying good or bad, but they're different. So you're just looking for contrast. But if you actually pay attention to that, the shift in that because that is a shift, it's something that's changed, yeah, and you respond to it early, then you don't have quite the dramatic effects. Exactly, yeah.

Speaker 2:

So my hip pain started with my left foot, okay, and I got one of these plantar wart things and so I was walking, funny, you know, and I went to the podiatrist, had it treated, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. But I was walking funny to not make it hurt, yep, until it became chronic and started. I started walking wonky. I was walking side to side like this instead of just straight, you know, moving my legs like a normal person would do.

Speaker 1:

So really you could say, I know I think I don't think my family thinks I'm crazy for this, but really you could say, anytime anything happens, if you were to look up the metaphysical reason behind it, if you could kind of like look at that and actually see, oh, I have, like your foot is supposed to be about your path in life, when are you going Right, Like there's something that's causing you to stop or you're doing something that's that's getting in the way and it was my left foot, so it would be my female path.

Speaker 2:

Ideally yes.

Speaker 1:

So yeah, I mean, and it's this, that stuff is also vague to me. I mean, it can tell you a little bit but unless you actually put like more concrete words.

Speaker 2:

It's hard to fit, it is hard to figure out. I mean I still do it. I mean I I have not dug out louise hay on this and I should have well, there's a lot more people now that have written in.

Speaker 1:

I think she's the first one right who did that, like, uh, the hypnosis stuff that I do, um, the daughter of Dolores, julia. She has a whole book on that too, but I mean you can even look in Chinese medicine. You could look on all different kinds of places.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, there's something called German new medicine that has all these things for that too. I've never studied it, but I've heard that it's profound.

Speaker 1:

For me, it's like anything you can get your hands on to give you a clue as to what to then turn around and look at.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, exactly Cause I want to know. I've on to know the truth.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, ready to move that energy, cause it's not always good to have it stuck there. Well, thank you so much for sharing that, that story. I think that's a beautiful way of uh, more personally depicting what energy feels like, because I spent a lot of these interviews trying to figure out how can we show people what it feels like when energy shifts? How can we show them what it like? What is it like? And that was a really I haven't had a personal story quite like that, so thank you Well.

Speaker 2:

I'm just your weird friend Blair. All my friends are weird. Oh lord, have mercy. But you know I'm I definitely feel lighter, um and um. You know, I mean I'm still dealing with the hip pain. I went to the physical therapist today but it was because I was digging out my yard and, you know, pruning old azaleas and hauling stuff up the hill to the street and all that kind of stuff and I overdid it this weekend. But yeah, I think it's starting to move out.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you kind of feel the directions shift. It's just like it's starting slowly with other things and then coming in. Then you've got that peak, that climax.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I'm having more hours without any pain at all than I was having, say, a week ago.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so that's physical evidence that it's actually shit. Totally, yeah. Send inquiries, suggestions for new discussion topics and comments to podcast at happylioncentercom. That's podcast at happylioncentercom. If you found this content enjoyable or helpful, please comment, like, share and download. Donations are appreciated and help us to produce more of similar content. Consider making a contribution at the links in the description box. Your support is greatly appreciated. The views and opinions expressed on this podcast are those of the speakers and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of the Happy Lion Center and are not intended to malign any religion, ethnic group, club, organization, company, individual or anyone. Thank you.