Mystical & Infamous

Talks with Kathie: Embarking on a Soulful Odyssey

Blaire Stanislao @Happy Lyon Center Season 3 Episode 21

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Embark on a transcendent exploration with us, as we chart the stars and transform wishes into reality while gazing ahead to the predictions for 2024. In this gathering of minds for our online summit, I've had the privilege of weaving together a tapestry of conversations with speakers who breathe life into spirituality and mysticism. Kenji Kumara, a beacon of spiritual leadership, joins our ranks, offering profound insights that promise to elevate your consciousness. As we navigate this celestial voyage, you'll witness the unspoken choreography of energies that dance through our dialogues, an experience both grounding and uplifting, punctuated by the practicalities of ensuring our diverse audience is fully immersed, regardless of language barriers.

Feel the pulse of community as it beats at the heart of our collective spiritual ascent. The chapters unfold, illustrating how technological marvels have bridged distances, allowing us to share in the resonant power of our inner essence and divine connections. Personal accounts grace our discussions, reinforcing the strength found in togetherness, be it through the gentle touch of Reiki or the expansive reach of digital conferences. This intricate web of stories will draw you into a world where the communal spirit thrives, fostering growth and healing that transcends the individual.

Our journey doesn't shy away from the unconventional intersections of physicality and the metaphysical, where athletes find their peak in the zone—a space where meditation and hypnosis blur into a harmonious symphony of peak performance. As we delve into the synergy of science and spirituality, the vital essence of water serves as a reminder of life's interconnectedness. Join us as we navigate this fluid narrative, leaving you with a fresh perspective on how everyday elements and groundbreaking innovations are intertwined in the enchanting dance of existence.

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Speaker 1:

Hello, this is Blair Stanisleo, with the Happy Lion Center. Welcome to our podcast. Mystical and Infamous where we have playful and easy conversations about anything mystical. Getting to the heart of all things strange and weird. Join us in a bit of magical tomfoolery.

Speaker 2:

Here is Fanon.

Speaker 1:

Spreading the alchemy of love. Yeah, so in December this year I launched just an online summit. So these are the way I'm doing. It is pre-recorded. I think that most people do it that way because I can't imagine the headache that it would be to try and do it live.

Speaker 1:

I've actually seen, I saw many, many years ago there was this summit that was live, that Deepak Chopra was like one of the hosts and I don't remember how I got to it but because I think it was on the TV. But anyways, it was like a merging of science and I don't know if they actually use the word spirituality, but that's really what it was. It was a consciousness summit is what it was. And so he would like interview people, you know, and you'd have a live. But also what you would have then is like you'd be, they'd be waiting, you know, like for the summit. You'd actually see the video. They're kind of waiting for people to come and get into the chair and and whereas a prerecorded one, everything's already set and you get to just watch it whenever you want.

Speaker 1:

So I came up with the title for the summit, which was charting the stars. Originally it started with a my love for astrology, and then it actually didn't stick that way. So the title was charting the stars turning wishes into reality, plus predictions for 2024. Okay, so you just reach out to people and you see your response and it's. It's such a lesson and it's very much reminds me of teaching, and I'd have seven classes in a day, or six or seven classes, right, and I teach the exact same thing in the exact same way, and boy at the differences and responses. You know, but you get that too, doing this kind of thing.

Speaker 1:

So, anyways, I had about I think it was about 17 conversations and hang on just a second, that was my dog. Okay, so 17 conversations and that, and that's basically all I give them, is the title. I'd like you to participate, this is what we do, and then they either agree or done great. And so I got to talk to 17 different people and their thought process around that. Essentially that title, right, which can be anything. It's where you don't want to say all specific, exactly what it is.

Speaker 2:

So how long did they talk with you?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, what'd you say? How long? How long did they talk? How long, um? But I usually booked, um, I booked out an hour, but most of the conversations were under an hour. Okay, most of them were around 30 to 45 minutes. Okay, yeah, um, and so you just get to hear what they, what they think that means and how to blog wise, and what do they do with it, with their modality, and it's really interesting. So I had somebody channel, probably more than just one person, but this person came in and it was like they're already here, okay, I mean, and then, and then when she was talking, it was like I get almost. I didn't really have it, like I don't know, it wasn't really. That conversation to me wasn't like a fully present in the 3d kind of conversation. It was like it's very obvious. There were a couple of couple of videos like that where I very clearly she had told me that, but I could tell that anyways. And then there was another guy too, an older guy. Um, can you hear the dogs?

Speaker 2:

Yeah Well, just I've heard some sound, but I didn't hear the dogs.

Speaker 1:

Good, Um, uh, Kenji Kumara. And he is this guy. He lives in North Carolina I don't remember exactly where he grew up, but he didn't grow up in North Carolina and he's a spiritual leader is what he is. He helps people to become awakened and walks with them as they go through that journey. And, uh, and he's older, I don't know. I don't know exactly how old he is, but he's, I would guess, in his late sixties, something like that, and really enlightened and knows just how to articulate things.

Speaker 1:

It was really a beautiful conversation, but some of those conversations that I had, I kind of came away like okay, what do I do with that now? Like okay, cause I'm thinking about all the ideas. You know that we're talking about and how it applies in my life and you know how it was already preparing before I even had the interview with them and yeah, so I definitely had some energy shifts through the whole process. And then you have a time period when you launch it and you know you just deal with whatever people need to be able to access it, Like there were I was telling you earlier that there were um, one of the people who I just interviewed earlier again today.

Speaker 1:

Um does something called interspeak and Jean Adrienne is her name and she has a Turkish following, and I think there were 60, some people from Turkey who had signed up. Well, most of them don't speak English, so things was like, uh, the subtitles aren't working, Can you fix that? So I fixed that. And then another one was like well, there's 60, some of them. I know that might as well just translate the whole page, right, Um, so, and that's what it was, and it's uh, so for me, the whole process of actually doing the summit yeah, there's some technicalities of things you have to do Um, but I think the biggest shift for me was an energetic shift. I was like it was a lot of lessons, Cause if somebody sits down and watches all that, I'm like all in one clump.

Speaker 1:

Well, I took. Actually, what happened was I took, I I did a whole bunch of them in one week and then I was running out of internet. I think we had met sometime around there, uh, because I wasn't paying for the internet monthly at my office at that point and cause I'd never done this many video recordings. And uh, it got into the point where it was like, okay, no, I have like run out of internet on all of my devices. I literally have no way to have internet. I can't do it at my house cause the dogs or whatever else is here. And uh, yeah, so I had to.

Speaker 1:

And then I started getting like not feeling good and I knew, okay, I've got to, I've got to shift this whole thing. Well, being an energy worker like this, I just messaged the ones that were booked for in the future. It was like a week and I mean, within 45 minutes, almost all of them have responded oh sure, no problem. And uh, so I took a break. So I took a week break, um, and then I went back to it and it was still good. I mean, it was a learning process about how to do it and how much, how much energy I can put into it. I think I need to schedule in time for me to kind of acclimate to the, the healing that comes from those conversations. Um, it's called an energy overload, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Well, it is wonderful.

Speaker 2:

It is, it still is, it still needs time in these dense bodies. Yeah.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, well, that when I, when I canceled or asked everybody to shift it for a week, actually what had? That was the time that there were other things going on in my life and I don't remember exactly what they were. One of them was my daughter needed to go shopping for dress clothes for debate, okay, and I was tired and I was realizing that I didn't have internet. I didn't want to have to change and all that, and I could feel this cold sore coming on. Yeah, it was earlier in the day and I was like, ooh, that's not just one cold sore, that's like 12. And you know, kind of cold sore, you know it's really bad. Right, yeah, and I'll tell you within within an hour of me messaging everybody, because most of them had responded by an hour.

Speaker 1:

Uh, I could feel that energy in the cold sore. You know how you can feel the tingling like it's, you know. Oh, I know You're going to stir your lip up and make you miserable, right, yeah, I mean like off, like a light. Wow, yeah, that was the first time I'd ever had anything like that. I mean, there been like a migraine I've had and I'm like, oh no, I don't like this enough to do a migraine, I don't care that much about it, and then I just drop it energetically and sometimes I don't have a migraine, like I just don't have it. So now I'm getting better at if I feel something like that coming on, I realize, oh no, no, my body's just saying that's a, that's a limit We've reached, that we're going to do something else and it does literally doesn't matter to me, whatever else it is, it's just not going to be that yeah.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, interesting. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah yeah.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and there's a lot of these kinds of summits. I think you could probably find one for any topic.

Speaker 2:

Well, I just listened to something today that had four people and I think it was like over a period of five hours. I don't remember what the thing was called. It was sent to me by one of my Reiki masters and she had purchased it and was able to listen to it and maybe even participate in it. I don't know, but she sent me that link. She had it for 30 days, so I went in and checked it out. Yeah, I think I was working on my taxes. Yeah, so I had that to go on.

Speaker 2:

William Rand spoke. This guy, brett Bevel or Bevel, spoke and he was the one who was doing the Zoom. Okay, it was on Zoom, this thing. And then there was a get. The name Mark Kwan was her last name, and then the last lady. Her first name was Heather.

Speaker 2:

Out of all of them, the one I related to and I mean was speaking what I know it was Heather and it was interesting. I would like to find out more about her. She has a. She's involved in a thing event, not event. It's probably an organization called Open to Peace. Oh, sweet, I had heard something earlier that said this person had said in one, in responding to one of these speakers that our inner peace leads to world peace. It does, and I thought, wow, I love the way that was said. And then this lady talked and I thought, oh, she's where I get it. Yeah, yeah, that's where I belong. Yeah, I mean, all of it was good, it was very interesting, and each one of them offered a piece of their modality.

Speaker 2:

William Rand did something with Reiki Experience, meditation this. Brett Bevel did a thing with Ascended Masters. The next one did something else and then the last one, heather. Why? I can't remember the other one. She was really good, but Heather did something with. Remember, when we took Karuna Reiki and we looked about the tones and singing the tones. Well, she does that, and I don't remember what the thing was called, but those sounds or chants that she did, she called it sound healing. It was yeah, that's where I wanna go.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I think almost all of the people I interviewed did something to help the viewer right Like it based on the conversation, but I mean it's a really great way to get the idea of what it is. I mean it's a really great way for people to be able to access this kind of information. Because I think and I think that's one of the great things about this current time period in technology where we are like earlier today, I was in a class and we were doing energy work and I think both the teachers and the students were essentially commenting on how many of these kinds of conversations are going on in the world.

Speaker 1:

Okay, but if we take ourselves back, even just 20 years ago, oh no, yeah, I mean, I certainly didn't know anything about them, but just the fact that it's going out there. So what the teacher was actually saying, and I know this is true. But if you really think about it, yes, we have the ability to broadcast and to like, do this podcast or whatever, and put our stuff out there. Right, put a video up on the internet and whoever's meant to find it finds it right. But the thing is that if we're focused on this kind of work that we're doing, which is spiritual growth, right, connecting with your inner essence, connecting with God, if you will, whatever you want to call it, if that's the message behind it, people resonate with that and what happens is they get drawn more into that and then they share with their friends and more and more and more. And so, as we are all kind of coming to this ease of access, just that little bit of help from somebody else who says or does something in a special way that resonates with you, we're all essentially raising our vibrations and as we do that, exponentially, the earth, the people of the earth and the earth itself raising its vibration and what that then does is really kind of. I mean, it really does solve the problems.

Speaker 1:

It's like fixing the issues within yourself, and then what happens is the problems that you're encountering. Let's say that they're a person, somebody's coming who's trouble for you. Right, you work on it within yourself. That person doesn't have to know anything about it, but once you shift that energy, then that person just magically doesn't come around. It could be that they move, or they got over it, or it doesn't matter what it is, but they just wind up not being around. And that's because you're resonating more fully with your true essence, right, like you're resonating more aligned with God, the God source. And if we're all doing that together, it's irrelevant when we do it, it's irrelevant through whom we do it, it's just that we're doing it, and that will help to solve a lot of these problems that people like to focus on. You know which is part of the issue? Yeah, oh, it's a huge part of the issue, yeah, but people who like to focus on the problem don't usually like to admit okay, I need to change my focus, because that's not going to help.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah. It begins with my thinking yes, yes, this Heather that was talking. She said that we have to, that we're coming to a place where the way we've operated in our modalities all of us in these last years has been as independence and at all times feeling all alone and not only not understood but not wanting to be heard. She said we have got to begin the process of including and asking for help. William Rand alluded to that as well when he was talking that we need to be humble enough to realize we're not the end-all, be-all, with the knowledge that we have and that others do want to join the ranks, but they may not necessarily be in agreement with everything we think and say. Learning to work together or play together right in the sandbox is tricky, but what's been interesting to me when I listened to that was that's what I've been doing here in Great Falls.

Speaker 2:

I'm leaving, I'm moving on, but there's this little team of Reiki people who are very independent and separate from one another. Their lives are different. I mean, some of them are from out of town, some of them are from in town, some of them have belonged to other groups or have had Reiki other times in other ways, but they seem to be showing up together, looking for something. And these masters that I've worked with are reaching out and they're finding connections with other Reiki people and they're looking for those connections, visiting others and taking in a seminar one is giving or stopping by to see why do you do Reiki this way? Who comes to you?

Speaker 2:

And I just think it's kind of strange because that's what I knew. But I didn't know. I knew that I just need to be in community. That's me and that's my background, that's my Catholic training and all those nuns and their communities, and I've always needed to have community. And so I didn't plan it, I didn't think it, I didn't organize it, it just was happening. So when I heard that today, I felt very affirmed.

Speaker 1:

Oh, you're just saying yeah. No, I think community is a huge thing and I think that has come actually I don't know what you want to call it whatever fold largely after COVID, because since we were so confined, people started to actually acknowledge that community actually makes a difference. It's kind of like I mean to be honest with you, I really enjoyed the responses I saw about parents with their kids and how hard it is for teachers to do stuff. I've been a teacher so I know right, you know I really kind of enjoy that because oftentimes a teacher's role is downplayed. But it really is important and a large part of school, if you will, the entirety of school, is not the book work, it is not the content they're learning.

Speaker 2:

It is how they're interacting.

Speaker 1:

Yes, and it is so important. It is so, yeah, yeah, but I think that confined time where everybody was forced to stay home and so they were deprived of what they didn't realize that they needed and did so well with, and now they're kind of honoring it more within themselves and it's on a massive global scale, right. That's why Zoom is okay. Now we're all okay with Zoom, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, yeah. Interesting, I think, the seminar thing that you had. How many more of these are you going to do?

Speaker 1:

I don't know. I think I'll just keep doing them because I really did like it. It does take a lot of work to do it, but now that I've done it once, it's not all brand new. I don't feel like I don't know what I'm doing, but it is a lot of work and sometimes I Like I've signed up for a couple of them. Basically, if you like the topic, you see maybe one or two people you like, then probably you're like the rest of it, right. But to me they all run them all differently.

Speaker 1:

So mine, I was going to run for about four days but then I wound up running it for a week, largely because the Turkish people. I can't remember why, but I decided to just leave it up for a week and you can get it later. If you want to do that, you don't have to. But Some of these things it's like they've got tons of people. They've got like 40 or 70 or whatever and that's like, frankly, sometimes that's overwhelming. I kind of like them in smaller chunks, but I don't know.

Speaker 1:

I bought one, I think, recently here that had about 40, and it, which is a lot. But I mean, you know, sometimes they put it up there live. They say it's live right Like yours. You said it was for 30 days. That's reasonable. You just got to remember to go back in there and that's only four. That's not that bad. You could watch four in a problem. But you know, when you've got 40 or 100 and something and it's like, oh, I don't know, that's too much, that's too many people, I think personally. But but it's a wealth of knowledge. You wonder what?

Speaker 2:

There's this. There's a meeting. They kept promoting it today. Omega, are you familiar with Omega Back East? But they're going to be. It sounded like all four of these and then many more were going to be a part of that, but that was an in-house one, I mean you had to go to it. Oh, like a live one yeah yes, so you have to be there.

Speaker 1:

Oh, I have to tell you, I went to. I went to Scientists, mystics and Sages, and I think it was in November of 2019, and it was in San Jose, new Mexico, and we drove down there, took the lady I was working with actually the reason that the business is named Lyon so we went down there and it was kind of it was interesting because, you know, I knew about three or four of the people that were going to like I had already seen their work, I was familiar with who they were. So there was one guy that I had not heard of who was really, really popular, and so I looked his stuff up and I listened to it and I liked it and whatever, that's fine, I didn't really care. I just knew that there were some of them there that I really wanted to see and I knew I wanted to do it. So we went down there and I'll give you an example of how this energy work can be. So, anytime, anybody like I had two reiki classes now like like actual multiple people, right, and yeah, I asked some of the older students to say, hey, do you want to come? I'm going to give a class. You know, it's really it's always a great experience and you want to bonding with the people and it's just really great. So they came and of course it was like that and you know, I think that these, these in-person kind of summits are very similar to that.

Speaker 1:

So the summit started, I don't know what time eight or nine or something started in the morning. We were there literally like 11 hours later. Now. We took breaks for eating. They encouraged us to go outside. You know, we took breaks but we had 1200 people. So like at one point they they led a meditation, which is really hilarious because this was the first meditation. It was this guy that everybody knew, that I didn't know, and he's leading. It's actually, oh my gosh, he's the chiropractor who broke his back and then healed it. He's on Gaia TV I can't remember his name, placebo effect guy. Anyways, he led this meditation and of course I know how to do this. So I'm like, okay, I'm going to do this. And so he's talking and he has his way of doing it, which I don't particularly love, but it was funny because I was totally fine.

Speaker 1:

And then we go to the meditation. All of a sudden I feel completely compulsive need to cough, like I couldn't stop coughing. And they mentioned something about like well, that's your, that's your conscious mind trying to not let you go here on her, and that was fine. And we went to, like Greg Braden did a heart math technique to heart math, this little measurement tool, and I actually bought some heart math equipment but it's really awesome. But he demonstrated that and so he's he's saying that and he's leading us how to do it and I'm like, oh, yeah, this is Ricky. Like okay, I'll have to say Ricky, that's just one word. We got it, no problem, right.

Speaker 1:

And it was really interesting to watch my friend, who I was there with, kind of talk about this experience, because for me because I was familiar with a lot of these speakers and their ideas and things it's like yeah, yeah, yeah, oh, this is good, this is like a remembering, it's a confirmation of like stuff that we talk about. But for her it was kind of new Right, but it was interesting to watch her go through that. But we go through 11 hours one day and we feel totally fine. And I tell you, if you were at a 11 hour event for let's just call it work, any other kind of work, that's not this you feel like you want to die, like your body just aches right. But this was not like it, not at all. I mean, we were we actually, I think they watched a movie and I was like, yeah, I don't think I want to watch the movie, I've already seen that movie. I'm ready to go back because we had to drive somewhere, right, but yeah, it was really interesting.

Speaker 1:

The difference in the in ranking classes are like that too. It is a long time, but you really feel good when you leave there. I don't find it, even this last time, I think, because one of the people in the group is older, she's like mid 70s, right, and yeah, she was tired, but it wasn't like she felt bad, it wasn't like she was exhausted, she was tired, and I kind of noticed that too. It's, of course, with the sun going down really early and so forth, but it is a. It's a very different experience to when you research or you talk about or you listen to or you watch videos on this kind of topic, versus if you're, let's say, reading something about computers or you're reading something about hunting or whatever it is that you're interested in. It does drain your energy more, sure, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Yeah Well, this has been very, very interesting, because what is the difference among workshops, seminars, podcasts, any other words, that difference?

Speaker 1:

Well, I think it's just nuances. It's very similar to when we talk about, like, whatever modality you use, right, like whatever method you use You're talking about psychic connection or whatever. There are different tools that you use, but it's just a tool, right, like they're all tools, right, yeah, so I think the same thing with this stuff is it's essentially they're just vehicles to get the information out there, and so it's kind of like well, what shoe fits you best, you know?

Speaker 2:

like the information must be different. For these different ways of approaching an event, okay, whether it's a seminar or whether it's a workshop or whether it's a training, there must be a different emphasis for the things that you get the information out there.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, well, I think, like the podcast. Okay, if you think about who, what kinds of people listen to podcasts, those are people who are interested in having genuine conversations. You know, like I would say, they're probably less likely than the mass of humans to be distracted by thing. Not that they don't get distracted, they're still humans but they they're more interested in a full conversation, right, and then then you've got a. It's a shift too, because some people are putting it out on video, a podcast out on video, because it actually reaches more people, because people like videos, right, they'd like to be entertained, they want to see who you are who's talking. But it is a different energy.

Speaker 1:

The astrologer I interviewed, the his, his show was coming out at the end of this month. He actually articulated it really well in a way that I liked it, which was I kind of like the podcast because I don't want to be on the camera all the time, right, like audio, I'm more interested in the content and what somebody's saying. Plus, I can be having it in my ear and doing something with somebody else if I have to, or doing a task or you know a chore or something. But he was and I said, well, we could videotape it if you want, because they're you know it's more popular and he's like no, you know, it makes a lot of sense because you actually kind of it's like reading a book versus watching a movie.

Speaker 1:

If you read a book, your mind has the limitless potential as to what you can create in your mind, whereas you watch a movie, then that, let's say, it's a fish, they've created a fish, that you're watching a fish. So now you're kind of limited in that way of perceiving it, whereas a podcast doesn't necessarily do that. It's your radio and you kind of imagine what the speaker looks like. Most of the time you're wrong, you know. That's what I found, anyways, but I think it's just like nuances in terms of what works for people, like what suits their interest, and there's just so many things available out there.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, be able to get that and it's exciting to know that it is reaching a lot of people and we are kind of collectively improving the vibration and things. I think people who do this stuff really do have hope for the world.

Speaker 2:

Oh, I don't have any doubt about the sincerity of the people that are involved in this boogly, boogly world, and that is from very, very basic info to the huge experiential spirituality that some have provided for us. I don't doubt their sincerity. I really don't. I don't know who the con people are in there and I imagine there are some, but I do believe with all my heart that those people I listen to today believe every word they say and they practice what they preach perfectly. No, we're all human, yeah, but they do it. They do it with an integrity and a sincerity there that I appreciate.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and I can remember being at that conference in Santa Fe and I think it was Greg Braden who was saying it. He basically kind of referenced if somebody dragged you here, meaning like a spouse, right, or a friend or something you know, and and you know they welcomed all the questions. So probably a lot of the questions I would say probably a good quarter, maybe even a third of the questions that because they would have opportunities where you'd get up, go to the microphone and ask the questions. We're from people like that, like they just you know their spouse was into this thing or their their friend or whatever was really into this, but it didn't really compute, like they hadn't had time to kind of process all that, and so they welcome those kinds of conversations. But you know that's that's where we spread our our.

Speaker 1:

It's not just the people who are interested in this, it's the people who are on the edge and you know they can kind of recognize they like you, they're with you, they came to this trip with you. Obviously they like you. So there's something about you that they like and now you're going to expose them to something that's helpful. It's kind of that's the way I kind of feel like when I got dragged to church. I was like, well, what's the big deal, I don't mind being dragged to church, you know, whatever we go to your church, that's fine.

Speaker 2:

I remember this was years and years ago my friend Sandy, I talked her into going to one of these contemplative experiences to learn how to to breathe and, you know, focus in in that kind of prayer-like way. And I just remember, after the first round, which was probably about 15 minutes, she turned to me and she said you owe me. Yeah, now we had two more hours, I think, to go.

Speaker 1:

I bet it made a shift for her, I bet.

Speaker 2:

Well, of course she's shifted through the years, but she just approaches things very, very differently than me and I appreciate that. It keeps me, keeps my feet down on the ground and makes me think the challenges to how I approach things, and it'll be from that very practical woman. She will say things really Just how does that work.

Speaker 1:

I just keep waiting for those things. Like you know, my family, they know that I'm into this stuff, but they you know, they haven't jumped in the whole tub, but sometimes they'll ask me questions and I find it really funny because they'll ask a question and something's like they're they're not baiting me, they don't turn around and make fun of me anymore per se, but they know what kind of answer they're going to get and of course I just give it to them. And then my family. I'm just going to tell them what I think, but it is interesting to watch that.

Speaker 1:

And what I have noticed, especially with my children, is that through the years because even when they were young, before my other husband died, I I'm not saying that I wasn't into this I didn't know any of us because I did, but I certainly didn't have a vehicle to talk about it, like I didn't have anybody else to talk to about it. You know it was all through the lens of the church, and then you have all the stipulations, all that kind of stuff, and so they've seen me in two different ways. And what's funny is that when they have a time when I can, I can tell when it's really, really important, because when it's really important to them, then they ask them. You have to open into question and they listen to the whole answer. Yeah.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, they kind of know when they're ready to talk about, or have you talk with them about stuff.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and that's what we're there for. Like you said, just to walk with people.

Speaker 2:

That's awesome, if if I haven't learned anything from Reiki and all of this healing work, because Reiki is more than the healing work, is much more than that. But that is a huge piece of it, at least for me in the way I practice Reiki. But Reiki, to me, defines love. It is when I feel judgy or opinionated or going about something I realize that I have to stop and go. But I love them. So what are you hammering away on this? For it's such a petty little thing. It doesn't matter, because basically you love this person, you love them. And when I feel really strong about somebody and I don't like their behavior, I have to remind myself I love you. I love you, yeah, because that is the energy that changes the world.

Speaker 1:

It is, it really is. And I think we get lost. And even even me I was thinking I have a sister who was very difficult for me I mean, I don't know that I'd say she is now, because I don't really talk to her that much but definitely was a huge learning lesson throughout my life. And now, as I keep doing this work, I'm realizing oh wait, there's a whole lot of stuff there I didn't deal with right when I was younger. Now it's now it's time for me to deal with it. But you know, like it didn't even occur to me until just last week, like okay, now I need to send her love.

Speaker 1:

As a child, though, I do distinctly remember if we were somewhere playing with other people and if somebody were to do something that was not nice to her, each one of us would always stand up for the other people. So it's like we knew that. You know, we knew that that was okay. That's the boundary. I can be mean to her or we can argue or whatever, but no, you can't do that because that's crossing the line, my family, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

I always kind of found that really interesting because of the conflict that we had. It was not, it was like it never ceased. There was never. You know, it was two conflicting personalities, but yet when it really came down to the real important stuff, there was no question about are we gonna help each other or what have you? So yeah, yeah it's really fun.

Speaker 2:

I had an interesting experience with my grandson. Cedric is very open to me sending him Reiki and when I'm there, you know I give him Reiki. He lives over on the West Coast. Anyway, he is a student of UFO fighting. He's been in martial arts since he was little and he is working toward being a pro fighter. Oh wow, and so he has. People are all over the place and with their opinions about that, so I'm not talking about him being UFO.

Speaker 1:

Is that something? Fighting organization? Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2:

It's he Jiu-Jitsu and things like that, okay, but it's, you know, it's contact, sport and they vary contact. And but anyway, bottom line to the thing is I send him Reiki and I send it every day. I started doing that when he had hurt his knee in one of his events yes, and this was before he was old enough to begin the process to go pro. Anyway he's, he has done nothing but dedicate himself to that gym and to the workouts that he has to do to be in the best physical shape he can be to do this kind of fighting and to get to where he has dreamed for years to be. Anyway, so I send him Reiki every night to keep him safe, to keep him protected, to love him. I bathe him in that, and so I send him Reiki every night. And he knows that.

Speaker 2:

And not too long ago he said I think it was last summer he said to his dad I think she's doing something wrong because I'm not feeling it. And so mom says to me Cedric says he thinks you're doing wrong and I said you tell that boy I'm sending it every night. And then I took thinking I had shifted on him and I was sending him a different energy on him Deliberately. I had decided to go in another direction with him, but I had not ever educated him into that, I'd never told him and he felt the difference. So after his fight this last week which he won he, I texted him and congratulated him and that kind of thing and he said, lola, I felt the energy Cool. So you know, it's there and he's learning how to meditate and how to focus inwardly for the preparation for a fight.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you know, I think I've been in the what they call the zone a couple of times when I played sports, and it is, I mean, like I can even remember. Like here we are 20, some years later, right, I can remember the moments, right, and I think that that is. I think it's actually like. I think oftentimes exercise is very similar to meditation, especially when not like learning the new things. As a matter of fact, there have been times where something energetic in the past year or so, something energetically happened and I was so mad about it really that's what it was I didn't want to sit around, so I went to the gym and I was like I'm gonna meditate.

Speaker 1:

So here I am angry, I'm gonna meditate. I don't care if it's stupid to do it while I'm exercising, right, but you know it works. It really works.

Speaker 2:

Well, it raises the good endorphins in the body and you can't tell me. That isn't what meditation is, what meditation is all about.

Speaker 1:

Well, I even mean like, I mean I was still exercising, so I was still present with whatever activity I was doing, but my intention was with meditation, so anytime I got an opportunity where I could listen to it and think about those ideas, which means I wasn't concerned with falling down or breaking something right, right, so that's some of the time right, but even that, some of the time really, it really did shift the energy really easily and I could just tell, I mean, it wasn't, I didn't feel like a, you know, like a thump, like you just rolled off a step or something, but it, you know, within the time that I did that, it was a clear okay, I'm fine, now I don't need to, I don't need to go punch a punching bag or I don't need to yell at anybody or anything like that.

Speaker 2:

So it would really be interesting if you did a seminar of some kind with athletes, that all understanding of being in the zone, yeah, that would be an interesting, yeah, that would be.

Speaker 1:

And actually so, my high school volleyball coach. She was a different level than what had been there previously. Previously it was like PE coaches, you know, okay, and then. But she had played in college.

Speaker 1:

I don't know where she came from, I don't really remember where she was from, but she wasn't in like the school system, so she just happened to be somebody who she actually taught swimming and you know she was still very physically active and so forth, and so anyways, they hired her and she came in and it was the greatest thing in the world to me because, like she really knew what she was talking about and through the course I think it was maybe my junior year or possibly my senior year, so I was with her I think three years.

Speaker 1:

So second or third year, she decides to bring in this guy who does hypnosis and we all went down to the classroom underneath the gym and we did whatever you know, like we laid on mats and we did whatever he said and I remember I was like drooling, so like wake up and like wipe my whole mouth, like oh, nobody sees me, yeah, but it was. I guess that was probably my first introduction to like being aware of being hypnotized. So yeah, and it comes through athletics. I mean, she was doing that because we were two in our heads, you know, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, we got a ways to go in all of us in our modalities, to get out of there.

Speaker 1:

Yes, yes, and so far we're gonna talk to these two other types of science that are still in flames today and are a bit of�� for water. Do you like water? I had some water on past our break. It was really nice. Oh, no, no, no, no. Your support is greatly appreciated. The views and opinions expressed on this podcast are those of the speakers, who do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of the Happy Lion Center and are not intended to malign any religion, ethnic group, club, organization, company, individual or anyone or anything. None of the content provided should be considered a substitute for legal, financial, medical psychiatric advice or as care from a certified professional.