Mystical & Infamous

Surrendering to Cosmic Consciousness with Jenn Martinez

April 23, 2024 Blaire Stanislao @Happy Lyon Center Season 3 Episode 19
Surrendering to Cosmic Consciousness with Jenn Martinez
Mystical & Infamous
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Mystical & Infamous
Surrendering to Cosmic Consciousness with Jenn Martinez
Apr 23, 2024 Season 3 Episode 19
Blaire Stanislao @Happy Lyon Center

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Have you ever felt a tug at the edges of your consciousness, hinting at encounters beyond our earthly realm? Today, we meander through the mysteries of alien interactions, the whispers of the Akashic records, and the personal triumphs that come from aligning with your energetic truth. In a blend of cosmic musings and grounded advice, Blaire Stanislao and energy healer, Jenn Martinez invite you to consider the psychological acrobatics that humanity may soon perform as we potentially approach the precipice of open contact with extraterrestrial beings.

Jennifer illuminates the delicate balance struck between the mystical and the mundane standing as a testament to the transformative power that mindfulness and embracing neutrality can bring.

By tuning in, you'll uncover practical steps for personal empowerment and learn how releasing the need for control can guide you toward peace. Together, we'll navigate these topics and more, forging a path toward the enlightenment of your multi-dimensional self.

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Learn more about our group, Elevate, Me. Now! for transformative gatherings for inner harmony and success. Find out more about our featured guests, practical applications of astrology, and our astrology study group here.

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Have you ever felt a tug at the edges of your consciousness, hinting at encounters beyond our earthly realm? Today, we meander through the mysteries of alien interactions, the whispers of the Akashic records, and the personal triumphs that come from aligning with your energetic truth. In a blend of cosmic musings and grounded advice, Blaire Stanislao and energy healer, Jenn Martinez invite you to consider the psychological acrobatics that humanity may soon perform as we potentially approach the precipice of open contact with extraterrestrial beings.

Jennifer illuminates the delicate balance struck between the mystical and the mundane standing as a testament to the transformative power that mindfulness and embracing neutrality can bring.

By tuning in, you'll uncover practical steps for personal empowerment and learn how releasing the need for control can guide you toward peace. Together, we'll navigate these topics and more, forging a path toward the enlightenment of your multi-dimensional self.

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**It appears some links in podcast apps do not work on mobile devices, but do work on computers. We're happy to help finding any information. Text us +1-406-282-0333 for the fastest help.**

Send inquiries, suggestions for new discussion topics and comments to podcast at If you found this session helpful, please comment, like, share and download. Donations are appreciated and help us to produce more of this content. Consider making a regular contribution here or one time donations here. Your support is greatly appreciated.

Learn more about our group, Elevate, Me. Now! for transformative gatherings for inner harmony and success. Find out more about our featured guests, practical applications of astrology, and our astrology study group here.

Speaker 1:

Hello, this is Blair Stanisleo, with the Happy Lion Center. Welcome to our podcast. Mystical and Infamous where we have playful and easy conversations about anything mystical, getting to the heart of all things strange and weird. Join us in a bit of magical tomfoolery, spreading the alchemy of love and light. And now we invite you to enjoy the show.

Speaker 2:

And I'm kind of pretty hung up on my you know the laugthic things and everything, and so just playing that along with like life now and it's like you know, once you take time and it just starts to I mean there's then no time. That's what I felt the other day. I was like, oh my gosh.

Speaker 1:

I was like I've really got to like be back in the humanness and be like, okay, time Friday this time Is your body pulling you back in there, like you don't get hungry or you know sleepy or anything.

Speaker 2:

No, that's the crazy part of it is like I'm like, okay, the bullet's just been lately that I've been doing Bashar stuff and just doing my own Akasha records. I don't have clients. I was like I guess they just don't want to come to me. It's okay, and Dan lets me practice on him and that's fine and we've done a lot. I've done a lot for him and but no, I just I'm like, okay, and before I was kind of like I would see then that I was fighting it Like I must have set some kind of intention in my mind that locked people from coming to me. Oh yeah.

Speaker 1:

I mean energetically. Maybe that's what I've done. But if that's not your focus, that's okay, yeah.

Speaker 2:

It's. I guess it is kind of my focus so it makes me kind of there's that middle. About clients coming in. Yeah, I would love people that like come to me and I would love to like you know it's fun to me, but but I told Dan I was like you know what I think I had to like go through this little growth of doing my own records and even just learning more about them, about the beings and about their constellations. So that's what I've been doing.

Speaker 1:

Well, I find personally and I do know that we all, whoever If something's not happening the way you want it to happen, I would totally agree there's a block somewhere, like there's something wrong with your energy, right. So what I have found really, really intriguing but it doesn't necessarily change what I do is that I do work on myself. I'm trying to work on whatever I need to work on, and then usually I'll have like a big shift and then when I have that big shift, all of a sudden I get an influx of clients and I always get so excited because it's like those clients are the ones that I'm like okay, I know they just came because I just did this thing, I had a major energy shift, and so and then it always comes through that you know they're working on something similar, so it's just really fun. So I would agree, you must be just need to be working on whatever it is that you're working on. So I'm curious about and I think the audience would be very curious I don't know if I mentioned to you, but we I don't think I did I did have an interview with the lady named.

Speaker 1:

Oh my gosh, I can see her face. She's very in touch with aliens and she, she actually told me one in one interview, which I don't know that I've broadcasted, but it was like, oh yeah, I've actually made contact with nine different or I don't remember. I was like nine or 12 or eight, I can't remember different alien races and it's really interesting. So let's talk about that. How about that? Okay, I don't have any experience. When I met you, I started to open up to that and you started to which for, let's just go for memory, I don't think we met until 2020, because we started to meet when we were swapping hypnosis. Okay, so around 2020, you started talking to me about these aliens. I remember the mirror thing that you showed me, the video of out in the middle of nowhere. So, for people who are unfamiliar with the idea of aliens, which I think it's becoming more mainstream, you can see this even on Netflix, right, right, you don't really have to go searching for it. There are soft openings.

Speaker 2:

Yep, yes, okay, so tell us yeah. Tell people what that is just in case they don't know, the soft reveals just eventually, soon. Well, here we are in 2024. I mean, they're already in bodies, human bodies or in different realms that we just don't even know about and we can't tell. But soon they'll be walking with us, in two years, literally, this is the countdown. So now it's adjusting the human part of us. That would be like, oh, that is not normal.

Speaker 1:

That humans would completely freak out.

Speaker 2:

To the point where it could like put you in a state of like shock, where your body is really could have like a stroke. You could have a heart attack. Your body it'll like start to freak out like it's being poisoned. So that's why it's really important that we get these soft reveals, like through commercials, through movies, as simple as even the cartoons actually have. We were just playing with my little nephew who's one, his little cartoon, bob the train. It was talking about up and down. Guess what was going up and down, the little alien in the spaceship up and down. Oh yeah, I was like, I pointed to it and I was like, oh my, how they just they're starting little. And I understand why because it's the new babies coming into the world right now. They're already upgraded, they're already advanced. Yeah, so we're trying to catch up because we're older souls. You know we've already.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so we're not really programming. Well, we've had so much programming, you know. Like you know, you're talking about that cartoon and I don't know if there were. I don't know if there were cartoons that included aliens and when I was growing up, but if there were, they were very, very few, right, and I do remember distinctly, like I can remember I don't know, maybe like fifth grade or something. So we're talking about like 1987 or something, and just friends would be like, oh, do you believe in ghosts or do you believe in aliens? And this was, like you know, maybe a five, 10 minute conversation. That was it. Like little kids talking about this. You know this idea.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, I was the worst. And if you, if I wasn't a group like that, I was the one that would run out screaming oh, okay, yeah, and I was. I was just. I was just that timid, like don't try to scare me. And I'll still even catch my moments here, because I know I'm training myself to see them and I can see them in my mind's eye. No problem, do not get scared. But in my human eye I'm always like you scared me, like if someone comes around the corner, if and I'm I always say that and I'm like why are you saying that? Because I'm like trying to catch myself, I guess.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, In our group we have our little meditation group. Elevate me now, and I don't think you weren't there yesterday, right?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Okay. So we the message actually was okay I'm going to try and paraphrase this, but basically it was they were encouraged, we were encouraged to really tune in to communication beyond language, meaning like there was a challenge presented we didn't do it directly right then, but it was just kind of presented to us Try to, instead of just stepping back and being in the observer in any particular situation, not only just be the observer, but actually refrain from talking, which causes you to shift how your energy is, and then you have to really be more aware of what the energy is between you and whoever is there, right? So there was a discussion about understanding what, what is coming from people on an energetic plane. So if you just stop talking, then you can get a lot more.

Speaker 1:

So what I like about the way you talk about these alien creatures is, yeah, sure, sometimes you talk about what they look like, but more than that, you usually talk about what is the feeling of this alien, in the sense that why are they there? What's the purpose that they're interacting with you? You know like there's more talk about the energy than there is about the physical presence. So what do you have to say about that?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so I can do that very well when I go under, and that's why, over, like anyone new in our group, I can see that vibrating strand that says, oh, you're star seed. Well then, what star seed are you? Where exactly are you from? And that's why I was able to see one of our group members. Strand was so, so vivid, so radiating, and and I completely understand it when I'm under, but when I'm here in my humanness, I'm like, oh, I'm too here to notice so what happens?

Speaker 1:

What would you describe happens when you come back into your universe.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so I bring in my my outside in. That's what happens is when I'm my eyes are closed, I'm inside out, I'm, I'm going in, and so then what happens to me? I can see that I'm bringing in all the drama and bring in and all of that 3D story stickiness. It's so sticky, it's all the sudden here's the stuff and here's that. Oh, guess what happened last week? Oh, you still got to do 20 other things. You're not going to rest. So then that mind kicks in and then I'm like, oh gosh, I can't even think beyond, so kind of just groups you.

Speaker 2:

My humanness definitely distracts me and brings me back to okay, you still got that. It's your mom your wife, your.

Speaker 1:

You know your responsibilities.

Speaker 2:

So that's, that's what happens to me and I I that's something I'm working on right now is not having judgment of those. So, yeah, my mind does it, but it's not. I'm not letting it go crazy, like like it normally does it. It wants me to think of all the drama, it wants me to be stuck in that sticky energy and I'm like, hmm, I'm starting to become like when I see those things, I'm like, okay, here's my step back, here's my. Let me observe this neutrally and not make me mad, or you know, you know one or the other. I'm staying neutral. The next is not saying anything, but I always still tend to have an opinion, I still tend to judge and I don't. That's something I'm noticing and I'm working.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and though, yeah, you gotta be open, Uncle Pebble. Thanks, Drchten, just in case people don't know you and they probably don't, because I don't even help you as well as I could, right but I just want to pull out that my experience with you has only been for the last four years and the amount of personal growth that I have seen in you is just absolutely astronomical. I mean, you're somebody who I would describe like this, meaning when I met you, not now, Okay, you remind me some of my daughter, because she's a little bit like this too but basically something happens with other people in your life and there's some kind of energetic misalignment. I would say I could say that's what it is, but basically it just doesn't feel good, Like you interact with these people and something happens and something feels icky and it takes you a while to figure out what that is.

Speaker 1:

In the past, what I have noticed with you and I see it with many other people too is that and I do too who are we kidding? Everybody does this. You're traumatized. You're like, oh, I had this experience and this thing happened, and they said this and they did this, and then I. It's always like this drama story of what's going on in our lives. Some people, just in a sense, if I was just imagining something that would illustrate this, it reminds me of the cancer sign, which is the crab right Like it feels threatened and so it's going to scatter away and it's going to hide and it's going to put all of its protection on the outside Okay, but then when it feels safe again, it comes back out and it will do what it does. And the way you just described seeing yourself get occupied with the 3D life and that you're just stepping back and maybe you have something to say about it it's just light years different. I mean, am I correct in that it is from the outside? Absolutely Okay, Absolutely.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, growth for sure.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, right, and that's the easy amount of growth.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I big time. No, it does. In moments when you say that, then I'm like oh wow, I did. But now I feel so settled that it feels good. It feels great, I mean, I'm having amazing dreams. I'm like going into lives, past lives, parallel lives, time jumps.

Speaker 1:

So you're like I'm sleeping or when you're up.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I know Just when it both. I can definitely do it when I meditate, but definitely when I'm sleeping, and it makes me like feel more infinite, like I can close my eyes and I can be on the other, in another universe, or yeah, so it's making me feel that is something that helps you to not feel less threatened, like when you were not doing that before.

Speaker 1:

Right, it really feels like this is the only I don't know if it's only life, but this is the most important life, and so if something were to happen that was dangerous, then it would be really, really fearful, whereas now you know that you can go to another life and you don't have to worry about it.

Speaker 2:

That's right. Yeah, like I know that I'm not stuck in 3D any longer and that's what's sticky and that's the unknown. And you're like, oh, why is this so chaotic in my life? Why do I feel so disrupted? And then, the more you center, the more you ask for that upgrade of your DNA and your strands. Then they're like oh, she's ready. You know, and that's what I've noticed just through this last winter for me, and those are the things I ask for.

Speaker 2:

Now that I, I'm like OK, adjust my frequency, ok, adjust how is my DNA? It's like adjust that. And so that's, those are the things I'm asking them to help me with on the other side. And so every time I wake up from it, I do feel more centered. I mean, when things happen, there's always disruption, there's always humaneness. You know, matter, no matter what, no matter how centered I feel like you get, there's still humaneness which brings you back down. But instead of it bringing me back down, it's make me go. Ok, I got it. Whoa, wait, step back. And I'm able to do that now in the 40. I feel like once you get to that 40, 5d, and you're like in that middle as you're lifting out of that third density. Really, it's the 3D stickiness, where you just don't even know that there's this higher power that could bring you right up. And you're the one, you're, you're the one.

Speaker 1:

Would you say then this is, this is really for doing. This practice is really for people who are frustrated with the third dimension.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and they're ready for a change and they're ready for something? Yeah, because you just don't quite know what your journey is going to bring you Right, so you just kind of just go for it. It's like getting on the stage and you have to give the speech. Ok, well, that's for me, that's my, because that would be terrifying for me, and so I just know that's how I'm feeling, is like OK, and you know, here's the humanists. That is terrified. To be in front of everyone. Why, probably to be criticized, ridiculed. You don't know anything. I mean, those are your fears coming at. Well, for me, that's what everybody that's a good analogy for myself.

Speaker 2:

So I am taking a dream of your rotation course.

Speaker 1:

It's interesting. You said that because I had a dream, maybe a couple of weeks ago, with starting the channel portion of it, and I think you've known me well enough to know that, yeah, sure, I do channel. Is it super consistent? I don't know. You know like I don't really dwell on it, but so this course, this part of the course, is really specifically focusing on that.

Speaker 1:

So I had this dream that we're going to perform on part of a band Apparently I can play an instrument which I absolutely cannot do in real life and I'm following Matt Damon and we're going out into this crowd and we're going out into this crowd and the crowd. So we're going out into like it's like we're going to sit on the bleachers before we get on the stage. You know, kind of like a high school band would sit in the bleachers at certain place and then they go out and do their performance. So it was like that, except it was a stage. And he leads us out there and I'm walking behind him and actually it's like there are spectators but they are on the bleachers and they are completely clevered in a black cloth, similar to, you know, like a table at a trade show event, where the black stretchy cloth goes over. So it's kind of like that, yeah, okay. So black in a dream is never a good thing.

Speaker 1:

So it explains fears. It shows you where the fears are, okay. So the dream interpretation that I got from the person who was doing it was basically saying so this is about channeling, because it's about music. Okay, so it's about me having the ability to go out there and do that, but I feel comfortable with other people who channel, like you and I, but I don't feel comfortable going out on this stage and just putting it out there, right. So the dream was there to show me where those fears are, and that's the same exact thing that you're talking about. Like what is it that? The fears that you have?

Speaker 1:

and that's what you have to work with, not necessarily what you know is kind of generic. We oftentimes have a lot that are similar, so I want to make this kind of applicable to anybody who's listening. So there's a couple of things that come into mind. So information about the aliens seems really cool. I guess my question is because I'm kind of I'm going to be selfish here I know that in one of our meditations I was in the zone and all of a sudden, you know, sometimes I see things and sometimes I don't, but this time I was seeing stuff and all of a sudden I saw this figure that looked human, like it was like a silhouette, and then it was. Then then I could tell well, the head doesn't look right. I didn't even look at the details, but it kind of looked like a human. And then, as I keep looking, it was like a navy colored, it was a dark blue, and then all of a sudden I saw like a skeleton, kind of like an x-ray, like I saw a skeleton come through and I knew it wasn't human.

Speaker 1:

And we've been talking about this stuff, just you and I, for four years, okay, and I, and there's shows on TV, there's documentaries on TV, so I've watched some of those and like, oh, I see one of these things that would be so cool, you know. And so that was in the past. And so the skeleton pops up and I realized it's an alien. And all of a sudden I get so excited. I mean, if I was not really focused on being totally in the zone, I'd have been like, oh my God, you're going to see an alien, it's right here, right, instant I did that, it completely disappeared and has not come back yet. So what do you say about that?

Speaker 2:

How could? There's a little bit of a fear there then, yeah, even though it was still excitement that covered it, I would say there's an underlayer of fear. That was like oh yeah, what was that? Excuse me, it was like part of you. That was like, you know, because we're multi-dimensional beings, there's lots of different parts of us. There is a part of you that's like yay, we did it. And then there's this other part that's like no, no, no, no, you're not going to ever see that again. I'm blocking it. Block, yeah. So that's that to me. That's exactly what got presented was like because there are so many parts of us, that's the challenging part of it. Because we are multi-dimensional beings, there's more than just, and that's why it's so challenging for us to settle and that's why it takes so long. I mean, two years for them to actually come is a long time to me because it feels like we're ready.

Speaker 1:

You're saying multi-dimensional being, but I think that correct me if I'm wrong that really what that translates into is another version of yourself, in another place Maybe has had some trauma or something that has caused you to have some sort of fear. Whether you acknowledge it or not, it's there. So for me there's some sort of fear. Whether it's this life or another life, it doesn't matter. There's fear that needs to be addressed. So how would you say somebody should address the fear Because you're doing?

Speaker 2:

it, that's right. So now you would step back and observe it and you would then go deep. Where is my fear? Get a picture of them, start to meditate, start to find images that could possibly be the ones that are like okay, that would be the scariest I could ever absorb into my consciousness, but as well it's coming down to like, like I was saying earlier, is like when you meditate and stuff asking for an upgrade, asking for more light, asking to surface that, that fear.

Speaker 2:

And why are you fearful? What triggered that fear? So it's, those are the things I actually have been doing and I do ask myself and and it does go into past lives, it goes into childhood, when I was like four or five, and middle of the night and being whatever situation. But that's, that's what I would say, and I know we're all so different, so that's what makes us incredible. But if we knew who made us and put us together and gave us imagination and gave us story and gave us chakras, we'd probably be terrified of who things were.

Speaker 2:

It would scare the yeah, I would scare our humaneness. So it's quite amazing that we're we're at this point of the timeline where we're just it's almost like a little, a little baby starting to walk and it's like you're still gonna fall, but it's okay, we're gonna get you back up. You're still gonna fall, but it's the same like an out, like. To me, the same analogy is like we're learning, we're walking gods, we got this, but yeah, we're gonna stumble, we're gonna be fearful, and what works for you is it gonna work for me?

Speaker 1:

and so I have a question for you. I recently come across somebody who had had a very dramatic spiritual awakening which a lot of times, if you're reading about this kind of stuff, sometimes they'll get people to talk about it, and they talk about you know essentially they're Kundalini awakening and how dramatic it was and they, you know, like I heard things like, oh, I was convulsing, big space play, and you know, this is where the energy felt and it's very dramatic. But that reminds me honestly of the way that people in the South, like especially Southern Baptist experiences that I had where they would talk about being saved okay, so I could go into this they have something in. This is big, dramatic crying, sobbing, and then they, you know, like I don't know, it just was not.

Speaker 1:

I always looked at that like what? That doesn't make sense. Why would you do that? You know not that there's anything wrong with what they were doing, but it was. This is dramatic thing. So my question to you is is it possible, do you think, to have a spiritual awakening without having the drama?

Speaker 2:

yeah, it's your, so obviously coming into your body. You're not gonna know. Well, I mean, we do plan and make contracts and whatnot. But once you get into that 3d, you're here, you're having everyone take care of you. They're installing their beliefs, they're installing the way they are fearful of things that goes into you regardless and then so, going in, things start to happen.

Speaker 2:

You bad entities, you create bad entities and to me that's the entities that don't want to leave. They make the body convulse, they make the body spin out of control and and throw up because they're like, oh, we can't, we can't be centered, we don't. We don't know what center it's like and that's scary. And so, no matter what, you have these dark entities and that's the ball, the body freaking out. It's to the body. There's like this dimension that we can't obviously see. I mean, they're attached to us and I feed off the negative negativity and I have a great example of that.

Speaker 2:

It actually happened to me like that. I had one connected to me. I am not religious, but you know, dave's family is Mormon and we and he wanted to bless our family and and baptized us and I was like you know what? This is a great time. I've been through a lot and this is 2013, so prior to anything, I just didn't know. I was like, okay, you know, this is great, but literally a day before I actually got baptized, I kind of went out of control and I tried to fight. It was horrible but I really did and I didn't understand where my like anger came from. And then it was like, the more I learned about dark entities and you it you creating them yourself, and then they're attached to you. They don't want to leave, they don't want you to shift and get out of the sticky. So I and then after that it was gone, I had like a piece, and then it was synchronicity. It was like good things started happening to me. You know, I started.

Speaker 1:

You're saying after you got baptized, like I had my. I was just gonna ask how would you describe you know? You're saying dark entities, and that's a very generic term for people who are, who really need the story. So I guess my question is you know, it makes sense to me to say that we're creating those, but that sounds to me like it's the thoughts that we have based on our conditioning from our upbringing, right In this 3D world, not necessarily who we really are, our soul, but what our human experience is, the stories that were taught to you either directly or indirectly in your childhood. Then create what we could translate as fears, right, and that becomes the entity. So that's the thing you fear the most. So how would you describe what those entities that you're talking about are? I mean for me? Obviously I have one we just talked about that right, Like I wanted to see the elements and I started to and then boom, it was gone. It sounds like that's the same thing right, right and exactly.

Speaker 2:

And it was just like I was giving you an analogy of getting on stage, great ridicule. I mean it's going to come at me. Those all got installed in me way when I was a little baby. I mean, maybe not a little baby, but like three, four or like no, you're never going to be good enough. And when you program that into you, by the time you're an adult, you're going to feel like you're never going to be good enough and it won't even be like you'll have to say it. It'll be, then become the feeling, and you won't even have to say it, it'll just project right out of you. And so, yes, those are dark entities that you hold on to because you believe in them. Yeah, essentially it comes down to the belief system.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so what does somebody do if they start to recognize these fears in the belief system that they have? What do you say? Because you're, frankly, pretty good at this, you're getting even harder every day. So how do you go about, like, do you have a specific process that you go through?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so I've pretty much eliminated all. I know it sounds extreme, but I've eliminated all like outside, outside. So I don't do TV, I don't do music. I realized that was a little bit of hypnotizing there, keeping me in a funk and some of the new music I was like. Anyway, I won't even go into that, but that is.

Speaker 2:

This is essentially how I did it, and I started to go with the frequency of so you could go on YouTube, you can find those frequencies and they're like Hertz by 28 Hertz. I started listening to those instead and those soothing myself. And then I started to say you know what? I'm making time for myself if it's 10 minutes, 15, just like the other Thursday. I don't ever make it to Thursdays, ever because I'm too busy and then I leave. And I was like you know what? You were like we're starting. And I was like you know what I deserve? An hour to myself. And so I do that.

Speaker 2:

Now is I know that I deserve an hour, 10 minutes, 15 minutes, to center myself. I deserve that so that I can go into the, into the world, and whatever happens, it's going to happen, and so that's the other thing I've came down to do, too is like it is what it is. I can't control the outside world. I've surrendered that. I've tried to control everything. I think that was a big part of me that I needed to do, because I was always trying to make it perfect, perfect, comfortable, comfortable and it's like that's not life. I mean you've got to just surrender it and it will then just be comfortable. It'll then just be peaceful and I won't. And when things do pop up, then I can start to be like now I'm working on, step back, observe, neutral, everything I'm trying to do that with. It's a good challenge, but it's possible.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, no, it's definitely, it's definitely possible from everybody. So then would you say it's basically you do something that works for you, ideally a place where you can just basically go inward for a few moments, even.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so, yeah. So that's what I was just talking about the other day to a friend and I was saying it's like we all need a balance and it's several things. It is eating better, like cleaner, energized food. It's a little bit of exercise, moving that body, getting your body moving around, fresh water, fresh air and then a little centering. You don't have to get so crazy with meditating I think a lot of people do get a little extreme but you know, just doing something with excitement every day, so picking the top thing that you're so excited to do in that day, going with that and then following that synchronicity, yeah, and then it just flows and that's just the flow.

Speaker 1:

That's kind of like. I think it's like the like you said, you follow your joy, and when you follow that joy then you get familiar with what it feels like to be in that zone. I think when you're there, that's when you're really in the receptive mode.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and that's what I'm like working towards now. And you know, we're all at different stages, different levels of where you're at and what even works for you. You have to. You know, kind of it's like trial and error until you know it clicks and it works for you, cause we all have different lifestyles, we all like different ways about being. As I have a friend who just would rather exercise and not meditate and I'm like you know you could probably meditate during that exercise.

Speaker 1:

You know I do that in high school, and it wasn't until probably it was probably 2013 that I finally figured out what meditation was, and the more I listened to it, cause I didn't want to sit still, but I didn't want to like sit in the X position and put my fingers in a certain way. So I was a little resistant with that, but I kept listening to it. And then, over time, I realized what they're talking about is essentially keeping your body occupied enough that you're not worried about being injured. And yet you're not completely focused on your body either. So you got you know your mind is not so occupied with safety that you can then go inward Right. And then I was like, well, heck, I've been doing that since high school because I used to ride my bike all the time.

Speaker 2:

Right, just talking about that, yeah, yeah, it's a great way. But just living, just doing things with excitement, like picking your most exciting thing that will keep you at a high vibration right there.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, well, also because you're you're on some level, you've got gratitude towards it Right, like that's one of the things to bring up one of the fastest ways and inquiry suggestions for new discussion topics and comments to podcast at happy lion centercom. That's podcast at happy lion centercom. If you found this content enjoyable or helpful, please comment, like, share and download. Donations are appreciated and help us to produce more of similar content. Consider making a contribution at the links in the description box. Your support is greatly appreciated. The views and opinions expressed on this podcast are those of the speakers, who do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of the happy lion center and are not intended to malign any religion, ethnic group, club, organization, company, individual or anyone or anything. None of the content provided should be considered a substitute for legal, financial, medical, psychiatric advice or as care from a certified professional.

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