Mystical & Infamous

Threads of Destiny: Self-Realization in Physical Reality with Jean Adrienne

March 05, 2024 Blaire Stanislao @Happy Lyon Center Season 3 Episode 14
Threads of Destiny: Self-Realization in Physical Reality with Jean Adrienne
Mystical & Infamous
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Mystical & Infamous
Threads of Destiny: Self-Realization in Physical Reality with Jean Adrienne
Mar 05, 2024 Season 3 Episode 14
Blaire Stanislao @Happy Lyon Center

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In this episode Blaire Stanoislao and Jean Adrienne, founder of InnerSpeak discuss what it self-realization looks like in someone's life. Twenty years ago, Jean Adrienne's reality shifted when the ordinary turned extraordinary, revealing a world where time bent. These experiences didn't just herald the end of a marriage but propelled her into an exploration of multi-dimensional existence, challenging the very fabric of what we perceive as real.

Navigating the complexities of time and the concept of past lives, this episode tells the tales of healing uncovering memories that shape our present selves. It's a conversation that traverses the bounds of our linear existence. We invite you to reflect on the unseen forces that influence your daily lives. 

This episode is an inspirational guide through the landscapes of trust, creativity, and relationships as catalysts for growth.

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Learn more about our group, Elevate, Me. Now! for transformative gatherings for inner harmony and success. Find out more about our featured guests, practical applications of astrology, and our astrology study group here.

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In this episode Blaire Stanoislao and Jean Adrienne, founder of InnerSpeak discuss what it self-realization looks like in someone's life. Twenty years ago, Jean Adrienne's reality shifted when the ordinary turned extraordinary, revealing a world where time bent. These experiences didn't just herald the end of a marriage but propelled her into an exploration of multi-dimensional existence, challenging the very fabric of what we perceive as real.

Navigating the complexities of time and the concept of past lives, this episode tells the tales of healing uncovering memories that shape our present selves. It's a conversation that traverses the bounds of our linear existence. We invite you to reflect on the unseen forces that influence your daily lives. 

This episode is an inspirational guide through the landscapes of trust, creativity, and relationships as catalysts for growth.

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Send inquiries, suggestions for new discussion topics and comments to podcast at If you found this session helpful, please comment, like, share and download. Donations are appreciated and help us to produce more of this content. Consider making a regular contribution here or one time donations here. Your support is greatly appreciated.

Learn more about our group, Elevate, Me. Now! for transformative gatherings for inner harmony and success. Find out more about our featured guests, practical applications of astrology, and our astrology study group here.

Speaker 1:

Hello, this is Blair Stanisleo, with the Happy Lion Center. Welcome to our podcast. Mystical and Infamous where we have playful and easy conversations about anything mystical, getting to the heart of all things strange and weird. Join us in a bit of magical tomfoolery, spreading the alchemy of love and light. And now we invite you to enjoy the show.

Speaker 2:

Being multi-dimensional and talking about multi-dimensionality and how that feels and looks, because I had an epiphany about that last week and let me tell you what it is, because you may not want to talk about this, but 20 years ago which I think is really important, because this whole Pluto cycle that we've just shifted into a new thing, 20 years ago was the first time I ever saw anything multi-dimensional. And I was on a business trip. I was still in the corporate world, I was still married, albeit briefly after that, because he told me two days later he wanted to divorce. And I went on this business trip to Denver and it was a last-minute thing. Somebody had gotten sick and they needed somebody to do a trade show. And so my boss called me because I lived in Atlanta at the time, because you can get a plane to anywhere at the drop of a hat from Atlanta and she said can you go to Denver tonight and do this trade show tomorrow? And I was like yeah, because all I really heard was, oh, more frequent flyer miles.

Speaker 2:

I did not buy a emotional wave on this and think it through thoroughly, so I just figured I got on a plane at 7 o'clock, I just figured that I'd sleep on the plane and that would make up for being up half the night just to get to Denver. And I didn't, because it was ski season, it was the middle of winter and everybody on the plane was drunk and they were yelling and throwing things across the plane and just craziness and there was no way I was going to sleep. I was furious by the time I got there. And I get there, get my rental car, go to get my car. The doors are frozen, shut, the lock's frozen. I had to go back because I live in the south all my life. I don't know how to deal with that.

Speaker 2:

I get the rental car guy to come undo my car, get to my room and I hadn't eaten, so I think I got something out of a snack machine.

Speaker 2:

you know, and I'm trying to calm down myself enough to go to sleep and I just I'm sitting on the bed and I look across the room and the far corner of the room is a TV monitor Looked like a black and white security monitor. That wasn't there, I mean, it was just appeared to be there, okay, and I thought that's weird. And on it I was looking, I was looking at the inside of a bank and there were like retailers with people standing in line and they're doing their little transactions, you know, and the guy'll finish and he'll put his money away. The next guy goes up and I'm watching this, you know going. That's just freaking bizarre. And then it disappeared. And so then I went to sleep. Finally, I pulled all the blackout curtains and everything so I could get a good night's rest, and I woke up in the middle of the night. I turned over and I guess I opened my eyes and looked at my hand and light is streaming out of my hands and I start playing with it.

Speaker 2:

I was like you know, and putting my hands on the sheets and taking them away Like a kid with a flashlight.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you know my Star Wars laser saber, yeah, and I finally I thought, jean, you got to go to sleep because you got to get up and you're going to have the day from hell tomorrow. Anyway, you know, blah, blah, and that was the first time when I got home, like two days later, I told my husband. I said I can't do this anymore. I'm like 55 years old, I'm too old to travel. You mean that? No, to unpack a trade show booth by myself.

Speaker 2:

Oh you know, my feet for eight hours with no relief, pack it all up. You know, yeah, it was just crazy, which I should have. Told her no when she asked me. But again all I heard is frequent flyer miles, yeah, and back in those days that was important.

Speaker 2:

And so when I get home, my husband says next morning, saturday morning, he comes in the room and he says I want a divorce, I don't want to go to counseling, I still love you, I just don't love you enough. There's not anybody else, which is a lie. You know all the rest. But you know, and at the time it meant something. Then, you know, it was just like I was very angry, but then I was also. I wasn't really happy. So I was glad that I had it out and that he had asked for it. So I had him by the small, yeah, yeah. So I got what I wanted out of the divorce and the rest is history. But what I realized last week was that was the first time I'd ever seen it and because I had raised my consciousness up to such a point, I was no longer in coherence with my husband.

Speaker 2:

So it couldn't have Right had to go and I also had. I sat there on my at Stapleton, I was writing on my laptop. Um well, today we would call a blog. I was just open to Wordcom and it was called angry and I spewed anger onto the page. I am so tired of being a fricking doormat. You know my boss. I'm a doormat to my boss. I'm a doormat to my husband. I'm a man you know roughing at the mail and then the next day is when you know, and of course I deleted that, but yeah.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, well, at least you got it out.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I did, but, um, you know so. So I didn't know what multi-dimensional was, and in 2004, I mean, I'd only just waked up.

Speaker 1:

You know, I know that we were just in a, in a, in a meeting together, but I wanted because we're recording this, I want to get everybody kind of on the same page before we dive into that too much. Um, somebody in the class asked we were working with a past life and, um, some, what did she ask? Oh, she said I wish I I do find people sometimes do this Um, because I do past life regression right, and I didn't have an opinion one way or the other. I now have an opinion, but it's interesting to watch everybody's kind of responses to that, and even even the woman who said she thought she was somewhere else.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 1:

Yeah, Um exactly so I actually had, which I have been told it in this new class that I'm taking too. Um, when you're practicing the energy work, probably the worst person to practice on is a friend, and the reason being much what you were just mentioning in the group that we were just in, which is the person that needs to seek out the healing, and they need to participate, they have to want it right. And so this person that I was, um, doing his hypnosis at that time, um, I was so excited about it and I was sharing it with her because she's my friend, okay. So she says she wants to be one of my guinea pigs, and so we start to do the thing. And I didn't I guess I was just lazy, I didn't even remember we had, literally, she and I literally had never talked about the concept of past lives before we go into the process, right? So we're doing this thing and I'm trying to get her to go under. So I actually shared this with a uh was Jean, oh, my gosh, what's her name? So speak, it's her Dolores Cannon's daughter, julia. Okay. So I actually shared this with Julia and basically she said that's a perfect example of how not to do it, and that largely because they are there. Your friends are usually there to support you. They don't want the healing per se, they don't really have an interest in the healing, but they want to support you. So they're going to argue with you instead of being receptive to what you're doing, right? So, um, my, what I want to talk about touch on briefly is the concept of past lives, and I'll tell you, my evolution is that I had no opinion whatsoever. Brought up in Tallahassee, said you know, bible Belt, like whatever that's what they present us had an Indian friend and she, of course, was Hindu and I was like so tell me about your religion? Well, she didn't really want to share it, but I found it really interesting, and so I kind of entertained reincarnation for a while and I thought, yeah, that's really pretty cool. But then nothing else, because I didn't have any other friends who believed that or acted on that or whatever.

Speaker 1:

Go through time, eventually wind up doing these past life regression or hypnosis. But even before that, before I did the hypnosis, but after childhood, basically when I was married, my husband had died and I can't remember walking down the street and trying to figure out why did he feel like home, like just so comfortable and so familiar. Well, eventually this turn. I got the answer through, or I got part of the answer through astrology, because you can see where that is right. But then again it turns. Also, it reminded me of essentially manifestation, which you and I have talked about before, is it? I remembered that time on my bike because I used to ride my bike all the time where I loved doing it, had a fun time, I was out, I basically was in the zone, right, and I remember daydreaming about being married. And it wasn't that I was daydreaming about marrying a particular person, although they were obviously dating somebody whatever but the specifics that I had daydreamed about. So this is like six months after my husband dies and I go. I said to myself, oh my gosh, that is exactly what I asked for, like the whole thing. Okay, so that's when I recognized. And then I kept pondering on that and I got for me.

Speaker 1:

The information came through was yes, I created it when I was 17,. Yes, sure, time is what we call linear, but wait a minute, I created that back then. Did I already know about this experience that I was having? Like, why would I create it the way I created it. How would I so?

Speaker 1:

Then that muddy water between time gets really confusing, and so as I grow in the hypnosis practice, part of the way that you speak to people is you say past lives. Well then I get to. By the time I'm really doing hypnosis, I'm like I don't think there's past. I really think it's like pretty much everything is now right. So then I started having a problem with that. So that evolved for me. But I think a lot of people have a hard time with that concept of time not being linear.

Speaker 1:

And then also the idea that and another one recently, within the last year somebody did an energy healing on me, similar to your work, but different, and so she was doing her testing and of course, she wind up having some questions or whatever. So she says some things, and what I found really, really interesting, that really solidified it for me, was she said I don't remember what she was talking about. She was talking about some kind of trigger and I don't remember how it was. It was like the need to defend yourself, okay. And so whatever she was saying brought up this memory for me in this lifetime, and it was I was teaching in Pensacola. I was teaching art, because that was my degree and that's how I went in and I was doing training at the district level.

Speaker 1:

So I was with all the other art and music people that actually sectioned off with the visual arts people, and the director was in the room and essentially what she was telling us is that we needed to convince all of the parents, if you will, the stakeholders that art was valuable, and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Because that's all I heard and I immediately thought oh no, I don't, and it was a very strange guttural and I like teaching, I like teaching art. It wasn't any of that. But this response was like no, I don't, and I don't even know why. You think you can tell me that and you can tell me that all you want, but I'm not gonna do it right. And I didn't. I was like not gonna do what I had to do, but I was gonna do the minimum because I really didn't believe that.

Speaker 1:

So she pulls this up in the session and she describes to me and she said it's another lifetime that you're in, that you had a traumatic event and experiencing what I did as a teacher triggered that, which is why I had this very unusual, misplaced response to what she told me. What's wrong with getting the parents to get on board with art, right, I guess that big of a deal, but anyways, it made a lot of sense to me because it was like, oh, that really makes a lot of sense because you don't have to yeah, I don't know how to describe it it just makes a lot of sense to say that there's another part of you that somewhere else experienced a different time that can affect the lifetime that you're in or the one that you're experiencing, right now and that somewhere else may be only as far away from you as the tip of your nose.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, now experiment. What do you mean? Huh, what do?

Speaker 2:

you mean by that, Like it may just be the breadth of a finger away from you physically, is where that other dimension is.

Speaker 1:

Oh, yes, yes, yes. So now we're talking again about that whole thing of the figure geometry stuff. Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2:

And like. So what probably happened to you in that class or when you had that meeting with that teacher was that you just moved ever so slightly and the dimension that you were physically in got that close to the one where you'd had that traumatic experience as a teacher and you were at that crosspoint that I was talking about in the class for two timelines cross and it was like no, I'm not gonna. You can't make me do that. You got the boss of me.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, it's really interesting. So let me ask you this too hopefully this is not too scattered. So I have a regular meditation practice. We actually do. I have a group that I lead and we do this, and so we have all kinds of experiences through there. So one particular time I would say, if I hadn't done this for many years, I would be like I was doing really good, like my mind would shut off.

Speaker 1:

Whenever I was there. I was totally in the zone and I don't always see things, but I do sometimes see things and I sure I was seeing something. I don't remember what it was, but all of a sudden I saw this almost like a silhouette. So in a sense it was almost like a picture coming into focus. So like you weren't sure what it was and then all of a sudden you start to recognize it. So it was like a silhouette of a body that looked human-ish but it wasn't really human-ish. So I had like a big head and I don't remember what else. It just wasn't completely human and I was just looking at it and then I started to see like a skeleton Now being in this world.

Speaker 1:

I hear a lot of people talking about aliens or different you know, I mean, and they go to elaborate links to describe these things and they're fantastical. I mean it's like, okay, this is what we put in movies, right, this is where we're getting the information. And I was just, I don't have that like, I don't have that kind of experience where I had had a personal interaction with something that I could describe as this other worldly being, and so this popped up and I mean it could not have been half a second. So I was in the zone. This image starts to come. I see it's a skeleton and I remember thinking, america, this is an alien, I'm so excited about this, and I mean instantaneously disappeared and so has that impact. But so what that told me was that the vibration of excitement was lower than wherever. I was right. Yeah, so maybe, yeah, let's just dive in there. I just wanted to put that out there. For, what you know, people haven't experienced things like how does it actually come? You say inter dimensionality.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Yeah, so that saying that it's right there in front of your face, maybe in a physical-ish sense, that makes a lot of sense because it definitely resonates with how I felt at that time of you need to promote arts to everybody.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I get it.

Speaker 1:

So how did it continue for you?

Speaker 2:

So, you know, I've continued since 2004 to grow in consciousness and obviously I did not continue in that relationship or even that reality, and I was free to expand and do what I do. And I hadn't thought about it for a long time and it was almost like last week and I was actually I was reading a fiction book, a book by Nora Roberts called Becoming, I think I don't remember what. Yeah, I think it was called Becoming, awakening, and it made it so clear to me what had begun to happen in 2004. Because it's about, you know, it's about a girl who moves between dimensions and I realized that that was the first time I did it and I didn't get a good outcome from it because, you know, looking at the reality of it, well, it cost me a marriage, you know. You're saying because you went there, because I changed.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

I guess I don't know. So I think I kind of buried that for a while.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

And now it's starting to come back out that I mean, I know that all of the stuff that I do is multi-dimensional. I get that, but now I'm starting to realize how it all ties together, because you know we talk about that thought is creative and words are creative and you're creating something every time. You think a thought and da, da, da, da, but so many times it doesn't manifest, and sometimes it does, and so we could like make a flow chart of how we do it so that we could manifest the ones we want and skip the others, you know, and bottle that we could be a millionaire.

Speaker 2:

Oh no, kidding, you know, and I began to realize that. Okay, so when it does manifest, like I think about Blair and Blair calls me, I apparently I thought about Blair and it sent a trigger to you and you picked up the phone and you called me Right. So that's an example of it manifesting in reality pretty quickly.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

But then there are these other things that you know I've been working on for a while, for example, the beloved partner, and I'm thinking all the right thoughts, doing all the right things and saying all the right words, but hadn't met him yet. What I realized last week was I've absolutely created the beloved partner in a different dimension. I've just got to wait until the time spiral continuum shifts to the point where, boom, it's right there, mm-hmm, yeah. Now what do I do with that information? I'm not really sure, but I think if we could all start thinking about where are we creating and what are we creating, we begin to get closer to having a handle on conscious creation and manifestation the way we would like it to be.

Speaker 1:

Well, that kind of gets to the foundation of really manifestation, in the sense that one of those principles is you go into that creative mode, you daydream about it, you think about all the details and then you let it go. You think about it and you say, okay, well, whatever, if it happens, that's great, if not, oh well, I'll be fine, and so that's the releasing of it. But I think that actually causes it to you're talking about inter-dimensionality like a shift or rotation in those dimensions, so that the spots line up, so then it becomes a physical reality in the one you're experiencing. I'm going to pull this in. I actually thought about this before we started talking, but I didn't know what I was going to do that. So I was just having a conversation with a friend of mine who does this work and she's kind of getting into it. I found it really I didn't know you were going to be in the group today that I was at earlier, so that was great. But also she's working on clearing her path. So she asked it was actually Michael Sheridan, which I'm taking in class with him too. So it's all connected right, and we know that our clients who come in are working on stuff somehow connected to what we're working on and just like friends and family, and all the time so she's working on. So she wanted to get clarification that she in fact was channeling, and of course he could tell that and I don't know what to say other than, yeah, I know pretty much, I can tell when you are. I mean, I'm probably not as good as him in identifying whether you're going out of it or not, but that's irrelevant. And so he told her some things to do. One of the things he said was you need to clear your channel. Well, in the group that I'm, the course I'm in with him, we are doing that. We literally just started that Sunday I shared with her what the experience was, and she's not sure if she's going to do that or not, but when you were sharing with us how to do the muscle testing, I really appreciated your specificity about essentially what I understood to be was your kind of the mental mind.

Speaker 1:

That is what keeps us alive and keeps us functioning in this 3D world. That gets in the way of meditation and that includes the body. Right, the methods that you were describing were helping us to weaken the prowess, in a sense, of that physical body and the mental mind, so take away its power and say, okay, well, it's not really that powerful, it doesn't have that much of an effect, and I'll do it this way, and just the acknowledgement of kind of like letting that go and still trusting is so powerful. And as I was talking to her, she's somebody who absolutely does that questioning. She's very smart and her mouth runs really, really fast and so, before some people only have two sentences in my head even that haven't come out, and she said like four or five different statements. So two seconds after my statements in my head, I'm like waiting for her to finish so I can say, oh, okay, let's stop that thought and think about it a different way.

Speaker 1:

We were just talking about trusting your higher self or the guidance or intuition or whatever. It was okay, trusting that without questioning, which is something you've shared with us in the group. But what I was sharing with her was like, isn't it just awesome? Well, first off, we know that it works, because if you do this work, you know it works every time, every time.

Speaker 1:

But not only does it just work, but something you also mentioned earlier today was it always works the way it's supposed to work, even if you mess up, it still works the way it's supposed to work, which in a Christian language it would be God doesn't give you anything you can't handle right, like okay, so there's a trust in that, but the beauty of it for me is that, like it's not literally, there is nobody else. I say body, that's not true. There is no other energy that could possibly be looking out for your highest good, more than what we call the higher self, like literally nobody better. So that the trust in that I think plays a factor in there, because I think what you're talking about understanding really the art of manifesting and kind of waiting for like why do you? Some things come and other things don't come has to do with that trust factor. Like, do you trust holy, or do you have some programs running in your head and in your mind or in the subconscious that are contradicting that?

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, and you know, and that's why I keep doing this work, like every Sunday, I work on myself and it's on the beloved partner thing, basically, except that a couple of weeks ago I decided, you know what, I'm not going to do that anymore, I'm just going to surrender, let go and let God, and rather than say I want to work on clearing the beloved partner blocks, then I'm just going to allow it to happen. Yeah, and so I've changed my focus for my thing. But I mean, I've done hundreds of sessions on it and it's always a different layer of limiting belief around it. You know, every time and no two are alike- so you were describing with your method.

Speaker 1:

You know, and I find this with the work that I did too is that people don't even and I know this, that's why I'm usually like, okay, whatever, we'll just do. Whatever for me, when I go for a healing, is people don't really understand. They don't really know what it is. That's in their way. If they did, they would probably not have it there, right Totally. Yeah, we're not stupid.

Speaker 2:

No, no, no, no, no. Yeah, we're adventurous, Our souls are adventurous. Our souls want to experience everything the good, the bad and the ugly. You know, and so you know we'll allow this stuff to happen, so that we can say, oh yeah, I've done that. Now I got a t-shirt and then move on. You know, so we're. I think our souls are little data gathering Pac-Man. Yes, you know, we're going around eating data and giving it back to our higher self to store in the big computer in the sky. Maybe, I don't know.

Speaker 1:

Well, actually. So this kind of this kind of brings forward which I mean, as life goes, it's always beautiful when it all comes together. So in my household we've been having some arguments, some communication issues for several weeks and, by the way, I just got married within the last year, so we've got more merging families. It's not all common, but anyways. And so I have two children, my husband has a daughter who's there part-time, and so we're merging two families and, of course, all the things that can happen and that are happening. So we're having lots of conversations about this and, of course, I'm the one that's like I connect with my kids, they easily connect with me, they share with me what they think, and then my husband shares with me what he thinks. So, like I feel like I'm in the middle, I'm sure Not necessarily the battling, just that I can see that all sides have a valid standpoint, right, okay? So weeks and weeks ago I something happened and I said, which was part of this. I said, okay, everybody's not being hurt, that's what's happening. And it's not that people aren't speaking or people aren't listening fully, which they're not, but they're not hearing what they're really trying to say versus what they're actually saying. And eventually my husband and I had gotten to this point where he said what he really needed to say, what was underneath it, which was, I feel like every time I do anything it's wrong. Okay, my ego self was like why don't? I would think that we don't think you're wrong. You know, we have a little discussion and then I go away Because I start processing and I start to think I kind of knew this stuff, but I didn't know it completely and I think this solidifies it.

Speaker 1:

So we all have spiritual gifts, and one of these spiritual gifts I have is what they call projection, which is you can essentially you think of thought and it kind of goes into the other person. They don't know that it's not, not theirs, and so that's why it's helpful as a healer, because as a healer they come in for to get healed and what happens is the healer, who has this ability, thinks and sees this person as complete and whole and these problems are resolved, okay. So then that person starts to think and feel that and then they start to remember oh yeah, that's how I am, okay, so it's helpful in that sense. It's not helpful if you're in an argument and you're thinking about the negative things right, right, yeah. So I'm learning all this stuff and I'm, you know, as soon as I can, I think it's appropriate I share it with my kids. And so I said I was, it was messaging my kids and I was like, well, okay, this is what he's saying.

Speaker 1:

So, and I'm thinking about the projection, thinking, if I have it, maybe my children have it, because I know my children have some of the gifts that I have. So I just start writing all this stuff out and then I realize, well, heck, maybe I'm I'm doing this and I didn't realize it, so I didn't. I mean, there are things that I disagree with about some of the things that he does and my children disagree even more. They're children, of course, right, but regardless, yes, there's a, there's a disconnect or Misalignment with some of those things and from my kids mouths it has come through that he they have actually verbalized he's wrong about that.

Speaker 1:

Okay, but I guess I I didn't really fully recognize that I was actually making an impact and as I'm typing my my children saying you need to be cognizant of your thoughts. I don't know if that's true for you, but it's true for me to be. Just, that's already gone through. He's getting three points back. Yeah, I know I said that he, my son, is like that's so corny. I'm like I don't care if it's corny, it's true. Yeah, exactly yeah, and so right. So I'm saying be very cognizant of your thoughts. Of course I'm realizing I need to do that too and I think that I think we're not aware of all the things that we can do and we do do. We don't even realize we're doing those things, but the thoughts that we learn from whatever experience, whether this time or another lifetime or whatever you Right.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

So I mean, this is this is really something very interesting to play with it. I'm thinking that even maybe a year ago, or even maybe a month ago, the consciousness, the mass consciousness, wasn't at enough of a level to allow us to take this to the next step. But I think now it is something shifted and I, I I probably felt the shift a couple of weeks ago, yeah, and yeah, I think that maybe now we're actually able to come a step closer to figuring out what dimension we created in with those thoughts or those words and going and fetching it. Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2:

To get like right there.

Speaker 1:

So what do you think just right off the top of your head? What are you thinking about in terms of pulling it closer?

Speaker 1:

I don't really know yet but I would be willing to bet that letting go, like you just said you did, like you just decided to just drop it and surrender, I would bet that's a huge factor, because I'm sure people have read. If they're an adult and ever wanted a relationship, you know you can go find this anywhere. It's like some people say if you just let it go and and don't worry about it, then it. Then it shows up and it does, it, does, it, absolutely does.

Speaker 2:

And I pretty much have done that. But I will tell you, two years ago I wrote a book about this.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah, and it's, it's it again.

Speaker 2:

Conjunctio, the alchemical marriage. And you know, in the book it's fiction. I, you know, the guy next door buys the house next door and we become friends, and then we become lovers, and then we get married, and then we go to Santorini and we have the very mystical honeymoon and blah, blah, blah, and all these incredible things happen, you know, and and it's been a best seller on Amazon, and I'll have people who will send me emails and they'll go. Jean, how come you never posted any pictures of your honeymoon with Samuel on Facebook?

Speaker 2:

He's a character I'm like wait a minute you can not read the first part of the book where it says this is fiction, because I haven't found Samuel yet, you know. But yeah, so you know, I know I did that and I promise you that it felt so real and I still think today, keep thinking he's going to knock on the door.

Speaker 1:

Well, I'd be willing to. Very well, because I haven't had a ton of a ton of relationships, but I've had a handful of them. And I know when I met my first husband, I met him like literally right after I had finally ended a very long relationship, which of course, I was very upset about, but I didn't and I didn't know what I was doing. But I was doing the inner work to kind of it's not get over but basically process that whole thing. Okay. So I mean it was probably less than a month after I told the, the boy that I was dating, you know, because we kind of evolved to less close and he kept coming around whenever he wanted. So eventually I said you know what you got to stop coming around. This is not good for me. This is what happens.

Speaker 1:

And you know, he kind of looked at me like like he wanted something else or like he wasn't satisfied with that. I was like I cannot be friends with you. We've gone way too far, like we've become too close, we've done too many things, I've had too many dreams about doing things with you and we're not doing that, and that's okay. But I have to just let it go, and part of that is, you need to stay away and don't come back. And and I actually said I forgive you, I forgive me, I forgive us, I forgive this whole experience, and I never saw him again. But I mean, less than a month later I wound up meeting the person who becomes my husband and energetically I could say I was not ready to even receive that person in my life, my husband, until I had dealt with that past relationship and all you know this stuff that I learned from it. So I would, I would be willing to. But like I mean it's podcasts, it's going to get broadcast. It'd be pretty cool to listen to this later.

Speaker 2:

I met this person you know.

Speaker 2:

Well, and the thing is, you know, I think I had to last week remember that whole thing about the monitor in the corner and the multi-dimensionality, and then, you know, spewing out, and then, coming home, he wants a divorce, blah, blah, blah. Because it gave me the clarity to realize that I mean, I've done all the forgiveness work on him, you know, over and over again. However, it gave me the clarity to realize that not only was it the right thing to do, it had to be because of the disparity in who we were. We couldn't like magnets, you know, repel, you know. And so it was more than just forgiving, it was just understanding that who fit had to go, and so something shifted around that.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so you, in the thing that we just did a few hours ago, one of your cards says there's a piece of paper. It was that relationship.

Speaker 2:

It was that relationship. Oh, was it Okay when I was doing the interspecary cards? Yeah, I knew exactly. And what? When I had the the me right on the paper and I turned it around, she said you are so much more than you allowed yourself to be because of what he thought.

Speaker 1:

Oh, so like you were taking on the message.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

The Nellie, and this had something to do with my husband dying. And then the situation that happened after the message was, to some extent, it was kind of like it's not as talking about a particular incident. That was difficult, right, it's not as bad as you think it is. And really the message was language is really gonna limit this. Yeah, all of it was for your higher good, and that would translate into these people were catalyst for you, just like you're talking about with your husband right, he's a catalyst. It's a physical thing for you to recognize. We're not in alignment anymore. I have to make this change, but it's a physical representation of that and that's the same thing I got was like it's a. This experience that we were working healing was a. It still comes from love, because it was the catalyst that then pushed me to go further into what I wanted to do.

Speaker 2:

Totally. I would not be who I am today if we hadn't gotten divorced. I would still be in a box somewhere. I mean, that's why I'm Jean Adrienne, because when I wrote my first book he said don't you dare publish that using our name. I don't want people to know I'm married to a crazy woman. Oh, wow, yeah. And I said, okay, adrienne's my middle name, so I'll just publish it under Jean Adrienne. And that's how that whole thing, that this whole persona, got started.

Speaker 1:

Right, so he restricted you and something new birthed. Yeah, totally.

Speaker 2:

Awesome. Bless his little heart yeah.

Speaker 1:

I wonder. I kind of wonder like do you think he knows that?

Speaker 2:

No, I got it, yeah, so.

Speaker 1:

I kind of tend to think that they maybe not their physical presentation, but that portion of them is physical. But I do think that on the higher plane their soul essentially does know that they're there and that's my hope for anybody that I have huge disagreements with, because yeah, well, I mean, I would believe.

Speaker 2:

My belief is that, you know, I signed him up before I incarnated to play that role of restricting me, so I would get the strength to break free of that. Yeah, and so I can only thank him for that, yeah.

Speaker 1:

So does that play out in your 3D? Does that play out in 3D Like if you were to? I don't know if you interact with him anymore, but if you were to interact with him, how does that? How does that feel for you? Does it feel like two? Or does it feel like you're still dealing with the 3D and you go into old habits or something?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you know, I don't know, cause I haven't actually seen him since the day that we closed on the house. Oh, wow, okay, the divorce was final and it took a while for the house to sell and I haven't seen him since that day. So I have no idea. I don't think I would have any charge with him at all anymore. It would just be like, you know, it's kind of like my first husband, the father of my kids. You know, I saw him not too long ago at a thing for my granddaughter and it was like, you know, he's a nice guy. I wonder how we ever got together, you know. But yeah, yeah, so there was like nothing there. No, no resentment, no judgment, and you know, just, just, yeah, it was neutral.

Speaker 1:

Well, I know that you definitely progress.

Speaker 2:

Say it again Orthogonal, that's my new favorite word. Okay, it means a neutral stance. Yeah.

Speaker 1:

I like that. Yeah, that's definitely a indicator of real progress, real growth, yeah, To not be I mean, that's essentially what I see all the time is, you know you work on this stuff spiritually, but sometimes you don't ever have any clue if you've actually done anything.

Speaker 1:

But the real test is if you're put in the same situation and you're orthogonal yeah, and there's yeah, no huge response, which all also goes back to Michael Singer stuff, which is, if the emotions come in and if you actually I read a quote, I actually shared it If you express the emotion, it's disrupting things. If you suppress the emotion, it's disrupting things. So, essentially, you should just be allowing it to come in and just watch it, right, and so it's not disturbing you. In a sense, that doesn't mean you're not experiencing it, which is a hard concept too.

Speaker 2:

Right, yeah, well, it's that I think we have to accept everything. We don't have to agree with it, we don't have to like it, we have to accept that it happens, which is, I think, the same thing. Just observe it and let it go, because when we don't, it clenches up and then it makes a wound that starts out in our field somewhere, and if we hang on to it long enough, it becomes a compression inside our physical body and then we get sick. Mm-hmm.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and I'm just gonna pull this in because we touch on this stuff occasionally throughout some of the things, but I really, the more I've gotten into this stuff, the more excited I got. I actually haven't done fine arts since I graduated college in 1999. It's been a long time, but I remember what it's like to do that. I know I could go back into doing that again, but somebody described it. I was watching an astrology video and he was kind of talking. Like these people, which happened to be my chart, is they essentially open up, they download the information and that is exactly how it feels. So, like a lot of people who consider themselves not creative, look at creative people and they think, oh my gosh, how can you do that? Well, there's a process to it. It's just like the energy work there's, you do certain things, but essentially you just open up and the information comes through. Well, that can be said of writers, of anybody who's making anything right, like writers, let's say, software designers it really does not matter what it is and so the information is coming through and that's why you know I'm biased, because I like art stuff, but I really love movies because they're visual, but they also kind of communicate information in a way that's not language not that there's not language, but it's not restricted to language and so you can have these images that come through and create something, and I do think that they're inspired Like.

Speaker 1:

I don't know if you've seen I think the movie's about a year old, but when I saw it now I like a lot of movies and I don't necessarily say X is my favorite there's a lot of them that I say oh, I really really like that. I've watched that this many times. I came out of that movie theater my now husband called me and said so how'd you like the movie? I said, oh, it's my favorite movie. Now, it's my favorite movie. Now. I don't say that about anything. It was everything everywhere all at once. Okay, yeah.

Speaker 2:

I haven't seen it.

Speaker 1:

Oh, you've got to see it.

Speaker 2:

I haven't watched a movie in years because I've gotten to this place where I can't process the visual stimulation. Now I read books like they're going out of style and I get that inspiration out of books.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, right, so it doesn't really matter how you get it.

Speaker 2:

I can't handle the visual stimulation.

Speaker 1:

Right, and that's as I've gone through watching movies. Sometimes I guess I'm to the age where I watched the movie and I'm like I don't know who made this movie, but they've got to be 30. You know, I guess they're age and then I go look it up there in their thirties and that's one of those, Like I can see why it would be like that. But even if it's just the concepts, and what I just adore about it is somebody channeled that. So the idea of the movie is that there's only a now moment and we're pulling on the strengths in the movie. We pull on the strengths of our other versions of ourselves and other dimensions to be able to handle the dimension that you're in and your existence, which is exactly what we all talk about. Right, but this is made in the movie and yeah, and so it just happens like I think, I think watch that movie.

Speaker 2:

Say it again I think I'm going to have to break my little thing and watch that movie.

Speaker 1:

Well, it's really fantastic. I mean, they are young directors. I adore it, and they do things that are very modern. So like, for example, there's a, I guess it's. They're in the in-between, like they're in, the characters are interacting with each other, but they're not in a particular dimension other than this place where they interact. And the daughter has this thing. She talks about the everything bagel and it's like a bagel up in the sky and it's spinning and it's kind of sucking everything in. But I mean, so that's kind of silly, right, like that's, but it actually works. Like it's the everything bagel. It has everything and it yeah, yeah, it's pretty amazing, but some of it's kind of cheesy and corny and you know.

Speaker 2:

But you know, I mean, this has been going on for a long time. George Lucas was absolutely channeling realities when he created the Star Wars thing, Because that's how our souls evolved through all these different galaxies. I know that's right, you know that, yeah, Like okay. Where did he get that, I wonder?

Speaker 1:

does he know? Yeah, no, kidding, exactly. And it's funny because I did talk to somebody who does talk to aliens and sees all that kind of stuff and she said, oh yeah, that's based on and that she gives some names for things. It's a little bit of a riot.

Speaker 2:

It's what a little bit of a riot, yeah absolutely.

Speaker 1:

And it's funny because another conversation which is going to come out soon too, probably in March, is I just had a conversation with somebody, kelly Boyer, and she basically downloaded you don't have to. What was it? You don't have to. I don't know if it was believe in or be the woo to experience the woo, okay. So that's an example of my husband is not into any of this stuff, but yet he is getting the vibes that we think he's quote wrong, right, but also Star Wars. Look at it, you know, when we talk about this kind of energy work and they talk, talk, talk, if you like, star Wars, like, well, that's the force, that's real, it's not pretend.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and it was. You know, it was a huge thing of duality because the Darth Vader people were the black league and the Jedi warriors were the insurrection people trying to get balance.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, that's why I adore art and and I'm kind of like open to whatever it is, but I do enjoy seeing those.

Speaker 2:

I told you how shut down I was. Yes, I couldn't buy these cards. Well, I mean, look at my house.

Speaker 1:

Oh, and those are all yours. Wow, those are all mine, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Okay, so would you share?

Speaker 1:

that on here. Would you share that? The story about the art, the card.

Speaker 2:

So. So my guides told me that they wanted to talk to me about DNA and that I needed to create DNA cards that would help people to wake up and remember all these latent gifts and abilities that they had. And I said I don't draw because they wanted me to draw 142 pictures that held the strands of DNA. I can't do that. And he said I just happen to know that you have not one, but two packs of colored pencils and a drawing pad that you've never used, which I had bought because I had a house up in the mountains and I was gonna use it. I was gonna start drawing nature things or try, but I could never bring myself to do it because my sixth grade teacher ragged on a project that we had done in the class. I was so convinced that it was just a masterpiece and she said I had no talent at all and whatever. And from that point on I never tried again.

Speaker 2:

And but I did with this and it cracked me open. I had so much fun doing it. I actually received them too fast and made myself kind of sick. I was like I had to back off a little bit on that, and then somebody invited me to one of these parties where you bring a bottle of wine and you paint something and oh, what the hell, I mean, as long as wine's involved, I'm sure I can enjoy that. And so I went and I got lost in the meditative aspect of painting and it looked pretty good. So I signed up to go to the next class that she had, and that one was even better. And then I thought, man, I think I gotta take lessons. Heck, with the wine. I really need to channel this energy. And so literally my house is full of paintings and I'm having to rotate stuff out because I can't sell them, because they're my babies.

Speaker 1:

So which I again I find that really interesting. You just which I think people do sometimes but you said, to heck with the wine. Well, the wine was a tool to get you to relax, to kind of cut like calm down that mental chat, that sixth grade teacher mind right the words that came through. You just relax that and then when you start to find your way, then you just let go of that particular tool.

Speaker 2:

And I think that that is also why when I'm channeling stuff, information flows to me in my car, when I'm driving or in the shower, because that linear mind is kind of shut down. My linear mind is occupied in the car, keeping myself between the lines and not other cars, so the receptive right part of my brain is wide open to getting information.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

And the same thing happens in the shower. I don't know exactly how the mechanics of that one.

Speaker 1:

Well, I'll tell you what I think it is, and I mean I could be wrong, but I think I'm pretty close to this. So I didn't ever meditate, never heard of that stuff. Then I was, then my husband dies and I didn't know what I'm going to do, but I don't want to get up and do the other thing, so I wind up listening to all different kinds of things. Yes, de-packed trip was part of it, but basically I'm hearing a whole lot of stuff about meditation and the answer to whatever question I have is meditation, which is mostly the answer. And of course, I had the issues that other people have like, oh, I don't know if I can do it. Whatever, I go on and I keep listening, and I keep listening to different people talking about different things.

Speaker 1:

And I think it was something I was listening to with de-packed trip and the way he was articulating. It was telling me meditation is not done in a particular position. I think what it is is when we are calm, safe and our minds are not completely occupied with keeping ourselves safe. So I personally think, when you exercise, if you're doing something that's not brand new and you're not worried about hurting yourself and you're doing it repetitively, that I think that repetitive thing is important. You do this repetitive thing it doesn't require all of your mind and then, but it's satisfying the mind enough that the chatty part doesn't overtake. And so when the chatty part quiets, this other part of your mind is able to be occupied and satisfied. Then it's almost like the noise comes down and then you can hear them, the things.

Speaker 2:

So I don't think that really matters. You can just tell me why it worked. So for four years I had a job where I drove. I was responsible for calling on universities and colleges in Georgia South Georgia, south of Atlanta and I was in my car, because most of those places you can't fly to, so I would have to drive there and I listened to books on tape because that was back in the day when there were books on tape. And so I got to where I could keep my car on the road and I could lose myself into a book on tape and I was safe and I was getting information. And so then, when I quit listening to the audibles but I'm driving and it's a memory thing of you can do this without thinking about it because you know how to do it then my mind is free and then they can talk to me.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, which technically could happen. Doing any other activity, that's just one that you're familiar with, you're comfortable with. You do it anyways.

Speaker 2:

Totally yeah, because it doesn't usually happen to me at the gym.

Speaker 1:

Yeah well, actually I can't remember, even like within the last year or so I was really mad about something and I was so angry I couldn't sit still and of course I knew, okay, the answer is to meditate. Well, if you're angry and you can't sit still, you don't want to meditate, right? I was like, ugh, I'm going to the gym. Okay, I'm gonna make exercise and meditation work again. I don't care if this sounds stupid to anybody. I know I can do that. Yeah, but I did, it worked. I mean, I'm sure some of it was getting some of the energy out, but some of it was. Also, I got the answers I needed to get and I was calm after that. Yeah, I love it. I love it.

Speaker 1:

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Mystical Experiences and Epiphanies
Time, Healing, and Past Lives
Trusting Higher Self and Manifesting Clarity
Healing and Growth Through Relationships
Channeling Creativity and Healing Through Art
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