Mystical & Infamous

Geometry of the Heart with Chris Fabish

June 11, 2024 Blaire Stanislao @Happy Lyon Center Season 3 Episode 25

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Ancient secrets of sacred geometry can unlock profound healing.  Quantum healer and reality coach from New Zealand, Chris Fabish joins Blaire Stanislao in the ongoing conversation unlocking the mysteries to the divine.  Chris tells the tale of Frank Chester and his discovery of the chestahedron through his own personal journey that all started with dowsing. This episode intertwines art, meditation, and the creative spark within us, demonstrating the beauty of presentness and the invaluable lessons found in our mistakes.

Lastly, we venture into the realm of tensor technology and the pioneering work of Slim Spurling, exploring how simple copper rings crafted with sacred measurements can enhance our inner connectivity. Our discussion on the heart's role in emotional and physical well-being will redefine your understanding of ascension and the boundless potential of our emotions. Harness the infinite wisdom that lies at the core of your heart! 

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Blaire Stanislao:

Hello, this is Blair Stanislao with the Happy Lyon Center. Welcome to our podcast, mystical and Infamous, where we have playful and easy conversations about anything mystical, getting to the heart of all things, strange and weird. Join us in a bit of magical tomfoolery, spreading the alchemy of love and light. And now we invite you to enjoy the show. Honestly, like the Care Bear stare. Do you remember those? Yes, okay, so that's what it felt like to me.

Blaire Stanislao:

It was like you were describing using these geometric forms and, you know, shooting the energy through to that recipient, but then you said I don't need it anymore. So, and I had, I had a dream that kind of touched on this, so I'd like you to, if you don't mind you so, and I had, I had a dream that kind of touched on this, so I'd like you to. If you don't mind, you can talk about whatever you want, but I do want you to make sure that you touch on that part, because the reason being is that that seems like it's really important for people to understand that they can actually take in whatever method or whatever it is that they need to take in. It can become a part of them, and then it doesn't have to be like constant searching? Yeah, for sure. Well, tell us a little bit about who you are, where you are and what you do.

Chris Fabish:

First, Okay, yeah, so I'm, uh, I live in New Zealand, so this little sliver of landmass that we call a country or New Zealand, and, um, I am. You know it's hard. You know this is something that I always find really evolving right, this kind of how do I define myself? Um, and I'm someone that always loves to take something and evolve it right, move with it and change it accordingly, because I think that's what life's all about. Right, as we grow, we learn, right, so, um, so, so I call myself an ascendance quantum healer, which obviously I'm an intuitive practitioner and obviously I've got a number of things that are associated with that too. I call myself a reality coach, because I'm all about the individual understanding their reality in a greater way, or the greater insight, which also will establish a greater insight into themselves as well, who they are. Um, I always say, when we connect into our authenticity, we can then connect into authenticity of everything else. Yeah, okay, so do that. I also do, um, a alignment and posture correction service as well, and that was kind of something that got me into energy healing to begin with. My grandmother was a misalignment and also get corrected through either a physical manipulation, like an adjustment, like you'd go and get it at a chiropractor or osteopath. But also I've been to other practitioners that were able to do that energetically, which led to what I'm able to do, where we can do it energetically distantly. So I've got clients all over the world that we work on aligning their spine, correcting their posture, because that's the precursor to why things go out of alignment or, let's say, don't hold in place, right, they keep going out of alignment. Um, and also make energy tools, which is where I'll start with.

Chris Fabish:

In regards to these shapes. Now, these shapes, the interesting thing about that we're talking about geometry, right, or sacred geometry and the interesting thing when we really reflect on it, and also when we get older and we you know, if we have children, that we see that one of the first things we learn about is shapes and numbers. Right, and kind of take that for granted, but really, when we look at reality, reality is based on those things. All right, so so another way of calling geometry is form. Okay, it's its form and and that's actually funnily enough, where in formation comes from the word right.

Chris Fabish:

So now life is about experience, right, and experience is about taking on information. Okay, so again, you know that, that emphasis on form and geometry, shapes, and obviously then our role and what we want to do here to have that purpose in life. As we take on that experience, we convert it into wisdom, okay, and you know that's what I talk about ourselves as souls and energy. We're not just purely an energy like people go hey, I've got up and go to go, and, you know, do anything in the day, right, and run a marathon or whatever. It's not just about that, it's about an energy that has a wisdom to it, okay.

Chris Fabish:

So, and this is what really sparks me every day, it's not running marathons, but learning more about my experience, learn more about who I am, which I'm finding that there's no limitation to that right. So, so, then, that's really exciting. So so, these forms, these geometries, that's where I kind of got part of my beginnings and becoming an energy healer, with all those little uh tools in my tool belt that was mentioned there. Before I got into sacred geometry, especially pyramids and all sorts of pyramids, the Merkaba, also the Vesica Pisces, right, which is a very interesting geometry in itself.

Blaire Stanislao:

Yeah, I don't know what that one can you describe, I think. So I've heard you say there's a little bit of a. You have an accent because you're from there, right? So I think sometimes I'm hearing stuff that I'm like okay, is that the same thing? So you say Merkaba, but I have heard it say the Merkaba star. Is that the same thing, right? I think Okay, and that's like, just because we're doing a podcast, let's describe a little bit about that. So that's like almost like the Star of David in 3D form, isn't it?

Chris Fabish:

That's it. I was just about to say that. Yes, star of David, that's the other name it's given, and quite often it's a geometry that is connected to the word consciousness itself. Okay, and Merkava is actually made up of two pyramids, but they are three-sided pyramids, not four, okay, and one kind of points down and one kind of points up to try and explain that Now, a geometry that's relatively new, which is called a Chesterhedron, that's relatively new, which is called a Chester Heatring, really piqued my interest because it was essentially, you know, an elderly gentleman who was in retirement age that all of a sudden got into geometry in a really big way, learned about the platonic solids, and his kind of life mission started for him when he was in his 60s, right, um so, and he was, the platonic solids has got a six-sided form, which is the cuban, and the eighth side of form is the octahedron, and he was like, well, why, where's the seven?

Chris Fabish:

And they were just like, well, there's no seven. So all of a sudden he took it on himself to figure out, okay, there must be a seven, right, and obviously he was a sculptor, artist and he, and he was a teacher in regards to, um, you know, artist, right art teacher. So he already had the artistic viewpoint of, of geometry right to become a geometrician that's what they call. They specialize them and he took him years and years to figure out this new geometry which is really like someone inventing a new number doesn't happen, right?

Chris Fabish:

and what he came to find about this geometry? He found that it was the geometry of the heart, especially the left ventricle of the heart. Okay, and, and the more and more I learn about this geometry, the more he learned about the true, authentic nature of the heart. Okay, and, and from that, from me, learning from him, and me then getting a hold of the geometric tool which is known as the chestahedron, and applying that to my clearing work with my clients, I was learning so much through him, but also through the tool now, when people would interview that they would go how do you know this, frank? His name was frank chester, hence chestahedron. And and because you couldn't find it anywhere on the internet or there's no books or anything on the chestahedron, so new, and he grabbed the, the tool which is just made out of metal right of the chest hedron form, and he goes this taught me, and for a lot of people they'll be like well, what do you mean? That taught you?

Chris Fabish:

Well, the thing, is as I mentioned before, geometry is form and form is information, information. So it has a wisdom to it. All these shapes, these geometries, it has a wisdom to it and so you know, when you're using something of sacred geometry or, for me, the original format, even before it gets translated into geometry, which is frequencies you know it's going to teach you, and this has been my experience as well. So all of a sudden I got really interested in the heart big way, because I knew that obviously it was a connection with love, with the heart, and that really for all of us you know we might have different pathways to getting there, but eventually we kind of all want the same thing. You know, we want a life that's full of joy, happiness, peace, love, and you know, all those things are really a discernment of what is felt. It's about feel, and feel is the language of the heart, it's the extension of the heart's feel.

Chris Fabish:

Okay, and all of a sudden I was realizing I was like but as a human, most of the time I stuck up in our head and what's actually guiding us is thought, not feel. So all of a sudden I was looking into this and then all of a sudden that become part of my charts and when I was doing healings on all sorts of problems, this was coming up. What do you mean? It became part of my charts and when I was doing, healings on all sorts of problems.

Blaire Stanislao:

This was coming up. What do you mean? It became part of your charts when you were doing the menstrual stuff.

Chris Fabish:

Yeah, yeah. So the way I do my healing is I'm a dowser, okay, right. So to get to that, you know there's many, you can use a pendulum, you can use divining or dousing rods, or you, you know people use muscle kinesiology. You know we've all got slightly different ways of doing that right and some people are more visual, they see more than the general folk um and so, um. So for me, I'm a dowser and um, I learned on dowsing rods originally, but then I translated that to a pendulum because I knew you could get semicircle charts that would allow me to kind of diagnose a number of things that we need to work on that client. So that's essentially the charts that I use. I can show you actually the charts.

Blaire Stanislao:

So, for example, a chart like that, the charts, so for example, you know a chart like that, okay, so I'm just going to articulate it, since we're we're doing audio, so it's like a semicircle that's got a rectangular ish shapes that go kind of oh, let's see, it's kind of like a fan. There's like options on in different places on the fan.

Chris Fabish:

Okay, yeah, correct, correct. So yeah, and and and. Then you know my most favored chart, which you can see, it's quite battered. This one is a alphabet chart, and why I use that the most is I call it my conversation chart, because I have a conversation with my own soul. That's, that's what's guiding the process, and I would say our soul is our, our expansive aspect of ourself and I, and and also it's our authentic self, okay and um, because it's not kind of being wavered by the world, how it's conditioned us to be or or to perceive things and um, so it has a ability to see the bigger picture right, not kind of get trapped or taking down little routes that kind of take us like what you're talking about is like distraction, so that I we I just had a conversation with somebody about that it's like the things in life kind of distract you sometimes from the bigger picture, and I just wanted to add in there you're talking about, you know, connecting to your soul, and the way you were describing it it really does.

Blaire Stanislao:

It reminds me of, like, um, when something's happening in your life and you know that something is off. Why do you know something is off? Because it doesn't align with that part of you, and so being aware of what is an alignment to that part of you or not, it's really like a bigger awareness of a wiser part of you.

Chris Fabish:

That's it, and for me, that is how something feels. For me, that's it, that's it, and and and for me, that is how something feels. Yeah, you know that for me, that's our greatest discernment.

Chris Fabish:

Again, getting back to the heart, right, is this aspect that, and I always say, the seat of our soul is our heart yeah you know, it's like so when my heart is communicating to me, like through feel, through, I would say a knowing is the key word there for me, and it's simple because the heart knows simplicity.

Chris Fabish:

A lot of the times we get very, as you say, we kind of get distracted through the complexity of the mind and its thoughts. I have so many people that come to me and they go hey, chris, okay, I might not see your camera on your charts while you're dowsing, but you're getting answers super quick. You're dowsing on a chart that's got letters on it and you're getting words and sentences within seconds and I go. That's because what I find a name I use is dowsing. Right in regards to dowsing is usually because we're trying to control the process, because we're doing it from the mind and its thoughts, and sometimes when we just drop and fall into our heart, then again we just enable that simplicity and we allow and surrender ourselves to that guidance and then it just comes out effortlessly.

Blaire Stanislao:

Yeah. So I'm actually in a channeling class now and as I'm doing that I'm recognizing more than I've been able to do that before and I've done it before, just didn't have all this formality around it. But I lead a meditation group and do it several times a week and basically you become friends with the people who are there and so you kind of listen to what's going on with them, because it's always connected to you. And I hear repeatedly which is very common people questioning that part, and I know that experience. Of course I've done it too. But I would say you know, when you do go into that heart space and you do go into the feeling of things, all the other chatter which I still experience on a regular basis, you know, just take a deep breath and allow you know to talk, but just put it in the background or something. So when you get into that hard space it does eventually, it does just quiet, and then you can get the real answer and it usually is that short, to the point, you know could be just one word.

Chris Fabish:

Yeah, yeah, there's a common expression. What you're talking about there is to get to the heart of the matter, right, we're just going to put heart in there, right? So, just get to the heart of the matter, don't worry about the superficial stuff, let's just get to the core, the origin of the thing. And yeah, yeah, for sure and I think you know also what you're explaining there is, when we quieten everything out is a meditative state, right, and this is something I talk to my clients about. Is this aspect that you know meditation is deemed a practice and you know you have to go away and go and do it, right? Yeah, um, for me is like you know, as I mentioned earlier, I like to take something and run with it, evolve with it, and I look at that and I go yeah, that's great, you can do that, you can go and do a meditation. But what about if you're busy for that day and you don't get to the meditation and all of a sudden you notice people start to beat themselves up and they're like, oh, I don't feel good because I don't get to my meditation. We kind of become dependent to that practice.

Chris Fabish:

Now, for me is again, we can use that word to get to the heart of the matter, of what meditation, what, what enables us to get there, to that meditative state, which actually is our natural state state of being? Um is because when we drop into the heart, that's that's the state of being now. Um is that there's two core principles to meditation, right, and one is generally we remove our attention off the distraction right, to come back to that word you mentioned earlier. So that's why a lot of the meditation, they'll get you to close your eyes, right. And then the second one is quite often meditation practice, they'll say, to focus on your breath, and for me that is to bring your awareness back to self, bring your self-awareness back.

Chris Fabish:

so when you apply, take those two principles and apply it to your every moment way of living your lifestyle, then all of a sudden you provide a more sustainable way of applying what was once a practice, but now as a way of being yes and I'm I'm all about trying to keep things as simple as possible and also getting something that can be sustained yeah, because humanity generally has a sustainability problem on all facets, and and I feel like that's because we generally try and put something together through the complexity of the pathway we use to perceive and process everything from mind thought, when really we need to drop into the heart and apply things that are more in alignment with that pathway of getting into the heart, which is then presenting a state that supports us, not working against us all the time.

Chris Fabish:

So, again, that connection of the heart, so important. A lot of my work is based around that. It's based around trying to connect that client back into their authenticity, trying to get them back into the heart, because all of a sudden, things get more simple. As you say, the mind shatter. Right, that's always going to be there. One thing we need to know is we need to know that, yes, it's there, but I don't necessarily have to apply my attention and my intention towards it, which means the feedback for more of that comes through.

Blaire Stanislao:

I think feed is a key word, because if you're trying to lessen the intensity of a frequency, you can't do it by completely avoiding it and you can't do it by basically berating it right, like you have to just give your attention somewhere else, so you're kind of sucking away the frequencies that are going towards it. You've got to redirect them.

Chris Fabish:

Yeah, yeah Well, the tap of manifestation never turns off right. So for me, it's not an aspect of let's work on being able to manifest Everyone's doing it all the time. It's more about being aware of where your creative energy is going to and what it's going to create. And for me, that's why you know being in the heart so important, because it emphasizes your self-awareness, which means you become more aware of the choices in which, where your energy is going to, so you really funnel it into the areas that that your heart desires, right, the things that you do want more.

Blaire Stanislao:

It's really interesting that you say that, because so I I do. I do have a degree in art, but that doesn't, that's not. I'm just saying that so that people understand that I have extensive experience in creating things, right? Yeah, so in when you're studying art like that, you and I think this is why the, the, the man that you're talking about, chester- that's his last name.

Chris Fabish:

His first name, yeah, that's his last name, okay so why he was able to get there.

Blaire Stanislao:

Because, kind of, what you're talking about, and in many different ways, is addressing the creative process, I'm gonna say, because the creative process is essentially you have to, really what you have to do. Now I know you go into the heart, like you open up and, in addition to the fact that usually creative people are okay with, are more okay with mistakes and people who have restriction around creativity, because to be creative, you just go in there and you try it and if you mess it up, really the best thing to do is like, oh well, how do I fix that? And then then you're open again. Right, you're trying to figure out what is it that I do now? Next, that I've got this thing that I don't really like, which is the same thing as creativity. But you do have to go into that open state and actually, as I was getting my degree, you have to do these things called critiques, which is, like you know, you have a day of projects too, and then we all sit around and kind of like talk about how does it look and did it accomplish the goal or what's the feeling of it, or whatever, and it causes doing that process causes you to pay attention to what's there. So during a critique, you describe, you would say, like the circle shape and the top right corner.

Blaire Stanislao:

Now what I've learned after that is a lot of people are not comfortable saying here's this thing that I observe in this location. This is how it feels, like they've just not even want to talk about it. I'm just going to go straight to whatever their patterns are. But if you can talk about that, that's kind of pulling your attention to what's there in front of you. And then you have to talk about how you feel. You know, how, how does the image come across? Why does it come across like that? Um, and that's it's very similar to the meditative state that you're talking about, because it is being aware and also over, like when I first I so I, you know, I've looked up the word meditation.

Blaire Stanislao:

What I understand meditation, by definition, to be is simply to be thinking. Okay, so are we thinking? Yes, we're thinking about things all the time. So I remember feeling I think there's this, this overwhelming. I think as humans we think, we learn. You know, we're raised to believe there's a certain way of doing things. But when we don't do them right, like we think we're doing meditation wrong. Right it's, you can't get it wrong unless you don't do it Right.

Blaire Stanislao:

So the what I decided early on, before I got into any of this stuff, is I was trying to heal. My husband had died. Okay, and I'm listening to all these people talk. All of the answers are meditation from everybody, everywhere. Okay, like, okay, well, let's try to do this. So eventually I just kept listening to over and over, and I think it was Deepak Chopra said something one time and I was like, oh, I've been meditating my whole life and didn't know it. You know, and it didn't have to be in this position and it didn't have to be, you know, doing a certain way. It was just, you know, getting to the space that you're talking about, yeah, being present with it yeah, I, I, yeah, exactly I.

Chris Fabish:

I think there's yo, we were talking about spirituality, we're talking consciousness work, which, you know, a lot of people in that field they know about meditation, or that might be a entry point into that and there's kind of a conventional kind of image things have which is, for me, is very superficial. And I think, as you say, with meditation, you know, if you say the meditation to someone, they're already visualizing cross, sitting on the ground, cross-legged and going home. You know, and and that's that's really. You know not really what meditation is about, because for one person's meditation might be going for a walk. One person might be in the garden getting their hands in the soil and being grounded. One person might be walking through nature, like a forest, or along the beach. So it might be one person is playing squash and all they're focusing on is running after that ball on a squash court. So you know it's going to be different for everybody. It's more a sense of presence, a presentness. You know that it's providing and so you know, for me, you know, meditation is about providing a state of being, a meditative state, and that is simply letting go of the control of the mind and its thoughts, which then allow you to fall into your heart, and and that expression of falling to your heart is the same as the fall in love, right, yeah, because love comes from the heart, right? So, and there are certain people that will come in your life that have that ability to trigger your ability to fall into your heart, and a lot of people will focus all their attention on that person and say, hey, they love me, they love me, this is the love I'm feeling. But a lot of times in that situation, the love you're actually feeling is just more of your authenticity coming through, because you're allowing keyword there is allow your heart to open.

Chris Fabish:

So so, for me, meditation's about the heart, meditation's about feel, and this is why the opposing polarity mind and that thought start to just slide away, just goes. They just start to fade away, right, right, and everything quietens. Because sometimes, when we start to talk about distraction, that distraction can be that aspect of just mind, shatter thoughts all the time, and that's what you hear from people that are trying to do meditation and can't get to a meditative state because they see meditation out of doing from up here, but meditation is actually the thing that wants to get rid of that and get you into the heart, into a state of being. So meditation. You won't be able to successfully get to a meditative state out of doing, yeah, right, and that's why a lot of people don't get to that space right of a meditative state. Um, because they're trying to do it through doing instead of realizing. Actually, the shift that needs to take place through that is to get out of doing and get into being, which is yes, yeah, that's what I was thinking.

Blaire Stanislao:

And, um, I, when I said I, I, oh, I realized I was doing it all the time. You, you said several examples, but I just want to add to those. So, like being creative, if you enjoy making something, you're just like in the zone, right, like you're in your place, or whatever it is you do. My son gets lost in his own world, you know, in his mind. But for me, the part that really nailed it was was, uh, I remember being in high school and riding my bike a lot and my friends would give me a hard time because I would do it every day for like an hour or more and they would harass me and I would say I'm absorbing.

Blaire Stanislao:

So I'm just kind of like pushing off the silliness or the attack or whatever. But in truth that is exactly what it is. It's like you're being completely present and it's like you're being completely present and then whatever is happening, you're just experiencing it. And you know, I don't know if you've heard of this book, but I actually haven't actually read the whole book, but I did see Bruce Lipton in person and I bought the book because I really liked the ideas behind it. But he has that book called the Honeymoon Effect and essentially what you're talking about in terms of falling in love. It's really just like you said, getting in alignment with yourself and then remembering you know essentially you love yourself more than anybody could possibly know.

Blaire Stanislao:

It's allowing yourself to be there and in that moment you're kind of in the now so you're you're totally aware of what's going on, you're not worried about the future or the past, and it's kind of being there and breathing presence. So it's it's very similar to being meditating. You know, be meditating, it's what's it's just, it's, it's be.

Chris Fabish:

You're talking about a state of love. Yes, you're. You're passionate and you're in love with what you're doing at the time, which I never. I don't really like saying we're doing right, because being right so but uh and um, you know it's all.

Chris Fabish:

It's all about love. That's what life's all about is. You know it's all about love. That's what life's all about is about, you know, spending more moments. You know about what you love, you know, which means, then, your energy, your creative power, your energy is going into creating or manifesting more of the thing that you love, right, and that's what it's all about. Into creating or manifesting more of the thing that you love, right, and that's what it's all about.

Chris Fabish:

And sometimes you know, if we're creating, when we're caught up in our thoughts, caught up in the head and the mind, that all of a sudden, a lot of our energy gets distracted towards the worries, the concerns, the fears, which then means our energy is then going into creating more of those right. So, um, and you know, it's like my son, he's really into drums at the moment and you look at him when he's a drums, he's just in the zone, right, that's another word you know that's quite often called, but you know, used in sport, right, people will go when they're playing really well, you can just see that in this sports they'll go, that in the zone, all that, that's them being very present. There's nothing interfering right. There's, there's, no, there's no complexity of mind, thoughts, or what are we going to do in five minutes time, or what was I doing yesterday? None of that's all about completely being present, and for me, then that brings. Whatever field that you work in or you do brings out your true highest potential.

Blaire Stanislao:

Yeah, so tell me, how does getting into that space then you, how do you? How do you explain getting into that space being, I mean, you're interested in this chestahedron, so that's your, that's a vehicle through which you can get more into the zone. So tell me how. What's the experience of you, say, learning from the geometry, like you were saying that he had, he had learned it from that, and you obviously have done that too. So tell me about that experience. Like what is that experience where you're getting in the zone, you're really enjoying this and you know you're learning from that geometry?

Chris Fabish:

yeah, yeah, it was very much connected to what I mentioned before. Right, I take something and I like to run with it, right, it's like okay, because for me, I'm not. I'm not interested in limitation, I'm not interested in a, you know, hitting a ceiling. I, I I'm interested in learning new things all the time, right, and and they could be things that I'm experiencing on a day-to-day, uh, occurrence. It's not like I'm having to fly somewhere else or another country, I need to experience something else. No, it's, it's. It's about living simply, and it's about like, let's, let's get more to the heart of the matter, of these things that I'm experiencing moment to moment, day to day, and learning something new about them, right, learning more about them, right. So, as I connect further into me, I connect further more into everything else around me, right? So then I start to realize that all my experiences I'm having through other people, right, are all opportunities for me to learn more and grow. You know, and that's a really great place to be in, right, when you can then perceive your experience, your life, your reality in that way.

Chris Fabish:

So, with the geometry you know being form and you know, hence information, then it's my role then to take that information and convert it into wisdom. And if people out there are wondering, well, what do you mean by that? Is that you know? I always say that we live in a time right now, especially because of the internet, there are infinite sources of information out there. But what I'm generally seeing out there is that there's infinite sources of information, but humanity are conflicted and confused as much as ever, and that's because it misses that greater insight that gives you an understanding of what it truly represents, what's its purpose at the heart of that very thing, and that's what we then gain when we convert that experience into wisdom, as we realize. Yes, I'm learning that I'm taking that information on, but I have a greater sense of what it teaches me, what it really is and why it is part of my reality. Okay, so this is what led to me really becoming a reality coach.

Chris Fabish:

Right, and you know that's why I use the word reality, because I know a lot of people use the word life, life coach, because I know a lot of people use the word life, life coach, and that's why I use that, because for me, we're a creator, we've got creative processes happening moment to moment, and so we are creating what our reality becomes. So for us to understand what reality is all about is also to support that person's creative process, okay, um, and not to kind of get stuck in the little traps that are laid there out. In reality. That then means your creative process, your energy, goes into places that it was never supposed to go to, right, and within session work we call those miscreations, and quite often it's led. When we get stuck up here, when we drop back into the heart, then we can get back on track, so to speak.

Chris Fabish:

So with the, you know, like the chestahhedra and these forms, right, these geometries, I all of a sudden wanted to know more of its origin, its authenticity, right, and I was like, okay, this is a geometry, and you know, as I mentioned earlier in this podcast, that you know, as kids, we learn numbers and shapes first, right, so it's numerology and geometry. So I was like, okay, but I was realizing that the original format that then became numerology, then became geometry, was frequencies. So all of a sudden I was looking at frequencies and I was saying that this is formless energy frequencies that then, when it becomes part of reality, it gets convert into formed creation. And that's when the translation happened. With regards to geometry, okay, because the thing is, when we perceive our reality, we're using visible sight and we know that visible sight only sees 0.0035% of the electromagnetic spectrum of light, which means that's not even close to 1% that we can see of this reality.

Blaire Stanislao:

Well, technically, it's also that percentage of what we can measure with our equipment.

Chris Fabish:

That's it. Yeah, exactly exactly. So I always say to my clients I say, when you really really look at it as humans, what are we using to discern our life, our reality? Most of the time, what we see?

Chris Fabish:

couple it up with the thought process and straight away I'll say to them so hence, we're using our limitations. Those are quite limited aspects of our, our senses, right? This is why getting in the heart so important, right, that intuition, because what I found was there's no limitations applied to the heart, yeah, out of feel, okay. So. So all of a sudden, I was looking into this and um, so that took me into another place of um understanding that you know, how you mentioned earlier, I started with this, these geometric tools, and all of a sudden realized I didn't need them. And this was the the point where I started to get into the precursor to geometry, which is frequencies itself. And I realized that when we open our heart, we facilitate more of ourself as the soul, as a consciousness. It's us facilitating more frequencies, okay, which then become the translations of the geometries we all know about. So, all of a sudden, instead of seeing that this tour's holding was what I needed, very much like when somebody uses pendulum dowsing, they go oh yeah, the pendulum's got the power in it. No, it's not. We realize it's just an extension of the power you hold within yourself. It's just about facilitating. And a lot of the times, because we're so conditioned, how do I have to be very visual about things. That's why sometimes we have to start with those physical, tangible things to get us going. But once we get going we realize actually, oh no, this is just a training wheel, yes, an extension of my own power. So all of a sudden, when I realized about how I could facilitate all these frequencies, all these geometries we know about, that comes through me, then I realized that all of a sudden my job or purpose as an intuitive assinance, quantum healer, reality coach, is to get more of my clients connecting into their expansion, connecting into their soul, more that bring through all those energetics. So so all of a sudden, um, that took me into another um technology that I create tools with and we call that tensor technology.

Chris Fabish:

Okay, and um, tensor tools, um were originally brought forth by a guy called slim spurling in the early 90s, about 1991, and essentially what it is. It's using copper wire, where you take a length of copper wire, you bend it back on itself and then you put it into a drill and you get the drill to spin and it twists the wire. You get that line of twisted wire and you cut it to a specific measurement which they call in that community, a cubit, c-u-b-i-t, and obviously that's connected and associated with mathematics as well the word cubit and also geometry, because it's a sacred measurement, like sacred geometry. Then what you do with that line line, you then make it into a loop and you bring the ends back on itself and you, you know, solder or braze or weld those two ends together to create a closed loop. Then all of a sudden you've got a tensor ring, what they call a tensor ring.

Chris Fabish:

Now, that tensor ring, because of it, the qubit measurement is the important aspect of it, because what that will become now is a physical anchor that allows frequencies through it, through that space, within that closed loop. Okay, so all of a sudden I was like okay, I want a technology that is not about a translation anymore, which is the geometry, but more about bringing through the original format, which is frequencies itself. And what I did with my tensor technology is I was getting intuitively guided through certain measurements to make tents of rings or tents of products. That brought forth more of that client's consciousness through the heart.

Blaire Stanislao:

So again, they are training wheels, but they're training wheels not in providing that person with energy that exists outside of them, but more about bringing through more of what they have already have so when somebody uses the, the, the tensor technology, okay, the ring, let's just say the ring, yeah, you, when they use that I'm assuming that you can tell us this what does it feel like? So, first I want to say what you were just describing, especially with the tools, is you know, as you learn, like I'm learning per se, I'm putting quotes, air quotes here, learning to channel? Really, what I'm doing is learning more specifically what different feelings I'm putting words to different feelings. So like um, yes, I think we said yesterday we did a class and we're practicing channeling and there's somebody in the room there who can sense, or he's aware of um, what is happening with the channeling. Like, is your, is your connection weak? Are you in your head? You know, like, what are you, what are you? What kind of method are you using to get your information? So we're practicing that and he can kind of tell, and so he'll just speak up.

Blaire Stanislao:

At the time We'll say, okay, your connection is a little off, are you two in your head? Or he'll say something, right? So when he says things to me, I already know that I'm off, because I have a tendency sometimes to go into my head and then it turns into this frankly annoying conversation in my head, and so I, you know, kind of have to just experience, okay, because some of mine is I actually get, um, thoughts which sometimes sound like, feel like, they sound like conversation and, as we all know, you can have stream of consciousness where you know, 15 minutes later you're, you're on a totally different tangent. But I, I can recognize when, sometimes, when those thoughts they just feel different, like they just feel frankly I mean this word I would say is it's kind of annoying, it's like this annoying person that won't stop talking, it's like that monkey mind, and so if I do a practice that kind of gets me back into the heart, then I get, and, as I have experienced in this channeling class, he's when I do that, then I've got the connection again right.

Blaire Stanislao:

So the tools that you were talking about, you know learning to do, use a pendulum. I've done a little bit with a pendulum and I saw exactly what you saw and, of course, I think, a lot of logical quote. Logical people would say, okay, if, if you're holding this, this stone or whatever it is, at the end of the, this chain, you know you've got these little micro movements in your hand, you're still moving, you're breathing that kind of thing. Well, of course, that has an impact, but if you watch somebody actually use it, there's a very. It's like muscle testing. Sure, my muscles are going to tense up a certain way, but they tense up differently when you say something different. Right, yeah, yeah. So my question is what does it feel like? Does it feel like just using a tool, like they just get familiar with what the frequency feels like, or yeah?

Chris Fabish:

for sure what you generally feel when, you like, I'm wearing a lot of the Tentser rings and Tentser products we make. We make pendants, okay, and why we make pendants is because, well, they're inexpensive, right? Yes, because they're not using as much time and material for me to make them, so it's more affordable for more people. But also, you can wear them 24 hours, seven days a week, which means they are working on your field more more often than not now. So so I'll just show you there, blair, but you know that they're made up of rings. This is that silver we've used. Actually, with these ones, we make some of them out of silver, give them a little bit more of a cosmetic appeal to them for some people that like silver instead of copper. And so when somebody wears, let's say, a pendant like this which are made of this tensor technology, tensor rings, quite often you know they immediately they will feel more grounded okay, this is something that we hear a lot and they feel more peaceful, they feel more at ease with themselves, right, because these are all qualities that we get when we're just talking about earlier about meditative state, about when we drop into our heart which we provide a state of being, right? So, because we're presenting more of ourself, which means that will make us feel more at home or at ease with ourself.

Chris Fabish:

Because, really, you know, we see a world out there that there's a lot of conflict out there, but the conflict doesn't exist out there. The conflict exists within the individual, and then they project that out into reality. So that conflict is really about us not being connected into our authenticity. Enough, right? Because if we're more in the head, we're disconnecting away from our authenticity. No wonder we're feeling conflicted about ourselves Now. So this is what we generally feel when people wear these types of products with attention to technology. Is that we generally feel when people wear these types of products with the tensor technology? Is that they will feel more at peace, feel more at ease with self, feel calmer. Because I deal with a lot of people that you know anxiety and those sorts of things uh, panic attacks, those sorts of things and I can explain exactly what's happening at that moment, right, because when somebody's having a panic attack or anxiety, their auric field shuts down, it collapses on them. This is why it's like you're in a room and all four walls of the room are caving in on you.

Chris Fabish:

No wonder you're getting panicky, okay so, but when we get someone, like as I say these tints of products are about bringing through more of that person's light or energy, which comes through the heart. So it's about getting them more into the heart and what we tend to find why they feel more at peace and ease and feel more um grounded is because their auric field is expanding out, expanding out, expanding out and continually expanding out. It's a bit like the symbol coming back into a symbol. I guess a geometry is that infinity symbol, right? So the infinity symbol. In the middle of it there's a cross, and then it creates these two loops on the outside. Now, the way that I look at it, our heart is that singularity that cross in the middle of an infinity symbol. Now, one of the loops is your consciousness. That exists within you on a quantum level and as long as your heart's open, you can get it through there. That creates the other loop on the other side of the infinity symbol, which then becomes your auric field, right? So see your heart as kind of that veil in the middle, right? So the more we open our heart, heart, the more we bring through more of what already exists within us. We're just tapping into it and then that then becomes represented here while we have this experience here, this human experience.

Chris Fabish:

So, so, you know, I even created a this is where you know, there's quite a few people that make tensor technology out there, but a lot of them are following people like Slim Sparling that originated this technology and using qubits. They've been around for a very long time. Where, for me, we don't use those qubits? The qubits are all measurements that I have been intuitively guided, that are connected to. You know, a lot of the things I'm working with every day, with clients who have health problems, manifestation problems, even relationship problems, um, and so I created a map, which I call the ascension map, uh, which, which is a map that depicts our expansion as a consciousness. Yes, I remember that and I'll show you Blair there. So it's there, and it's depicted in the shape of a tree, right, isn't that interesting? Because we know about the tree of life, we know Norse mythology or or history, the way you want to look at it, the yggdrasil tree.

Chris Fabish:

So, um, you know, and we talk about you know, a lot of people in the spirituality consciousness community talk about, I want to be grounded more. And it's interesting, right, because trees, what are they? They're grounded, right, the roots are in the soil and the earth, um, and you know, our consciousness is that. So for me is grounding. The ultimate ground is to have an open heart and, just like you see, there's that example earlier about hey, yeah, meditation as a practice is you've got to keep up with it, right, you've got to make time. You've got to keep up with it, right, you've got to make time, you've got to be dependent on it. But let's just get to the heart of the matter and then use the principles so we don't become dependent on something. Same with grounding right Grounding is great.

Chris Fabish:

I'd love to go running around barefoot all day and all that. But in all reality we can't do that. Whether it's the weather's it, it's snowing outside, we can't be outside for too long or, you know, we're in an office, we're in a building, we've got jobs working. So for me it's about okay, how can we create that grounding effect for everybody? It doesn't matter what situation they're in, and what we've come to find is that our ultimate ground, even before getting biff on the earth, is to open our heart. And the thing what?

Chris Fabish:

which amazing to me is we call opening a heart, dropping and surrendering the heart, our natural state, a natural state of being. And finally, when, for majority of people, when we go into nature right, natural nature sound quite similar nature is a remembrance of our own natural state. Because when we go into nature, why it feels so good is because it generally allows you to surrender those mind, the thoughts, and drop into the heart and be grounded so I want to touch on something.

Blaire Stanislao:

Um, honestly, I'm only continuing this right now because I um, because we're doing a podcast. I think ideally it would be better for people to pause. So I'm going to say, if you're listening to this, you should pause this and think about what he just said. But as we continue recording um, I want to bring this into the physical world. You use the example of having a panic attack, and I have had two panic attacks in my life and it was a really interesting experience. Of course, it was not enjoyable Anybody who's ever had that knows it's horrible.

Blaire Stanislao:

But what I find really interesting about it is, I definitely would say it definitely feels like you go away way so far into your head that you just, like reality is not there, like your reality is whatever it is you're thinking about, um, and what I find really interesting about that is the, the dramatic effect that it has on somebody's physical body, because when you're having a panic attack, that by definition, you know you've got a racing heart, you're having trouble breathing, you know it's like. There's no way to deny this as a physical response in the body, and so I think it's just an exaggerated version of what we experience as humans, where let's say, I mean I, I'm just gonna say, like you know, yeah, we have emotions, but it's the thoughts that seem to, because they're so restrictive. It's almost like that is almost what, not only thoughts, but I think it has a huge impact on dis-ease it does correct?

Chris Fabish:

yeah, because the thing is, I'm glad you use the word disease, because weren't we just talking about feeling at ease before? Right about, is peace, right? So the opposite to ease is unease, which another way of saying unease is dis-ease. So when we talk about being in the heart, we feel at ease. Well, the opposite end of that is not being in the heart, being up in our head, right, and then we're at unease. We could see it as an unbalanced state, and then we're dropping the heart. We everything balances out, right, a balanced state. So you're right on regards to panic attacks, anxiety, there's all these physiological changes which is then being experienced in the physical for sure and I always like to say to my clients.

Chris Fabish:

I say I don't like to say it's in the physical, I like to say it's in the perceived physical.

Blaire Stanislao:

Yeah, because this is how we're perceiving it.

Chris Fabish:

Yeah, because based on what we can see and all these sorts of senses right, they're involved there and I always say you know, with something like that, you know, as I was mentioning, our auric field collapses in. Now what happens is when I generally quite comes and sees, when we see that I've got a really diminished or collapsed auric field, it usually means that they are extending their creative process, their energy, into things that then only hold power over them, and what that means is their power is things outside that field. That then chokes their own field. Yeah Right.

Chris Fabish:

So they're trying to reach for that to happen.

Blaire Stanislao:

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Chris Fabish:

Because they're more up here, and when we're up here we tend to lose our self-awareness, which means then we lose our awareness of where our energy and our creative power is going to. So a lot of times then it goes into things that are not supporting us, they're working against us, and then all of a sudden that's when that phenomena happens, right, and then that'll be the causative aspect that then cause to the effect, and the effect is then what we're experiencing as what we call our physiology. Right, as you mentioned, high heart rate and all the things that we then see as part of those processes in the body. You know, my, my soul always says when it comes to health problems, you know, on the body, the physical body, is that our body is only as good as the state or environment we provide it and never said an environment that's around you, that that's disconnected from you. It's the environment you provide yourself now. So, so what that essentially means is that that becomes the precursor to then how the body will express itself, which means the symptoms. Right, because again, the way that we've been hardwired to interpret symptoms is just so far off track of what symptoms really are. Right, symptoms are messengers, they're not the problem, right, yeah, um, so, and again, you know, there's a problem just in that, because that means we're misinterpreting and misunderstanding the body, which really the body is always communicating to us for the purpose to be our ally, to help, but we vilify it because we don't understand really what a symptom is. So this precursor, then, you know, influences how the body expresses itself, symptoms, how it will behave, and relevance to its relationship with the microbes in and on the body, as well as how it ultimately functions.

Chris Fabish:

So, and generally, people try and work and treat that on that effect level without really knows it working or knowing about the causative aspect to that effect and so. So for me is like, have we run down that rabbit hole where we're chasing our the effect aspect, those symptoms? No wonder we get so conflicted and confused in what we're doing, because when we go back to the causative aspect, then all of a sudden it's a lot simpler. So it's always simple, oh, yeah, yeah. And and why that is is because when we're up here, it will only perceive the effect aspect and I want you to chase the effect aspect, but when we drop into the heart, it provides, as I say, like I said before, we've got infinite sources of information, but we lack the understanding of what it represents those greater insights. To gain those greater insights, to see the cause to the effect and hence work at it there, we need to be in the heart, we need to drop into the heart right to get to the heart of the factor.

Blaire Stanislao:

As you say. That it makes me understand that we talk about as humans is evolving. Okay, I don't know, we're just going to go off the deep end, but for some people we'll see what they say. But there's this idea that there's other life forms and other places in the universe, or wherever they are Right, and frequencies are much higher and they're much better at manipulating their frequencies. What I'm hearing you say is that the the ability for humans to evolve, to be better at managing their frequencies is the key is to go into the heart, because there's so much more ability for us to, when we're in that state, to perceive other frequencies that we cannot perceive with the mind or with the eyes or any other facet that we have, um, so we're able to open up to those frequencies and then actually, like you're talking about learning from the geometry actually learn from them to be able to do that. So, almost as that's the key, ascension really is to go. It is, it is the key to ascension really is to go into it.

Chris Fabish:

It is, it is the key to ascension is actually facilitating every aspect of you to be represented here. Okay, so so for me? For me, it's not even ascending up to the stars. It's about ascending what exists on a quantum level within you and bringing it up to the surface, and the surface is the heart.

Blaire Stanislao:

Okay, can you expand on that? Yeah?

Chris Fabish:

So, okay, can you expand on that? Yeah, so, so your, you know, the quantum, you know, is when everything gets smaller and smaller and smaller and smaller. So that's, I always see the heart, you know, we see the heart as this organ that has a rhythm and a rate to it, and we must understand that is from a limited you know, our limited faculties of what, how we perceive that. Right, we're seeing really a less than one percent representation of it, right so, but in its true, authentic nature, the whole hundred percent. What is the heart? And what we find is the heart is actually like the doorway yeah as I mentioned earlier, it's like a valve between worlds right and between.

Chris Fabish:

Behind that doorway is this quantum aspect of you, this expansive aspect of you that is then shared and spliced over multi-realities and multi-universes. This is how expansive you really are. Now, if you're up in the mind, the mind's not going to tell you that it wants you to stay limited. But when you get into the heart and this is where, sadly, I think humanity's kind of why they're going down the AI path is because they believe they need something of a high intelligence to guide its process, when really we're just, we're not even touching on our potential because we're using the wrong pathway to get there. Yes, okay, it's other intelligence that comes through here, is kind of manipulating us to believe that we are limited and hence we will welcome it, instead of actually realizing actually what we are and more of ourself.

Chris Fabish:

It's not through here, it's through the heart. You know these cues everywhere, everywhere, even in science, right, in science, the electromagnetic field of the heart is the most expansive aspect of ourselves, much more, thousands of times more expansive in regards to the brain, yeah, but then you know, it just shocks me because when I go on google and I type consciousness or this sort of thing. I I see pictures of heads, brains. It's like, come on, people. It's like the electromagnetic field is so much more expansive than that and that is a limited heart. Generally, a lot of people have got closed off hearts and still beating the brain right. So again, you know, for me it's this exploration of our infinite potential, because when we get use the heart, we open the heart. We, we use a heart feel pathway of discernment instead of mind thought. We actually realize that now we are investing our energy into infinite possibility where, when we're up here, it's more into, into probability, which is a loop, just more of the same. And that's when we get stuck. Oh goodness.

Blaire Stanislao:

Okay, thank you so much for coming, and I'm going to ask if you would be willing to continue to continue the conversation, because there's so much more in here, and I just want to say that my next question is how do we connect the emotions to that right?

Blaire Stanislao:

because even even if we just take a simple panic attack, yes I would assume I haven't had that many and I'm not a doctor, I don't get all into that but I know for me that the beginning of those panic attacks all started with thoughts. Well, well, really start with a feeling, right, but then the thoughts that came as a result of that. So I know that there's a huge basis of even whatever is accepted in the world, as all dis-ease has a foundation in emotion, right, because that's a frequency. So I would love to address that at some point.

Chris Fabish:

Yeah, for sure, for sure, Thank you.