Mystical & Infamous

Transcending Medicine: Quantum Insights with Matt Schmidt

Blaire Stanislao @Happy Lyon Center Season 3 Episode 14

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Join Matt Schmidt and Blaire Stanislao as they discuss Matt's transition from staunch traditional medicine advocate to a fervent believer in the mystical arts, the transformation proved not just personal but universal. Matt was marred by a cancer research project that took an unexpected turn, but that struggle serves as a testament to the universe's capacity to redirect us towards our true paths—even when it seems like we've lost our way.

Amazing transformations with Matt's work include the cessation of his own chronic grand mal seizures and the subsequent liberation from medication that followed a single, life-altering healing session.  Matt gives exclusive insights which guide both healer and client toward profound personal growth, revealing the intricate tapestry that weaves together not only our mind, body, and spirit, but assists others in their journey too.

Matt offers free online workshops available to all and you can connect with him here. Together, Matt and Blaire navigate the expanses of healing and spiritual awakening in a space that respects the wisdom within us all.

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Speaker 1:

Hello, this is Blair Stanisleo with the Happy Lion Center. Welcome to our podcast Mystical and Infamous, where we have playful and easy conversations about anything mystical, getting to the heart of all things, strange and weird. Join us in a bit of magical tomfoolery, spreading the alchemy of love and light. And now we invite you to enjoy the show.

Speaker 2:

Where I got my foundation was just kind of working in this trans state with people. It's kind of evolved over the years to I don't even know what it is anymore. Someone asked me the other day so they're like so what do you do? And I thought about like stuff with people. I don't know, it's hard to say, or you just keep adding all these pieces to it and like but I think that's really where the power is, because then you know if you need something or a certain situation, then you can rely on that. So I focus on healing the mind, body and spirit in a way that I find everything kind of all weaves together, Everything kind of connects together, so there's really no separation when we start going through stuff. I come from a medical background, so I love the like physical healing and stuff that people aren't going to get answers to any other way. You know, like the idiopathic conditions that the doctors can't figure out. I love those because, like, there's always an answer when we do this.

Speaker 1:

What's been the most interesting, I'll tell you. As a person growing up in what I would call normal expectations or situations for Western society, I was really frustrated because I had IBS, which is one of those idiopathic things, right? So they just test for everything when they don't have any of those things and they say, oh you know, we don't know what it is, but it's to me at least as a patient is really frustrating to have somebody say that and you know that you're having some sort of condition, go on, that needs to be addressed, and they don't know what to do about it and literally they don't do anything. So give me some examples of what you've had come up like that for people.

Speaker 2:

Like the IBS. I would ask like your body's communicating with you, is trying to tell you something. There's a lot of consistency across the board with what your body is trying to tell you. So you tell me of IBS and I would ask you what's bothering you emotionally, that's irritating you, that you're unable to process, and then then you can start, as then, like getting to the root of where that's coming from. But a doctor's not going to tell you that.

Speaker 1:

No, I mean, I think it well, even if you look at I don't know why I looked this up, but for some reason I looked at the word hysteria and my mom was an English teacher, so we just love words, right. So I just looked up for some reason and you look at the definition and it's basically you're crazy because you're a woman. That's what it is. I mean, that's not exactly what it is, but you know, like it, the word only has to do with women and the yeah and so it's it's. I don't know as a female. It's like well, that's really offensive kind of you know, like I'm not really sure what to do with that, but that is where our words come from. That's what you know humans are like and I don't know it's. It is frustrating.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and I think I think that's why I'm uniquely put in this position because I had to kind of get dragged to do this work. It wasn't like I woke up one day and I'm like, oh, I should do this. It was like 10 years of life not working out and then me just like kind of throwing in the towel and being like, okay, I got to do something different. And that kind of led me on this path to explore this whole other world that I didn't even know was out there.

Speaker 1:

I thought this is all crazy, by the way, and what. What was going on in your life that kind of pushed you into that? These are 10 years of things that are working out the way you wanted it to.

Speaker 2:

Like the last project I worked on was a cancer research center where I was trying to look at different ways for treating cancer early detection of cancer and like doing that cancer research. And it was like, yeah, three years of putting this together and right before we launched the project, like we lost like $15 million in funding and like have nothing to show for it. I'm like what am I doing wrong? And then that's when I was like you know what all my energy is going into this? And then, and then it just fell apart. I'm like what am I doing wrong? And so I just I just only knew one way that was the problem, and I didn't know that was supposed to be switching gears, but the universe was nudging me, I just wasn't listening.

Speaker 1:

So did you ever get in? Would you? Would you coming at it now, 10 years later? What would you say about finding yourself in a situation like that?

Speaker 2:

If something isn't working and it's not working. This wasn't the first time this happened. It was like it was like, think of your thing like this, and that was like the breaking point. But if you're trying to do stuff the same way and stuff isn't working out, do something different, like you're being nudged in a different direction. And that was my like stubbornness of not wanting to change or learn anything new or, um, you know, kind of cling to this old idea of who I thought I was. And when I kind of let go of that and just said, well, um, show me an open road. And I just started exploring all these things, I started asking questions like well, why is this happening? Versus kind of like victim me, like why is this happening to me? But then it kind of shifted and I started like asking deeper questions and that pushed me down this whole road of exploring this whole other world that, um, I didn't even know existed and I thought was kind of woo woo.

Speaker 2:

And so I discovered the work of Dolores Cannon. She's an author and she wrote like 20 books on different things and that was kind of an eye opener for me. And I'm listening to this lady talk and like what don't. I know Like it's just so matter of fact talking about all these things and like it's so interesting because nothing contradicted anything that I knew other ways, and I'm like, and this lady is just like this redneck lady from Arkansas, like she could be anyone's grandma.

Speaker 1:

And I definitely got that vibe from her, Especially like when people would in the training, when somebody would ask and they put these questions in their own purpose, right, they would ask a question and her answer was no, you don't do it like that. And it just reminded me of, okay, that's like you know, obviously somebody who really knows what they're talking about, and it definitely had that grandma kind of vibe, Like they're listening to grandma on this one.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, but yeah, finding her stuff was was fascinating and like, um, I wasn't so interested in as much in like the past life stuff, but it was like she'd be talking to someone in like England. They'd be talking about like ancient Egyptian history, and then she'd come to United States and the person would pick up the conversation where it left off and I'm like how is that freaking possible? Like that blows my mind. I couldn't wrap my mind around that Um, and she just talked about it like no, yeah, so they just it was just matter of fact for her and I'm like what don't I know? And that kind of led me to exploring this whole other area. So, even with everything I knew about medicine, about science, I was still having all my own physical problems. So, uh, before I had my first like quantum healing session, I was on 14 medications.

Speaker 1:

Oh, my goodness.

Speaker 2:

I was having grand mal seizures every week.

Speaker 1:

You were having a lot of problems, a lot of problems, okay, and did that all resolve, or yes?

Speaker 2:

So quickly.

Speaker 1:

Did. Was it like a session or what?

Speaker 2:

It was one session but it took a little bit for everything to kind of like, because I was on so many drugs that it took like two months before I was off all 14 medications. But like that's such a blip. Looking back at some of them, I've been on for 20 years and it was just like, just like that, like I could, I had to weed myself off just to avoid all the effects of coming off. All those Um and the seizures stopped immediately. I haven't had any sense.

Speaker 1:

It was so, and did you just? You have to wean off that medicine, don't you the?

Speaker 2:

season. Yep, so I just over two months. I just kind of weaned off that and that was.

Speaker 1:

So what was the answer about the seizures?

Speaker 2:

It was to teach me compassion. I was very self-centered, very in my own world, and it was to get me to take a step back and have more compassion for people. And then I was told by my higher self that I learned that so I didn't need them anymore. And in my mind I'm like, really, Is that easy? And so I just kind of like I just kind of just after the session, I just kind of said, well, we'll see, We'll see what happens. You know, I wasn't too attached to it one way or the other, because I just kind of got used to it. And after a while you get so far out in the jail. It's been like one week, Okay, it's been like two weeks, and then it's like two months and I'm like I'm not taking any medications. I'm like I know something changed, because the last one I had was like an hour along on the maximum medication.

Speaker 1:

So and the well. How frequently were you having them?

Speaker 2:

Without medication weekly. Okay, like about on average, like once a week.

Speaker 1:

So well, that's pretty, that's pretty awesome and pretty profound.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and then that's when I found out I was supposed to be doing this work and I was like there's no way, that's right.

Speaker 1:

In that session.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and she's like just say whatever comes to mind, I'm like whatever fine, like I was getting an attitude because there's no way, that's right. And I said I was supposed to be doing what she was doing. And then I just kind of followed. I knew I don't know, you just have this feeling. You know that's what you're supposed to be doing, even if it doesn't make any logical sense. Yeah, yeah, I just followed it and it's been amazing since.

Speaker 1:

So yeah, one of my very early practice clients. We did this session, so we have the interview and then she goes under. She goes under, no problem, but I don't know. I was asking her things about like what could she, what could you suggest? We're talking to the higher self, right. What would you suggest for this client to do to help facilitate what she's, you know, her goal, and one of the things it said was I think it actually said like work with you, and it was, that was earlier on, it was like my third one, and it was like I didn't realize.

Speaker 1:

I think I'm actually hypnotizing myself in a sense, like I'm going into a zone as well, and I know that I was kind of there so I thought, okay, well, that's a little weird, but you know the way she said it it was. It was specific enough that it was like talking about doing work with me, that I had plans to be doing, which I'm doing now, but I hadn't told her that, right, like I hadn't told her, oh, I've got this group that meets, because we didn't even do that yet. That was a plan, but I wasn't doing it, and so it was really weird and actually I haven't even reached out to her.

Speaker 1:

I think I did one time that I don't, I don't remember. I don't think anything ever came of it, but yeah, it was. It was strange things like that. So have you gotten messages anything like that, like something that's pointed for you. I know Dolores had that a lot.

Speaker 2:

I can't get away with stuff anymore because I get called out the next day Like you need to be careful, lifting like that You're going to hurt your back and I'm like I wasn't like Roger by myself, like come on.

Speaker 1:

In the sessions. So they're talking about you. Oh, okay, so it doesn't happen to you.

Speaker 2:

Or they'll even tell me about the dreams I had the night before.

Speaker 1:

Oh sweet.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I had no idea how connected stuff was until, like, I started doing this, so Okay, so that's what I really would love for us to talk about.

Speaker 1:

You were mentioning mind, body and spirit, and this is something that has been coming to the forefront from me, really hardcore in the last week or week and a half. Okay, it's like. So I had a major shift last week energetically and it was one of those things where you get you know you're, you're conscious and you're awakened, as I wasn't even under, but we were doing this energy work and it finally occurs to me whatever she said, right, I need to work on, like it was using my ability to go into the zone, to be basically in the meditative state, right, as an escape mechanism or as a coping mechanism, which is something that I did as a child, which, of course, makes this easier now, right, but now when I'm uncomfortable or I don't feel safe or something is like really it's when I want to, I'm doing something I don't want to do. Then I just go there and it's like and I didn't even realize I was describing that until I was like okay, I told I was going to do this task.

Speaker 1:

You told me I tried three times and every time I did this, it was like two hours later and I'm like the thing is still not done and so anyway. So that came through. And then I just see it everywhere how people are working on things that are connected to us. If they get drawn to us, it's because they're working on the same things we're working on. It's just all over the board. I mean, even my kids and my husband and like just everybody is just this crazy network.

Speaker 2:

And you get like four clients in a row that have the exact same thing, and then you're like, okay so one point this was after I had done the practice and I was getting paid and I don't.

Speaker 1:

I wasn't like I'm not somebody who's like crazy, push all this stuff. I'm like I don't advertise everywhere or anything. But all of a sudden I got, like you said, about four clients, and it was like one after the other. And by the end of the sessions I'm like okay, that one was molesta too. Okay, whoa, what does this mean? I never actually really got a full answer on that, but I did have a slew of them were they were going for through similar things. I should go back and try and see if I've got notes on whatever their answers were, because it was all different for everybody, but it was. You know, you, generally speaking, it's kind of a universal truth kind of thing. Isn't that cool? It is, it is. It is utterly amazing. I'd love to be able to put that either in writing or put that out there in a way that people could see it, whether it be like I think you're younger than me, how old are you?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Okay, just barely younger, okay. So do you remember not having the internet, okay.

Speaker 1:

So, I was in college and I can remember my friends from high school who are now doctors. They were all oh, you should go get this email. And I was like what, go get what? And they said go get this an email address. So for me in college it was like, okay, that means I have to go to this one building that has these computers when they're open and I have to remember some kind of login, go to someplace which I didn't really know what the. I mean, I kind of knew what it was, but not really and and then just go and see if you might have sent me a message. I was like, yeah, I don't think so, I think I'm just going to do like I'd rather go outside and play or do something else, you know. And so I didn't wind up doing that.

Speaker 1:

But through college, as the internet evolved you know, of course I have friends who are all into the internet and I realized, yeah, that's not for me building websites and stuff way back then. And finally I saw a website which is not. There is a domain there, but it's not what it used to be. It was called cartoomcom and it kind of you typed in a phrase and then it kind of created like a word web. You know what that is Kind of like, where they have the words that are bigger and smaller depending on their importance or whatever, and it all had like lines. So it was kind of like a brainstorming web but a word web. But it was based on what you typed in and so you clicked on it and then it kind of took you to all of those. This kind of just showed me what searching on the internet was right.

Speaker 1:

But after that, that moment that I did it on the internet, I didn't need. I didn't need explanation about what the internet was. I finally understood it. That's what I'd love to do for this concept about how mind, body and spirit, not only within yourself but also with other people you're working with or you're interacting with, how it intricately intertwines what's been your most we'll just say most recent, because that's probably easiest what's been the most recent example of how you've seen that combine?

Speaker 2:

I well, I see it all the time where we're I can't see we're on some on the same wavelength, where you're like someone meshed in the process that I'll think of a question and the person will just start answering it and it'll happen like 50 to 75 times in a session, like it's not like once or twice, you know it's like oh so you're not even like verbalizing. No, I'll think it and they just start talking about it.

Speaker 1:

It's pretty cool to see an experience and even if, like I'll feel people's physical stuff, Just like if your knees hurting and you're not telling me like I'll start feeling it or help, still like direct the session, but you're so, I think, energetically involved with the person that I don't know, so you kind of experience it so that I would say that is basically a form of psychic skills, right Like clairvoyance of some sort, so you're connected to this other person's energy and so much so do you think they're actually hearing you ask the question?

Speaker 2:

I don't know, I think they're, I think they're getting this idea that, hey, that I should talk about this next. It's like they're answering it like on a subconscious level without like consciously thinking about it, but there's a reason that they start talking about it, so yeah, yeah, I kind of wonder too, because I imagine that that energy is kind of coming through for what?

Speaker 1:

I'm sure that you guys set the intention right, like so you set the intention for the healing is, and some of that is by getting the right questions right.

Speaker 1:

I mean, you're practitioner, you know the questions are really important and so you set that out there and it's almost like you're both getting. I know that clients they get, of course they always get the images that they need, but you as the practitioner also, I feel like I've always received the questions and if I don't receive them, then I just wait. That's one of those energy practice kind of things. Yeah, awesome, yeah I. It really just astounds me and I would love to be able to kind of put that down onto paper so that people could understand what about in terms of putting let's just go back to your personal life. So you put into, you had a session, you had some really significant healing and how would you say that mind, body and spirit I mean we already talked about your body, right how did that all kind of uniformly kind of go together to help you shift over that, over to doing this kind of work?

Speaker 1:

I guess is my question, because you went from a very different life to doing this hippie-dippy, wooboo, whatever you want to call it.

Speaker 2:

I think part of it was because I got answers for stuff that there was no answers for any other way, and even without telling myself that I was supposed to be doing this. The push for me to believe in this 100% was having my own experiences but then also being able to get these answers where nothing contradicted itself. I've asked some of these questions my entire life and the first couple weeks of doing this. Everything was answered and I'm like I have to come up with new questions.

Speaker 1:

So give us an example of some of those questions where they really helped push your edge.

Speaker 2:

Some of the stuff around how the world works and where do you go when you die, and what happens with stuff that I couldn't find in religion, stuff that I couldn't find in without conflicting information and hear everything just clicked. And the stuff that I asked now I can't even understand the answers to. Oh really, like what? Let's see something just simple like time. I was like okay, I can kind of grasp that there's like this now moment. Like that doesn't exist, there's no future. I'm like what about sequence? Like didn't my mom have to have me before I could be in this now moment? And the answer was actually your inability to understand the backward motion of forward moving events that creates the illusion of sequence in time, human. And I'm like all the gears are crashing and I'm like trying to make sense of it and like this idea of simultaneous time and like, yeah, hurts my head. I've had quantum physics and I can't wrap my mind around some of the ideas.

Speaker 1:

You're familiar with quantum entanglement, right, yeah, yeah. So does that help? The knowledge of quantum entanglement, the double slit experience, does that help you to process that kind of stuff?

Speaker 2:

In terms of time, not really Okay. I see it like the quantum entanglement. I see that as, like the reason that, like we're all connected, like the reason someone can tell me about my dreams, is that there's, it's all connected. I asked about this too and I said, well, we see ourselves like fingers on the hand. We don't know that we're all connected further up and in that connection there's no separation, there is no you, there's no me, there's no this field. So in terms of that, yeah, the quantum entanglement makes sense and scientists think they're planning a flag somewhere, but this stuff has been known for thousands of years, you know.

Speaker 1:

Great. So as soon as you said that, I thought to myself well, there's a first feature version of you. Who does get it? But then you spout that out. You know to say you don't get it. That means you're going to get it because there.

Speaker 2:

That gets even really confusing, like all the different versions of you and how they exist simultaneously and how like. But that's also the reason that these amazing things can happen, like I've had people regrow body parts and I've had people like move their bones back into place and like stuff that would seem like physically impossible and on a quantum level it's totally possible. Like they're shifting version of them that never was injured, that never had that.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so that touches on the ideas that I have understood to be what some people refer to as timeline shifting.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, okay, well, tell us what you think about that. The way it appears to me is like there's an infinite number of versions of Blair that exist simultaneously.

Speaker 2:

The one you're experiencing now is the one that you're aligned with, like the one that you're matched with so vibrationally frequency wise, kind of like all the radio stations are playing right now but you can't hear them until you're, like dialed into a certain station and then you can perceive that frequency. So, and we're going through these, we're going through these different shifts all the time. They're so fluid that we don't even realize it. It's like kind of like a film strip, like you know. There's each individual frame but they're going by so fast that it just seems continuous. But really you're shifting between these kind of I see them as dimensions all the time, and so when we go through some of this, some of this work, it's like dumping off the crap that's keeping you from aligning with the version of you that you want. So people are trying to like they think they have to do something to get somewhere, but it's like no, you have to dump off the crap that's keeping you from your natural state.

Speaker 1:

And that's the state in which the human body just heals.

Speaker 2:

Yep, yep, and then it's like it appears like it's miraculous, but really you just shifted to the other version of you, like you said.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, there wasn't epiphany I had at one point and it I haven't been able to like. I don't think sufficiently explain it, but I'm going to try and see what you think about it. So I had a moment where I was working on past stuff, letting go of past, whatever was going on, and it finally occurred to me and I'm sure I was doing timeline shifting kind of work it finally occurred to me the way that we have a different past. Essentially, we tell ourselves a different story about what we remember as the past. And to remember a different story we have to go through the emotions that allow us to feel that new story. But that doesn't, I guess I struggle a little bit with. Does it actually change what happened? It doesn't really change what happened. It changes how you feel about what happened.

Speaker 2:

And what I find is it's not so much the story, it's what we attach to it. So you can watch two people go through the same scenario and they both come out different on the other end. It's because how they attach to it. So what you're feeling, what you're thinking, the things you're telling yourself in that moment, maybe the things that the beliefs you're taking on, that's the part that's stuck. So I kind of do things a little bit differently because I don't like to drag people back through crap.

Speaker 1:

I didn't like that about talk therapy either.

Speaker 2:

I was like oh we're going to rehash this, and for what? That's not what's holding it in place, it's what you're attaching to that, and once you can see what that is, you can be like oh yeah, I don't need to do it. That like that or something simple is like oh, it's not worth my happiness to hang onto that, and from that point that's when you can really make those shifts. But yeah, in your mind you're changing your relationship to that past event and even if you look at people that study memory, every time you recount a memory it doesn't come back the same way. So, basically, you can change that. You can change the past by changing how you relate to it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, I even had. Well, what I'm noticing too now is because I started doing dream dream interpretation and that's so much fun. I definitely like it almost as much as a hypnosis. I mean it's very different but I like it. And actually yesterday somebody was, they were under hypnosis and she was telling me the things she was seeing and of course I'm like okay, because I, with a dream interpretation. Somebody asked it might have been me, I can't remember who asked. Somebody asked when you're in meditation and you see things, okay, is that the same? Does it have the same symbolism as dreams? And he, without a doubt, said yes, 100%. So once you learn those symbols and how to go about reading them, I don't even know that you really have to have even conversation if you just get to see what's happening there. And so that's sort of what I was thinking, but I don't know why.

Speaker 1:

I have noticed that the dreams will show issues, especially emotional issues that you have with. Usually it's your mother, your father, which actually he says it has to do with all, with the masculine and feminine meaning. How are you living the masculine, how are you living the feminine energies? And what I was going to say is that what I found through my first dream interpretation with Michael Sheridan was there was stuff that he got out of my dreams that I didn't. I really did not realize that it was there, definitely not on a conscious plane. But as he continued to ask me those questions about my mother and my father, I'm like, oh yeah, I guess. Yeah, that's how I felt about it then and I guess I still feel about it that way.

Speaker 1:

But I didn't sit there and dwell on it. I didn't think I was thinking about it, but through the dreams it shows you that you're still dealing with that. So how do you go about uncovering the parts that were not really your clients, are not really aware? Are really what's the problem? Okay, we'll see you later. Ah, yeah, time people and other celebs. So let's fix that.

Speaker 2:

I'll usually try to track it back, so I can usually start with something that's pretty obvious. So let me give you an example. Someone the other day, she had a list of all these fears. It was a list of 13 different fears she wanted to address. There were oddly specific two that were, I remember. Oh, so, one was a fear of going over bridges, but just ones where she couldn't see the other side. Okay, so she's like 60 and she's like 60 years old and she had all this list of stuff and in 30 seconds we dropped Ben and she's back where. When her parents were getting divorced, when she was five years old, she didn't know what was gonna happen and this fear of the unknown was in all these parts of her life.

Speaker 2:

So, because she never addressed it, now it's this, now it's this, now it's this, now it's this so by going back to the root of that, we were able to address all those things in like a couple of minutes.

Speaker 1:

So what was the so you're saying? She went under, she was in hypnosis, she was under hypnosis.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and it was like, but I had her take a breath, close her eyes, think about that fear and then instantly she was back. It was like 30 seconds.

Speaker 2:

And so I didn't take her through an induction, I didn't take a breath, close her eyes and we were instantly. We were back when she was five. She's like why am I back here? I'm like, well, let's figure it out, and so when you get to the root of where stuff is coming from, then you can address it from there, because otherwise you're just going through one thing at a time on the surface.

Speaker 1:

Exactly, it's just like dealing with the outside and then you still have to deal with. You would continue to create the problems.

Speaker 2:

So you talked about that word, web, this. What made me think of that is like you track that back to the root of origin and then you're like, oh, you're back to your original word and you're like, oh, there it is, and then you're kind of like pulling out the bottom piece in Jenga there and the rest of stuff just kind of falls in place.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's a good, that's a really good visual. I like that. I think you should. We should make a video or something that explains that. I probably will actually at some point Go for it.

Speaker 2:

One of the things so you mentioned dreams. This is one thing I do every session. So the night before I put out the intention to work with that person, that's what, and then people will tell me about the work we're doing. I'll have dreams about their lifetimes and we're processing stuff and by the time they get to me they're all lubed up, ready to go and we just take off. So all the pieces are in place, everything is prepared. It's like I don't know.

Speaker 1:

Which they're also doing. That too right, like even just setting the appointment, is intention, sure, but when?

Speaker 2:

I started doing that everything just like ramped up. It's like everything is on land. Oh, here's the itinerary of what we're gonna cover. It's like all the pieces are there and we just like take off from there.

Speaker 1:

So when you do that and you're dreaming, when you come out of it, how does that turn out in your awake life? Like, do you come out of it and you like, do you just remember or do you write things down or what?

Speaker 2:

I don't write things down. It feels like it's already preparing things that I mean I don't have to worry about. I wanted to be aware of everything and I asked to do that and I was exhausted the next day. I was so tired, I was so drained because I had remembered all of it and it didn't help. So I asked to remember the pieces that I need, and then usually I forget about them until we're in the session and they're like oh, there's that. Oh, yeah, I remember that, and then it kind of falls into place and a lot of times I won't remember any of it. Doesn't matter, it's still like all ramping them up where things are already moving.

Speaker 1:

So yeah, I find that really interesting how our clients, when they come to us, are it's not only just that we're working on things like we're each working on something similar for ourselves, but it really is. It's a co-creation. So it's just like you're describing where you're doing your part of the work, they're doing their part of the work, and then the experience happens. It's almost like that's a really good illustration of doing the energetic shift and then the physical follows it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, and then that's when I come in. It's like I have a cape on and it's like we do all this stuff in the session but really it started. You know it's been happening and it's gonna keep happening. Everyone thinks the session is the day of it, but really it's not. It's so much more than all that.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

And even like the, as I'm learning about this, like I learned like a little piece of how things work, and then I'm like, wow, there's 20 more things I don't know Bigger and bigger and bigger, and like I don't have a clue, do I, you know?

Speaker 1:

like Well, what's it? What's the most recent or coolest thing that you remember Learning from this? You're talking about how it works. So, like whatever you want, to take that as.

Speaker 2:

Um, like that I was being shown, like how things move on a like energetic level and how, like you talked about, you know going through like a trauma or something like that, how that impacts your energetic field and how Intention works and how like it. And then I know it just even gets bigger and bigger than that and like how many, how many things are happening on so many levels when you realize like how many like helpers you have in like this, this healing process, and how many other things are at play.

Speaker 2:

And I used to. I like it more. I'll ask about like what's going on or what's actually happening, and they're like oh, we're just doing this, just like matter of fact, like oh yeah, we're just taking this gold filament from this dimension and putting this in there to Alright, I just can't blows my mind with some of this stuff.

Speaker 1:

But so does it? Are you getting that like when you're you sit down and you meditate, or are you getting that while you're in?

Speaker 2:

asking in the session and I don't know, different different pieces I'll get along, like in different different ways. Sometimes it would be a meditation or sometimes that, like I'll be showing outside of a session like how things are happening or how how the different parts of it works and so how frequently would you say this happens for you.

Speaker 1:

I would assume every day.

Speaker 2:

With what. Just getting enlightenment on Every every session it seems like there's always like a different piece or a different thing and you're getting in in your regular everyday life too, right?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, but and then. But that's at the same time too. It's just almost like dollars calls like mine candy if you can literally lose yourself into like the mechanics of everything and how everything works. But like, at the end of the day I guess I'm going for just results. You know, I want the peer person to come out better on the other side of it, and how that looks or how it happens Doesn't matter too much, but it sure is fun to like Moving pieces. Yeah, keeps it interesting, keeps the game interesting. So I get bored real easy. Never in this. It's never a deldi at the office. I'll tell you that Someone come to me to quit smoking will end up on a different planet.

Speaker 1:

Okay, well, awesome. Thank you so much. Do you want to share anything with about how people could connect with you, or I don't remember? If you have a free gift, you want to say something about any of that?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I do have a lot of videos on my YouTube channel now I all my classes and workshops and stuff are actually free now on, so I'll put a link into that for, like, the free gift where you can walk through some of this Self-healing. So it doesn't matter if it's a mental thing, emotional thing, a physical thing. There's different processes on this that will guide you through that. And I would say when I do that, when I do that Workshop, like in person, half the people come with something, a physical symptom, and they leave without it, just coming to that group. It is powerful. And I'm still working on that part how to reach more people, because a lot of the work I'm doing is one-on-one. So it's like, okay, how can I expand this where people can get healing?

Speaker 1:

and I've been kind of refining that and now I have you considered doing it on zoom or like a webinar or something like that, where they can do it online?

Speaker 2:

I have, and I just I think everyone should have access to this. That's kind of my belief, so that's why that's why I put out the videos for people to do this. And just because it's not in person doesn't mean it's not just as powerful, like a lady contacted me just recently and said her brain tumor went away in three weeks Just going through the videos.

Speaker 2:

So you don't need me to do this, like, yeah, the person's healing themselves. That's what I love about. This is like I would love to take credit for all this stuff, but but it's really not up to me at the end of the day. So I can show them the door, I can maybe push them through it a little bit, but ultimately it's up to each person to do this. And that's kind of what I love about, because people start taking their power back and they realize how powerful they are in Creating their reality and creating their, their state of being.

Speaker 1:

So that's one of the reasons I'm hopeful for the world. I know a lot of people get pretty down about the condition of whatever you want to focus on, but you know Politics is really easy to focus on if you want to, or money or banking or whatever, doesn't matter what it is. But there really is a lot of hope because when people start to remember what their power is, then solutions come straight to you. Yeah, yeah, send inquiry suggestions for new discussion topics and comments to podcast at happy lion center. That's podcast at happy lion center dot com.

Speaker 1:

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