Mystical & Infamous

Talks with Kathie: Continuing the Soulful Odyssey

May 07, 2024 Blaire Stanislao @Happy Lyon Center Season 3 Episode 21

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There comes a moment in life when we stand at a crossroads, faced with the decision to either continue down familiar paths or to venture into the unknown. Join Blaire Stanislao and Kathie Malby, as we reveal an intimate journey of transformation, a tale woven with the threads of visualization, hypnotherapy, and the potent imagery of a lush garden. 

We delve into the convergence of energy healing and personal rituals, sharing stories that defy conventional understanding - from the vanishing of tumors during a Qigong session to the belief in spiritual surgery. It's a narrative that bridges the gap between the mystical and the corporeal, inviting us to ponder the profound interplay of our physical and etheric selves.

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Speaker 1:

Hello, this is Blair Stanisleo, with the Happy Lion Center. Welcome to our podcast. Mystical and Infamous where we have playful and easy conversations about anything mystical, getting to the heart of all things strange and weird. Join us in a bit of magical tomfoolery, spreading the alchemy of love and light. And now we invite you to enjoy the show.

Speaker 2:

I'm, you know, preparing to leave this whole life that I've had here in Montana and I'm moving to Washington. And when I first went to Barbara Good for the hypnotherapy, she's an acupuncturist here in town and she has Dragonwell acupuncture. Anyway, she does this hypnotherapy and I just love it, and I said to her I wanted to be sure to not have any blocks in the way when I move. I'm open, I don't have any idea. Why are you moving? I'm asked because I can and not because I have to. Not because I don't love great falls, I do. But there's an opportunity and I'm taking it and so I'm really looking forward to it. But I don't want anything in this transition to that I will sabotage or block in some way to inhibit the whatever is coming, you know, whatever the adventure is. So we had this about three weeks ago. We had this hypnotherapy session. In fact I've had kind of a trifecta of things that have contributed to what I came out of that hypnotherapy session with. So I had the hypnotherapy, I had a biofeedback which I'm learning about from another gal I'm not trying to implement it because I don't know where I, I don't know this much about it which is zip, and I had. I had done a training in a Reiki one and two for a gal, and I had her give me a Reiki session and it was on, it was great Anyway. And so this then today was to be my second hypnotherapy, and I'll have another, but the in that first hypnotherapy session I saw myself as a garden inside and this garden was all dried up, it was all it was, just the ground was crusty, it it wasn't, it wasn't even producing weeds. And I, I, I was looking at that and I thought what the heck? Anyway, as it all came out, and it's basically been me, I've given and given and given and there's no more. But I have this incredible amount of energy and so I just push, push, push, push, which, according to acupuncture, that is the young side and my background is Aries, you know, I have a strong male assigned and so I can move, and move, and move and keep going and not even be aware. There's nothing more. And and so that whole thing for the last three weeks, and, and with this hypnotherapy, the Reiki and the biofeedback have all fed into this garden and I keep checking on it and keep checking on it dry as a bone. So I hold down the middle of it and got some water going in it, because I mean, the top was so crusty the water couldn't get through. It was just bad.

Speaker 2:

And it working on that, that image, and and then I would have an affirmation. I've been working with and it's about I am proud of my ability to develop and grow. I'm proud of my ability to it was a rhyme To say no I'm a proud of my ability to go to let go of my proud of my ability to go slow and I've been practicing that and practicing it. In fact, when I first started practicing it, the she changed the word because she said oh, I see on your face that the word proud is not a good one for you, but with my background and the very conservative, controlling understanding that I've been given in my culture is you know you don't say that, you know you don't tell yourself you're proud of yourself.

Speaker 2:

That's conceded. So she changed the word to appreciation. So I worked with appreciation for almost two weeks not quite and then I switched to that word and I told her today. I said for three days that was so hard to write every day because I write it, I write it and then I repeat it and I repeat it, and I oh man, that was tough to say I am proud of, I am proud of, I'm proud of. Now, I'm okay with it.

Speaker 1:

Why was it tough, do you think?

Speaker 2:

Because of my culturally created self.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

You know that's. Those are the messages from childhood and religious background very strong, huge Irish family, the sisters. God loved them. You know, I just have a lot of messages there that some are right, some are wrong, some are moral, some are not. You know most whether and until I bump into them, I don't know. They're part of my worldview, right, right, yep, but she saw that right off the get go and switched. So then that gave me permission to come to it when I was ready and so so, like I said, I've been doing this garden thing and then I had this biofeedback and in that thing that I saw the garden again and I looked at it and I thought I wonder if maybe it needs some chicken poop poop or some kind of?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it needs some kind of composting because the ground isn't healthy. So I thought, okay, what do you? What do you do? That you know, and I was thinking on that and all of a sudden, very gently but very clearly, one after the other, negative memories, negative feelings, negative thoughts, negative people came flowing in and as they flew, they flew in. I thought what's that got to do with anything? And then I realized that's my chicken poop poop.

Speaker 1:

Ah, yeah, all of it. So I began to think.

Speaker 2:

So I began pulling one after the other out and I worked up that garden really good and I put that poop all over in that garden because the earth regenerates and makes what was not healthy and good something beautiful and lush. And it's all from crap, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Well, that's what we're supposed to use, you know.

Speaker 2:

And that's what I did. Is that so? And then I get done with it, and because I am this oh, let's get her done kind of person, I okay, now should I be putting some more soil in here, which I was just told? Wait, yeah, I'm tired, yeah.

Speaker 1:

It's good to go slow, yeah.

Speaker 2:

I am proud of the ability and I can go slow, okay. So I did this, this whole thing, and it's still incubating in there. So today I have the the. It came up in another session that I collaborated with a couple of other women, barbara being one for someone else, and Barbara did an explanation in there about the yin and the yang and the yang is what I operate so strong from. Because of this, you know, let's get her done, let's get her on fire, let's go daylight's burning and what I needed to be in touch with. I listened to her when she talked to this other person about this beautiful feminine side to us that belongs to the dark and is part of the night, if you want, the night sky with the stars and the moon, and that kind of dark, safe and nurturing and quiet. And I consider it uterine because it's within the uterus where life is formed and generated and has potential. So I listened to her and I brought that up today. So she took me there and so I'm walking around inside with a whole.

Speaker 2:

I never looked to this garden, but what was so beautiful in it? Because I've always been scared of the dark. I didn't talk about that today, but I wasn't scared in this there's a couple other funny little things that happen but in that she had me create a safe space in this garden that I can go to and go back to and I can spend time with it to not only look at the garden but to be in the dark. And I created I mean I just watched it create this grotto kind of effect with this beautiful stone seat and I could lay on it, I could sit on it, I could do whatever I wanted, but it was like a cave around me. So I felt really safe and protected in the night looking at this garden. And then I saw this grass form at the base of the grotto and then over to one side, this pot.

Speaker 2:

I have one like this, a big pot, and in it I have those tall grasses, those cool grasses. It looks beautiful in a pot you never try to try it anyway and at the base of it, around that pot, were all the spring flowers I had. There was iris and there was narcissus and daffodil and hyacinth all around that pot and it's sitting in the middle and there's this riot of color around. It was just beautiful. So I'm sitting there and she's taking me down further and further and further and I'm going in there and I could see was the richness and the beauty of this, this dark, and it reminded me of being a child in the laying on the grass at night, looking at the stars and feeling really safe. And you have that especially when you lay on the grass, like in August, and you know it's maybe been watered sometime during the day and it's cool, but it's got the warmth of the day still in the soil and you can feel that as a kid and you pay attention to that. As a kid, the feeling I had was that that that soil that's warm underneath but it's cool on top and it felt really safe.

Speaker 2:

Well, I have this spirit guide, my guardian angel. His name's Tony and he looks like a leprechaun. So go figure out, they just go up. Anyway, he's been with me all my life and he's kind of little and but he's feisty, he doesn't listen to me at all and he's he just takes me wherever I'm supposed to go and he's all business and he doesn't have any time, no patience, none If my questions are or wait for me, it's just, you can keep up, just keep going. And he's kind of a nervous nilly but he's, I understand that part of his, his role with me, is to learn from me too. I thought it was a surprise, although, as I've read about some of those consciousnesses that that William Rand has written about in his manuals, that it makes some sense.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, like the ones that are that have ascended, but they're not ready to go fully, but so they're here to help.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, here to help.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's what he's doing and I guess I'm helping too. So that's good. But he doesn't listen to me. I can tell you that he's in charge. He just keeps going, like I was going on this walk and I said I need help with this because I knew it, this, and he's way ahead of me. I mean we're talking about almost a block and it's scary for me, it's scary in the big world, and he's going like crazy and I'm saying wait up, wait up, and he's just just keeps going. He didn't care, he just goes, so I would keep up.

Speaker 2:

And then what was cool in this dark garden thing today was there was a cat, that a black cat that crossed across my nicely spaded, perfect looking garden, like he did it on purpose, right through the middle, and he's looking at me and his eyes are just glowing because he can see in the dark so good, and that's kind of cool about cats. But as you know, and as Janiel has instructed me, I'm to be making friends with these animal creatures and so here he shows up and I'm thinking you know, you know, I don't do cats, you know, cat knows this. And the cat just looks at me like so big deal and I'm walking across your beautiful garden and I'm looking at this cat and kind of talking to it and thinking, you know, it really is beautiful. It's pure black, pure black, that cat. And yet I could see that in that dark the moon was so huge, shining on this garden and this black cat walks across and he stops and he's sitting there looking at me Like he's important.

Speaker 2:

So I named him Midnight and I thought, oh, he's going to be back and I realized I said are you here for? Are you a guide? Are you somebody important? I need to know. And it was basically silence until all of a sudden I heard in a really kind of a deep sound like a cat that would meow no, you know that kind of a yeah, kind of with a deep voice. It was basically like it was the understanding that this is the connection I have between that world and this world. It's a connect. He was a connector that world meaning what?

Speaker 1:

what do you mean by?

Speaker 2:

that I call it Okay, okay. Some people call it heaven, some people call it paradise, some people call it consciousness, I don't know.

Speaker 1:

The cat was the connector, the connector between the this 3D world and the beyond. The veil, oh, okay, so your garden is kind of the place where you'll transition. Is that what it is?

Speaker 2:

It must be. It must be, and I'm so excited. Yeah, I haven't grown anything yet other than this down in the corner of all. By itself is this little thing created today for me to go and and be, just be. It's cool, awesome, that was. That's the upshot. Of course, I'm going to be having another one, but I'm going to give some new affirmations today to do oh, sure, when you want them? Uh huh, yeah, okay there, so my affirmations will be I am at ease with new beginnings, I am relaxed about the future, I am learning acceptance for what is. And then the things that I got in the session for myself were that I need to walk and I need to go to the garden to visit with my body, because my body has some issues, and that that was what we talked about today. She, I have this thing going on in my boots and down the back of my leg, and, and then it, there's an area where it comes up through the groin and it's all on the feminine side.

Speaker 1:

So the hypnotherapist on the on this other end I'm looking at right now, says oh, I say, oh, because I just signed up for a class on feminine and well, it's really like both of the energies, but but I mean, we talked about this before where it's. It's funny how, whatever you're working on, all the people you interact with they're working on the same thing. You know, it's just a present when they say, oh, I'm working on this thing, and you recognize, oh, I'm working on the same thing too, you know, because not everybody knows what they're working on per se. But yeah, it's really I don't know. I find it honestly. I find it almost as, almost as exciting as I do as I did when I first understood what astrology was, because the way I would have said it to my Christian friends which is the majority of them, right, I'm in the United States, I'm sorry. I mean, I think it's a science that says this is God right here. It's like in black and white, it's right here. Everybody has a unique footprint, it can be seen. You know all this stuff and you know it didn't go in for her. I didn't tell her for a long, long time, but then, when I started to try and tell her, she was like no, I can't do that. I mean, that went along. Yeah, yeah. So, but it is. I mean, that was, that was the one thing.

Speaker 1:

And actually I got an astrology, another astrology reading from someone recently and if he's really good at it, and that's a fellow that you interviewed no, I have not interviewed him. Okay, I just saw this guy looked up something I wanted to learn out or I don't really remember how, but anyway, that was watching a video, that he was talking about something and it wasn't like the superficial first level astrology stuff. It was something was a little bit deeper and he had a really good grasp of it and I liked it enough that I went and checked his website and I was like, yeah, I'm gonna get a reading from him. So we did it on life purpose and the whole reason I said all that was because in the in the session, he actually said that you know, yes, I have, I'm gonna have an inkling towards astrology, but it's actually the purpose of it is to essentially get that enlightenment, in a sense, like to further my progression on my spiritual path, which is absolutely 100% what I did.

Speaker 2:

Absolutely yeah, get it.

Speaker 1:

It's really fun. I mean, like you can find that anywhere, right, you can find whatever you need for your spiritual growth in any avenue, but that just happened to be what was mine.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, yeah, I just yeah. This was a pretty awesome session because it's it's the first time I've done hypnotherapy where I have follow up. I usually just go one and whatever needs to be done is done. You know that the one of the most profound ones I already talked about another time with you was when I had the diagnosis of cancer. Oh yeah, and I went in and I found it and I took it, I brought it home and buried it in the garden and I mean, it was a, it was a powerful thing for me and ritualistic, which I love. Ritual, yeah, it's, it's natural to humans to do ritual. I mean it's just what we do. Yeah, and that was a way to bring closure to that, that energetic piece, and then just go through the process of the surgeries and healing.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so you know, yeah, yeah, that's really good description of what the whole story sounded like, and I think that's that's something that I think a lot of people understand what that is like.

Speaker 1:

They I can't say that everybody has experienced that, but people who do work with energy, whether they're aware of it or not, I think they know when something I'll describe it this way but basically something is stressing them out and causing it's not irritation, but an agitation of the energy and they work with it. However they do whatever it is that they do, and then they, they get resolution and then they just, they just know it's over, it's done, I solved it, I worked through what I needed to work through and it's over and I don't have to worry about it. And it's to me. I think the easiest way to describe it is, if you're going through a really hard breakup with somebody and you're in turmoil for a while, right, this is the getting over recovery, yep, and pretty much everybody deals with that right at some point. So they do the work, whatever it is they have to do, and then when they come to peace, that's when you've, that's when you've done the work to let that go so it's similar in that way.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's the energetic.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, when I can tell this isn't finished. You know the thing she, you know a lot of this is is the psychology piece and it's you know what shape does it have? A color does it have? Does it have a smell? Where is it located? All that kind of stuff?

Speaker 2:

And today she asked me what did it? What it looked like, first of all, where was it located? Which was the glutes and down the back of the left leg? And what does it look like if I stand in front of it, if I stand behind of it, behind it, and if I stand in front of it looks like a seven, but if I stand behind it looks like a handle on some things, because it's shape and and and what it's. What is it made of?

Speaker 2:

And it was metal. Well, she's acupuncturist. Well, the wood, the fire, the water, the metal, the earth met, she gets it. Okay, and I didn't know, I had no clue. That's what it looked like and and she had me look at it for a long time and she's, and I did, and and she said it is.

Speaker 2:

It. Has it changed at all? I said, well, it's gone from black like, like after wrought iron, to kind of a kind of a gray color, I suppose more platinum shade, anyway, I said it's done that but I said it hasn't softened. But then she had me get in touch with a feeling of a time when I'd been totally accepted and I don't have very many of those, but I had had had a memory of a person who does that for me and I brought that there and I looked. It seems so funny to talk about it, but I looked at it and it wasn't that the iron got any softer, but it didn't feel like it was so unyielding to me. But I knew any moment it could, you know, be just iron and what. Would you know? What was its temperature? It was cold, it was definitely cold, and as I looked at it it wasn't so much that it warmed but it wasn't so cold to the touch. You know, I don't know how to say, but you know it's not as intense yeah yeah, there you go.

Speaker 2:

As, as we know, iron can be I mean, it can be really cold and and that that. When we got all finished with the session, I said, well, I, because she had talked to me about water and wood oh, was there another part of my body that could help that? And I said, or what's another part of your body that's really, really strong and could yield some of its strength to help that? That's that issue in the, in the glutes, in the back of the leg, and I said, oh, my shoulders, because my shoulders are always like concrete, there's strongest thing on me and, and from the upper part, across the back and around they are, but it's wearing on my shoulders, on on my attachment to the arms.

Speaker 2:

So she touched me on the front, here, someplace where the attachment is, and she said is it here? Or? She pointed in the middle, and then she came to the back and the front is the? Is it the large intestine? The middle was these are meridians, these are meridians where they oh, this was a lung intestine, this was another one and then this one back here was the small intestine. Anyway, when she did this one in the front, the lung intestine is the one that's the most sensitive and that's on both sides. I mean, I'm wearing them out because I've used my shoulders so much in my life.

Speaker 1:

I mean your lungs and your intestines. I don't understand the lung intestines.

Speaker 2:

I don't either they're going to, because the lungs are the water, the shoulders are wood. These are things I don't know, I'm going to learn. There's a wood and then I have the iron in the glutes in the back of the leg. So there's oh I forget what the word was she used One perpetuates the other, like water to fire, fire to earth, earth to metal, and it sounds like metals the strongest. So you have these elements in the body, elements that relate to the body, and these elements can help each other, the iron or the metal being the strongest. So when we got all finished, I mean I don't know anything about these things yet, I'm getting there, maybe. But I said, you know, I'm thinking that the clue to the whole thing for me isn't that metal is in the glutes and down the back of my leg, so much as it is a key to what it is. I need to heal, and it's in the metal somehow. The metal element. Yeah, does it Okay?

Speaker 1:

So it does because, yes, because we, essentially, when we do this work, we're kind of our process is kind of like all over the board. It's not well. The way I would describe it is it's not the way that our Western education system set things up, sets things up, which is you can only find the answers for your question in this box, right, whereas if you do energy work, it's like oh, it's here, oh, but that's connected to this part over here and that's connected to this part over here which is entirely out of the box, right, totally, I mean, we were very connected.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, they are.

Speaker 1:

That does make sense.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so I'll learn more about these elements in the body, but along with that will be something to do with these meridians. You know, and I don't do that work, I do reflexology. Those are really easy. Five zones.

Speaker 1:

I still think you're affecting meridians. I mean, I don't know if they teach it to you, but I would imagine that you're still affecting meridians.

Speaker 2:

Oh, you affect them, but thinking them is nice and straightforward.

Speaker 1:

OK, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, they're just nice straight lines. I don't have to go through any organs because they do Right and it does affect the body, sure.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, Well, that's exciting. So it's a new healing.

Speaker 2:

And to know that some of this will be cleansed before I leave. I mean, some of it will take years and I know that, but it's nice to know what it is. It brings it to the consciousness and when we're aware we can set intentions and work in that direction for the highest good that can happen there.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

I'm excited about that. Yeah, who knows what this brings, huh.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, well, I definitely think it'll wind up, which I mean I think you were kind of already on that path in terms of opening up to what are the possibilities going forward, anyhow, right? So you kind of already set that stage and I found it interesting as you were talking, the first thing you said well, this is my intention. Well, that's huge. Right, that's what's going to happen. It's going to be. You're going to be open, you're going to be receptive, you're going to be open to the flow. Yeah, so it's just really beautiful to watch people do that work. I think, and what I think is the most fun is to watch people do the work and then have the realization oh, this thing, look at that, it actually worked. And now I am open to this and it.

Speaker 1:

You know, I don't think it's actually thing. I don't think it's actually stuff that people usually share, because it's so personal. And if they share it, then they have to be honest with themselves, right? Yes, the other person they share it with, which is usually pretty hard. So, yeah, but it is really, it's really precious, and I don't even get to share that with as many people as I would like, because I do this work all the time and have these realizations, and it's like if I say that to somebody, they're going to think I'm crazy. Most people, you know, the ones that aren't involved in this stuff I actually no matter what it sounds like.

Speaker 2:

You know, maybe I might, especially at my age. Maybe we ought to be getting you a room.

Speaker 1:

I don't think so. Yeah, yeah. But I can see why. I can see why in generations past that they would have absolutely thought that. I mean, I can even remember being in Northwest Florida.

Speaker 1:

I really felt like I felt like I felt that genuinely, like I came in with a different mindset because I wasn't from there. I married somebody from that area and so for the most part, at least on the superficial level, everybody was really accepting. And then when I went in there and they hired me to do a job, and I do the job and come with my own conditioning right, like from a different place. It doesn't have their mindset. You know, I'm like, well, this needs to happen, but what? No, girls don't do that. Like what Girls don't do that.

Speaker 1:

And so I had to deal with my own issues around. Why, would you say, a girl couldn't do something? And I mean what I remember. At the time I wasn't really aware of this energy stuff, but at the time all I could think was I'm so glad I wasn't born a second earlier, because I couldn't tolerate it, this. You know the way things are in society, but yeah, no, it's interesting how these things really actually come to fruition and how people wind up dealing with them as they go through the process.

Speaker 2:

And just piggybacking off what you just said about the cultural expectations in different parts of our country, different parts of the world, among people of our own gender or people of another gender, there's all manner of exceptions that are made and it can be really hard. I honestly believe that was the basis of the depressions that I suffered in my marriage in the early years of my marriage.

Speaker 1:

Meaning it was because of cultural expectations.

Speaker 2:

Yes, and I married into them too. I mean they matched my own. What I didn't realize is it didn't match me. Yeah Me maybe, said I didn't. Even when I was growing up I didn't fit because of the. I didn't know, I thought different.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

And so no wonder it was confusing, confusing at times because I just didn't, I didn't get it. I was a kid and then a young woman, and this is what you're supposed to do and I was trained to do it. And I mean, I was trained, I was educated into. This is how you are as a woman, this is how you are as a wife, this is how you are as a mother. And if you go to work, if you do, then these are the things that have priority. And this is why I mean there were rules, mm-hmm Rules, and I it wasn't so much that I even knew to question the rules, and that was probably part of the depression that was created for me, because I didn't even know what questions to ask.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, had people say, well, why couldn't you have done whatever with my Catholicism? And because it didn't occur to me, yeah, yeah, it wasn't part of the rule house, mm-hmm, it didn't question. You just accepted that and I was, in my mind, the misfit. And it wasn't because I didn't agree with or didn't love or appreciate what I had in my life. But I remember one time I don't know how many years I'd been married, but many, probably about 10. And I thought this is all there is, this is it? And it wasn't. And then I thought but I love my kids, I love my husband, I love my life. What's the matter with me? What's the matter with me? Well, I wasn't me, mm-hmm. And that had nothing to do with love, cause I loved my husband, I loved my kids. That had to do with.

Speaker 1:

Oh, it had to do with loving yourself to recognize that that wasn't you. Yeah.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and that wouldn't come for many more years, you know. But through counseling I was able to get through that kind of depression, and I call it depression because I don't know what else to call it.

Speaker 1:

It wasn't grief, it wasn't sorrow, but it was, it was fine, meant for sure you could say that for sure. Did they diagnose you with depression?

Speaker 2:

No, I was never, at least I was never told that, and I sought counseling and I went through different tests for it. It was told at one point I think it was that I was more borderline in my thinking. Oh okay, black and white. That also was training. Yeah, absolutely. It's taken me a long time to get to a place where I am open to what is it, god, that you want from me? Somebody say to me one day you argue with God.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, You're in a conversation.

Speaker 2:

He's the most wonderful of all beings and creatures there can be. I'm speaking of Jesus. Yeah, I mean I don't know that. That's argument is discussion and more questions, and so I ask them and I get help. Sometimes I'm told it's none of my business.

Speaker 1:

You know, as you talk about that, it makes me think about the youth of today.

Speaker 1:

So if we just have our regular framework on in our minds and we say, look at the levels of depression in humans today, especially the youth, okay, now we could say, oh, well, that's because, well, I think, feel the same thing about ADHD and ADD Now we have a name for this situation that maybe in years past they didn't have and now they're starting to recognize that there's more people who have these conditions, that maybe they didn't even ask those questions before.

Speaker 1:

But I don't even think that really matters. I think, you know, that's the nice side of it, that you could go all the way to the negative side and say, well, it's drug companies are trying to just push pills, which that's not completely incorrect, but I don't think that's the driving force. I kind of wonder if these young people who are experiencing huge levels of depression that their parents maybe didn't experience is because they really are in misalignment with who they are, not with society, and because they've gone through the conditioning, like you said, as a young person, that they feel the misalignment but they don't know where to go because they don't have the resources. Like you said I don't know what to question about Catholicism to make it better, right? Maybe they don't know what to question to figure out how to get themselves in alignment.

Speaker 2:

Alignment is a nice word, I mean good word for issues, because that's what we are. I mean we can call it dis-ease or whatever, but alignment is huge because it doesn't mean that we're so far off, we can't find our path or we don't understand that that path is right under us. You know, when you drive in the country I don't know how much country living you've ever done but when you drive on a dirt road in the country and it's been raining, especially if you end up with gumbo- you stick the ruts.

Speaker 2:

It's scary, it's all get out because they're deep and they're ugly and you're gonna scrape on the bottom of your pickup, but you drive those ruts because the road is under there. If you try to create a new road, you're gonna go zinging off the edge. You just yeah, or end up sideways and blocking it for anybody else that would like to go through and you think you're just an idiot because you didn't know how to drive. Yeah, it's just a fact, and so this misalignment is really sometimes just finding out where the road is underneath.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, oh, I like that description. I think I wanna say one other thing. So I must have this dream last night to share today. I already got somebody to interpret it because I'm in that interpretation class, but yeah, okay. So I had this dream and it was like I arrived and there was already a celebration going on and there were children there. It's like they were. It was almost like it wasn't Christmas, but it was almost like it was Christmas. There was a big day of celebration, people were opening, there were a lot of toys everywhere, okay, and later in the dream I'm not gonna say all the dream because it was too much, but later in the dream I said I was looking at this toy, stuffed animal and I was actually trying to figure out what it was Like.

Speaker 1:

I didn't know what kind of animal is this thing?

Speaker 1:

Kind of look like a dinosaur thing with a tail, I don't know. Anyways, I was just like rotating this animal and just really inspecting it and, of course, everything you have in your dream that you really pay attention to, you really wanna know what that actually means. So for some reason, we had gone into a closet or a room that was like a closet, and so I was talking to who I think was supposed to be representing my husband and after I inspected it, I hung up the animal on their tail from the curtain the clothes rod you know where you hang the clothes and of course, holly was interpreting my dream. She read the first two paragraphs and that's where the animal stuffed animal came in and she said well, first off, I'll tell you that it's obviously about my birth, because it's about celebration. Okay, but the bad thing about it is is that the celebration should occur when you arrive. It should not already be occurring and there should not be no celebration, because when everybody arrives, they wanna be welcomed right, like that's Sure.

Speaker 1:

That's why yeah you can't get away from that. That's really what everybody needs, right? Okay, so this tells you that I have issues with my birth that I still need to deal with. And then the later in the dream, it tells me what it's affecting. Okay, but what I found really funny about it was looking at this stuffed animal. She says to me did they know what gender you were gonna be when you were born? And I said no, because this was 1977, right? No, they didn't know. And, matter of fact, they thought I was gonna be a boy because it was so squirmy in the womb and active, I guess, very different from my older sister. And so the whole conversation ensues. And so we kind of go through this whole thing and it's like, okay, here I am, I'm 46, going on 47. I'm having a dream about my birth because I'm not dealing, okay.

Speaker 1:

So we go in to have the conversation. What was it like, kind of growing up? And of course it triggers memories of what I recall. Well, yes, they thought I was gonna be a boy. My mother did not want a boy because she didn't want to have a boy at all. She was very pleased at having three girls.

Speaker 1:

But again, that sets up this weird dichotomy, like we're inspecting you because you're not the right, like you're not feminine enough or you're not. I mean, this is as an infant. How can you not be feminine or masculine enough? As an infant, you just are right. But it's true and that probably is exactly what happened. I don't know that they like picked me up and were like checking out all my parts and make sure, like are you really a girl? Is this really what it is? But there must have been something there, and how could I? I got that and that's in a dream, so that's definitely in my subconscious. It's not something that I'm consciously aware of.

Speaker 1:

I mean, I remember the stories you know, and actually somebody said to me my first name the other day. I can't remember. I was thinking my husband said something. Oh, my daughter said something about my name and she looked at me like that's not a name that can be used for either gender and I was like yes, blair is a name that can be used for either gender. Of course, my daughters, who's the language person says well, not with an E. And I said well, no, not with an E for people who are aware of the history of language. But you know, I think my husband also asked me something about my first name and I said well, we named. We started calling me by my second name because my father thought that the first name was too feminine. Well, there you go, yeah, so. But I mean things like that kind of come up and you don't even know that you've got those, but you're talking about that programming that we get when we're young.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, I think that William Rand calls the culturally created self, and he talks about it, you know, in relation to the dormant issues that we don't know about the, you know the dark secret and before we ever really get going on this earth, all those pieces that go into making us who we are, and just the thoughts that our moms had, or the voices or music or whatever is being played while we're in utero, affects us. Yes, yes, no, I didn't know that.

Speaker 1:

Having to do that I didn't know it either. And now, as I've learned it, I'm like, oh, my gosh, what have I done to my kids? Like I don't, like I wanna look at their charts and like, oh, but it's too much. I'm like, okay, well, I'll just help them when I'm there.

Speaker 2:

I know one time Jerry was saying something, this one of these little kids, my oldest one, and he was saying something about one of the kids and how you know that you like them better or whatever you know how a little kid will do, and I just said, well, I'm sorry, but take it up with God. He made you versed, so what does that do a kid?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

You know another thing too.

Speaker 1:

I'll just share this. This is one of the things that they teach in this is, during interpretation course, Some people have the gift of projection, which is you think thoughts, and then essentially it goes on an energetic level, it goes over to this other person. So you know I don't think you weren't in my first Reiki class, but I know that we talked about this in our first Reiki class that the experience where you're in a huge crowd I mean the first one I remember is like being at the gym in high school when we have a pep rally, okay, and you might say to your friend hey, look at that person over there. They have glasses and they wear a green shirt or whatever, or they might describe their hair or something. And so you and your friend then look at that person and you know, like three seconds later they start looking at you like out of the house. Yeah, well, sure, they can read mine.

Speaker 1:

So, and they know it because you know everybody's been there, Like I'm in a crowd and somebody's looking at me I don't know what's going on, but somebody's looking at me. So you know we kind of talked about that as being similar to Reiki and that you can send that energy there. So it's similar in that sense. But the course that I'm taking says that you know, especially if you have this gift of projection, especially if it's in your dreams, you want to be very careful about what you're thinking, because what you think then goes to other people. So that means you need to be responsible for your thoughts even more than people who were not necessarily gifted that way. So we're talking about a gift to be able to do this, and do it with effectiveness, I guess, and, and, with conscious choice.

Speaker 1:

Well, not well, yeah, and so actually the way he says it is if you know, if you before, essentially, before now. It's kind of like the way that I was introduced to the Mormon belief system. It was like, well, if you, if you are unaware of essentially what they believe, then you know you're not going to damnation. But if you become aware and you choose not to do that, then you're going there. So in a sense which of course that's based in fear, right, but in a sense it's similar to what they suggest with this is that if you're aware that your thoughts have effects on other people, then you have a responsibility to make sure that you manage your thoughts right.

Speaker 2:

To me, that's just a moral issue.

Speaker 1:

Of course it is, of course it is, but that's about the society. Yeah, oh, absolutely. The thing that I found that's interesting about it is, even though I have been aware I mean, yes, I do hypnosis, I mean it kind of like it's like a prerequisite for being able to do hypnosis is to have that projection, but I didn't think about it as like I don't know, I didn't think about it as it honestly didn't think about it. I just thought, okay, they're telling me I can do this, I'm doing it, it's working, I don't have any problem with it.

Speaker 1:

But he another thing he articulated was that's what healers do essentially is healers create an environment, like this person just did for you today, where you feel safe. And when you feel safe, then you can go through what you need to go through. And when you process those emotions or whatever you need to process, not only does it let that energy flow, but it allows your body, your physical body, to actually go back to essential homeostasis, because the natural state right is healthy. So when you, let's say that you have experienced a long time with dis-ease around a particular thing, okay, and you go to a healer and they create a space around the thing, the emotion or the situation that is affecting this dis-ease. And so you have this container of safe space. What happens is your body kind of in your mind and your energy kind of remembers oh yeah, my natural state is to be healthy. Okay. So you spend some time there and then, even if you go out of it and you go back to your regular ways, if you can remember it right, you can remember going back to that space and you can gradually kind of get back there. Sometimes it happens a lot faster, but it's just that's. All they're doing is holding a container for you to feel safe and comfortable and feel like you can essentially flow whatever you need to flow.

Speaker 1:

And what happens, as a healer, I know that when the people come to me for healing and I know this happens with all healers, especially those who are really effective is that they see the person as whole. The person comes in, says I have this ailment, I'm miserable, okay. But as the healer, we say, okay, this person has a temporary ailment, let's see if we can figure out what's going on, to again put that container around it, that release and release. Yeah, so, but that's the projection is that you are complete and you are whole and you are healthy and you are happy, or whatever it is we're doing, but that's essentially the, so that's projection too, right? Yes, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, but it's been good. Yeah, exactly.

Speaker 1:

Well, no, it definitely is for good, and I didn't realize that. I mean, I think I kind of knew it when I was young but didn't really fully understand it. So I don't know. Of course, the first thing I think of is all the. I think there's about five people in my life who are really, really, really, really disliked and just hated every part of the experience and think, oh, I must have been lazy with my thoughts about that and I did recognize that the more of those negative thoughts I had about or around that person, the worse it got right. But I just learned to you can't keep your eyes. Yeah, I just learned to step away and get myself like I knew that that the last time this happened I didn't know why it was getting worse because I was trying to use the logical brain about the physical experience.

Speaker 1:

But since I learned this, I started thinking about what I've thought about other people and these, since there's only five of them in my 47 years. I remember right, like I can remember, oh, I probably had some. Really I know I had some really negative thoughts about this person and I can remember actually being with one of these people and they were. We were having an intense conversation. It was like this conflict right, like this, probably why I really didn't like the person and I remember thinking these thoughts, but I didn't say anything right, I just said what was logical in response to the conversation. I didn't actually say anything negative to the person, but the person responded like I had said really negative things. So I mean that's perfect example.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that is a great example of that. It was interesting because those were some of the things that came in today with this garden thing that I had talked to her about. That had happened to me in the biofeedback where I took the chicken poop poop and put it into that soil and I know that when I would finish massage or anytime I finish Reiki, I brush myself and send it to the earth to be transformed and regenerated, because then good things come out of it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah right, and then the processing before you even do that is just I don't know. It just seems like that's the pervading thing that I keep seeing over and over recently. It's like you do have to do that, you do have to do your protection, but the part that we oftentimes get stuck on is the processing of whatever it is. So the feeling of the emotion, right, Very much so. I know that it doesn't go through.

Speaker 2:

Excuse me, I'm sorry.

Speaker 1:

I just said don't process that it doesn't go through. If you don't allow it to be right, it doesn't. The energy doesn't continue to flow. You're stopping it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and then it gets kind of icky yeah, but he talks about I lost it, sorry, it's about the energy. It'll come back, that's all right. I do have a question for you. What is QHHT? I've read it.

Speaker 1:

QHHT stands for Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique. It's a method that Dolores Cannon developed. She's since passed I think she died in 2014. She started developing. She was doing hypnosis before hypnosis was popular at all, so, like in the 60s, she had some really amazing not only results but experiences. She's written a ton of books and her daughter helped her to create, essentially to teach this to other people. That was the first hypnosis method that I got trained, dolores Cannon.

Speaker 2:

Cannon like shooting a cannon.

Speaker 1:

I don't remember how many ends are in that, but there's three in her name.

Speaker 2:

What was it again Quantum?

Speaker 1:

Healing Hypnosis Technique.

Speaker 2:

Okay, because I have a person that contacted me and he had made mention of that. I knew about it, but I didn't know. I don't know it.

Speaker 1:

Hypnosis that you can learn from medical school or something. There's a clinical hypnosis that's going to have a Western mindset, it's going to be based in psychology. Then you've got in the mainstream. You're going to have kind of like spectacles where you'll see somebody hypnotize a whole group Of course it's on film and then they make them do silly stuff, like you know, clock like a chicken or whatever. So there's some negative connotation with the clocking like a chicken. That's pretty much what most people, the average person, will say oh, you know, if I say I'm a hypnotist and they say, oh, you're not going to do that to me, are you? You know, like you're not going to make me you know, clock like a duck or whatever. And so there's some negative connotation there.

Speaker 1:

There's also, I think, some practices in hypnosis maybe give some suggestions while you're under which can be done. It absolutely can be done. But that is not. That's like the polar opposite of what QHHT and the other method that I'm training, which is beyond quantum healing actually, in that all the information that comes through when you're doing those methods really comes from the person on the table. It's so. It's not like there's any suggestion. I can't say that. I haven't been in even this method of hypnosis and haven't had some people kind of suggest some things or felt like it was maybe a suggestion. But I don't, I don't actually think that was it. I'm really pretty diligent about not doing anything there. But but it is supposed to go, is supposed to. Laura said that it was deeper than what you would call clinical hypnosis.

Speaker 2:

Okay, yeah, I wondered about it because I'll do some research on it. Oh she's fun, you should watch her stuff. Yeah, I will. I will Only because I'll be talking with this young man again and he's he's a newbie and he's I didn't play out there and he's never been there and so he's kind of like probably, you know, off the charts with the people around him who've always known him.

Speaker 1:

So he's had a big shift.

Speaker 2:

Huge, awesome. Yeah, I was. I was tickled he wanted to meet me Because I definitely, like like him is a nice, nice young man, very young, very young, very good. Yeah, just a good person.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, we'll see how this goes and maybe we'll talk about it in the future when I know, yeah, yeah, that's good, okay, I don't know what else he knows, but he's, he's doing a form of, he's just changed to a form of biofeedback called right R, I, f? E, okay. And so I look that up and and he's, he's starting to into that, to that direction. So, that'd be interesting.

Speaker 1:

Because I love all these new methods. It's it's really interesting, is it's? You know, it's just like this constant back and forth between the physical body and the energetic body and the spiritual body. You know, it's like all of these things were all kind of balancing back for in the. When I find really fun about it is that the physical body is the. It's kind of like the foundation in the sense that, well, I even voice it earlier this week I said I don't really care that much about all. I can see the other chefs and it's interesting and I like it, but I don't like it. I don't get really uptight about like okay, this thing needs to be fixed, because I don't really judge those chefs right. And so I'm like, oh, this guy stopped. You know I followed through like, oh no, that's not going to keep happening. So it's time to listen when it comes to your physical body.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, we have to listen Because, for one thing, it's on a time time scale. It's only, it's the only part of us that's on a time. You know, either in time or out of time or whatever but it's, it's limited and it knows it. It was. Our bodies are amazing on what they know and we don't even pay any attention, but they know and it's like they will keep going their way until they're either made to change or we change and and it's real clear when they're in charge, because it isn't usually going so good.

Speaker 1:

No, no and it's, it's. Yeah, it can be really really loud. And actually today another thing one of my teachers I've been in this class before, so I'm retaking it, but she introduced that to me.

Speaker 2:

Huh, you're amazing to me, the classes you take.

Speaker 1:

Well, I just want to keep learning. I want to get better.

Speaker 2:

You already are the in the better I think it's awesome.

Speaker 1:

She was talking about a Qigong, like I don't know what you call it, move or whatever. It's like this pattern of stuff that they do and Qigong and essentially is to build up your chi, but it also kind of sheds anything out of your life energetically that you don't want or like isn't aligned with you essentially. And so she's telling these I'm sure I don't think she embellishes them, but they are dramatic stories to say, okay, I did this for 30 days for an hour every day, and this major thing happened to me and there was this other person who had this introduced by the same person and they did the same thing and her whole life turned upside down. You know. So last year when I heard this I was like, oh, I don't know if I want to do that, like I just I just got some good things going in my life. I don't want to shed anything. Maybe I'm wrong about you, know, I'm I, but we over time we had actually added that to our little group practice, but we eventually kind of kick that particular move out. But it brought to mind there's a it's actually, I think it's.

Speaker 1:

The post is about 10 years old on YouTube and Greg Brayden introduces this and he he shows this video. So this is a video of Greg Brayden, who is then showing a video. So the video is really not very good quality and I'm not sure what year it was, but there's a place I somewhere in Asia I don't remember where, but somewhere in Asia they do this Qigong like medical stuff and they had three people doing Qigong medical. I don't know exactly what that means. They were. I think they were chanting, okay, and they have a. They have an ultrasound on this woman and she's got a tumor. So they take a picture like they do. Like even when you know you're doing pictures of a baby with ultrasound or whatever part of your body, they take a picture and it's still and then right next to it and they had like the live shot, okay, and they start the Qigong and you literally watch this tumor disappear.

Speaker 2:

I don't know what that medical thing that they can do with that. But I watched one where this practitioner could wind up his arms and he go around and around really fast and this guy is laying on a on a table and and then you see an arm go up all of a sudden and then an arm go, then a leg, and then at a certain point it's all done, he gets off and he's fine. I don't know what kind of problem with him to begin with.

Speaker 2:

There must have been. I mean, because it was a medical thing. Oh yeah, arm went around as fast as it could go and I thought they created an energy of some kind. Yeah, create an effect in the body of that person on the table. And they probably stood. I stood back eight feet. Yeah, yeah, I don't have to be near.

Speaker 2:

No, yeah, but it was. I mean, I think there was a lineup of people that were coming for them, but I just assumed it created some kind of an adjustment for that young, for that man that that was laying on the table.

Speaker 1:

But I just wow Things like that before. I think I've actually seen another one, or if I didn't see it, I watched somebody who was there firsthand like John of God. It was funny, this actually came up. So you know who John of God is, or was one of God, because he, in Hamilton, had some information.

Speaker 1:

OK, so he was. He was well, I think they call this spiritual surgery kind of thing. I'm sure there's other terms, but I've heard it called spiritual surgery Actually know somebody who actually watched her father have that done by her spiritual? That's actually Janiel, it's a leader of our group. So she, her spiritual leader, knew how to do this stuff and her father had a lump or something on his back. They took him in and he did it spiritually, so like it, and she watched it disappear.

Speaker 1:

So, anyways, also, john of God was somebody who would do this kind of thing and he would do it remotely, and probably the most famous, I'm assuming, and research John got a ton, but I would assume that the most famous connection that he had was Wayne Dyer. He did this on, wayne Dyer. Do you know who that is? Yeah, so the Wayne Dyer had some kind of tumor or something and what was? He had some kind of sickness and so he contacted John God and they did a.

Speaker 1:

They I think they might have done it twice, but they did. They definitely did a session and of course it was great and Wayne Dyer is like, oh, this is amazing, they are sharing all about it. And then later I looked him up and apparently he had kind of felt like a celebrity in the sense of, like you know, celebrity has whatever they've got going on and then something happens in their human and they have a human experience. And then everybody points their fingers in shames and all that. Yeah, I think it was something like that, so I don't remember exactly what I think he's since passed. We're so human, huh.

Speaker 2:

We're so human.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, right, right. And one of my other mentors was actually she just mentioned, she just mentioned him. She's a, that's what. That's what happened with John of God, or she thinks I don't. I don't know any truth or not. We were talking about doing the personal work, doing the inner work to continue growing, and she was just saying that's really what happened to him is he didn't have somebody or have people with him, or he wasn't working on that shadow side, he wasn't doing that stuff. So, even though he was at a hugely higher vibration and able to do this work because he wasn't attending to his own issues, then he kind of falls into that celebrity kind of experience that I was talking about.

Speaker 2:

Wow, that's, that's, that is a. That's a good thing for all of us to know. Yeah, not that's him, but to take a look at our own lives.

Speaker 1:

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