Mystical & Infamous

Cracking the Code: The Life-Changing Power of Hand Analysis with Jayne Sanders

Blaire Stanislao @Happy Lyon Center Season 8 Episode 1

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Are you intrigued by the mystery of your hands and what they could reveal about you? Bring about positive changes by unraveling the clues your hands hold about your true calling. Handprint analysis can help you live more aligned with your life purpose and allow the most satisfying experiences your soul set forth to have.

For most, the word 'purpose' feels elusive.  However, our purpose can be reliably revealed through one of the most basic parts of our body - our hands. Mimicking the neural pathways of our brain, the hands hold the secret to why we've come into this world and how we can have better experiences while we're here.

Handprint Analysis Expert, Jayne Sanders, shares her wisdom on how purpose evolves over time and how clues in the hands help us to better navigate these transitions. Jayne's personal journey of discovering her purpose through the scientific hand print analysis method is an eye-opener and a testament to the potential of hand analysis in guiding us towards a more purposeful life.

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Blaire Stanislao:

Hello, this is Blair Stanislao with the Happy Lyon Center.

Jayne Sanders:

Welcome to our podcast.

Blaire Stanislao:

Mystical and Infamous, where we have playful and easy conversations about anything mystical. Getting to the heart of all things, strange and weird.

Jayne Sanders:

Join us in a bit of magical tomfoolery spreading the alchemy of love and light, and now we invite you to enjoy the show.

Blaire Stanislao:

Today I'm speaking with Jane Sanders, who I had just recently learned about because I was actually I don't know something put hand analysis in front of me and I started searching on hand analysis and this, this it was another podcast that came up and so I listened to the interview and I was really intrigued. Partially, I think a lot of people really appreciate I know that I got the impression that you did in that interview appreciate the scientific nature of hand analysis.

Blaire Stanislao:

Very much so. So let me just ask you, jane, tell me a little bit about how you got into hand analysis and like what it's done for you in your life so far.

Speaker 3:

Okay, yeah, it was quite a switch because I have an MBA background and had corporate jobs. But you know, I never was happy. I would. It would be good for a while and then I'd hit a point where I was bored and I worked with a career coach and that didn't help. I read all the books. You know what color is your parachute and all that. That didn't help. Maybe I'm dense, I don't know.

Speaker 3:

And my third career, I was a professional speaker. That lasted a lot longer and after I got my hand analysis I realized why. But anyway, even that, after I don't know 12 or 15 years, I was like you know, I just I've been there, done that and I didn't want to make the changes necessary to keep it going, but I didn't know what else to do. So as my heart pulled away from the business, so did the revenue and I was just in this downward spiral. And then both of my parents passed away within three months of each other and it was just a real wake up call. You know, it's like life is short and I need to quit farting around and figure out what I want and do. So I started Googling how do I find my life purpose and went down a couple of wrong paths that didn't work and after a few months ran across a headline for a tele-seminar and it read discover your innate life purpose. Well, let me tell you I couldn't click on that sucker fast enough and the first words I saw were hand analysis and I was very disappointed. I'm like palm reading is not going to get it's fun. It's great, I'm not going to give you some readers, but it's not going to give me what I need. And then I saw the word scientific. So I let that word kind of set aside my NBA anal skepticism and listen to the tele-seminar and it made sense to me and I really wanted my purpose because I felt that's what I was missing.

Speaker 3:

So I got it done, blew my mind, I mean it, just things I'd never thought of resonated and I have goosebumps now talking about it. It's like no wonder I liked that but I didn't like that. And no wonder that in my life worked but that didn't work. It just made sense of my life and I saw the patterns and everything. And even though I didn't know what to do with the purpose because it's not a job description I knew that if I took action on the tripping points which we call student paths, that I would find my way. And that's exactly what happened. And within a few months, you know. Just more clarity kept coming and I was introduced to different people, got in a coaching group and then was like duh if I was so lit up and inspired before I even knew what to do with the information. I want to help people feel like that.

Speaker 3:

So I started studying it then.

Blaire Stanislao:

So I'm curious if you think that this would be helpful for young people to be getting Like. What are you thinking? Well, I was just curious if you thought it would be helpful. I mean, I don't know if you know, but I study astrology and I've been studying it for several years.

Speaker 3:

Cool, They'll be overlapping the information. Oh they do no-transcript.

Blaire Stanislao:

It does, it absolutely does. Of course it doesn't speak the same language. It's not exactly the same thing, but it absolutely does.

Blaire Stanislao:

And so I find that really fascinating. But I'm just kind of curious. Uh, you know, I guess I'll. You know, a lot of people do wind up kind of you know, wandering through life trying to figure this out. But if you had that blueprint, if you had a foundation, that kind of told you, hey, this is kind of what you're like and it resonated with them. How much would it help people to live their life more on purpose, earlier and longer.

Speaker 3:

Extraordinarily so If they work with the information. So it was stupid of me to ask you how young, because it doesn't matter. The youngest I've done is three. Oh, did it help her? No, doesn't help her parents? Yes, guide her to through, you know, the tripping points gently. Guide her gently toward her purpose. So it helps parents. And I've done a lot of teenagers in college that don't know what to study, or just graduated and don't want to do what they studied for four years. That's, that's, I would say. Typically 35 to 50 is the range, but that's also. You know, I built my business through speaking engagement, so it was for women's groups. So you know, statistically or whatever word I'm looking for, it's because I've been in front of many more of those sure people. But I think if you work with the information, it helps anybody. Now, if you poke it in a drawer and don't think about it again, there might be a few good changes just because it got into your system.

Blaire Stanislao:

But and you can always go back to it. So, basically, what you're saying is if, if the person is open to understanding what is coming from the reading, yes, and looking back at themselves, which could be of any ages, yeah, right, yeah, yeah, awesome, okay. So, that being said, I know that I was really interested, partially because you did have that scientific background and it did seem scientific, and and now that I've gotten a little bit of a reading on my own hand and I see the correlation between astrology, even and you know, giving this same map, which I I find is really interesting because I was never into anything what they call it occult, which means hidden, right. So astrology, tarot, energy kind of work, I was never really into any of that, but once I got into it, trying to figure out, of course I've got that critical mind too, right, and I'm trying to figure out is this hold any water? Is this even legit or is it hocus pocus, right? And what I have discovered through that is, if it comes from source, right, it is, it will be an alignment, so it may come through like it's a different language, like handprint.

Blaire Stanislao:

Analysis might have a certain set of vocabulary. Astrology might have another set. You've got other forms of ways of getting information, that actually it still gives you the same information and just kind of comes through in a different color, so to speak. Yeah, you know, and I like, I like that you well, because I never was either until well, I anyway, you don't need my life story here, but I'm not sure Anything that source has provided.

Speaker 3:

I mean it's trying so hard to help us live our best life and make the difference we're meant to make. So it's in our hands, it's in our planets, it's in numerology and human design. I mean all these different modalities. Pick one and you know you can get so much information from that. But then when you overlay them it just adds that much more depth and comprehension. And I do want to answer the question. If it's okay, we keep it is scientific hand analysis and basically, for your listeners, the science is that the lines in your hands mimic the neural pathways In your brain and the gentleman that created the system spent 40 years and analyzed over 30,000 hands to put this database together and he did write a book about it and the forward to the book was written by a neurosurgeon from Stanford and he was using scientific hand analysis with his patients. He has since retired, but you know this has been in action Really only 30 years maybe yeah.

Blaire Stanislao:

So it's relatively young. You're relatively new.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, but Forbes wrote a ballot. That's how accurate it is. I want people to know that too. Forbes, the reporter, experienced it and told me if it made sense it's a little bit longer story than that, but anyway that she would write an article, and she was blown away and wrote the article.

Blaire Stanislao:

So let's dive into it and say tell us a little bit about, give us some examples about what kinds of things you'll see when you get a hand analysis.

Speaker 3:

Things you'll learn from what I see. Yes, so you learn your innate purpose, and I do purpose in two ways. I do the core of it, which will never change because that comes from your fingerprints and the fingerprints are formed in utero before you're born and, of course, never change throughout your life or the FBI'd been deep-duty right so that can happen. And then I do an expanded version of your purpose which takes that core piece and adds to it keywords from any gift markings that I see. So you would also learn extra potential talent that you have to help you fulfill your purpose and make the difference that you're meant to make. And there's like 18 different ones and they're uncommon, but I tend to attract people with gift markings because I have them. So I can think of hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of clients. I think I've had two that didn't have at least one gift marking. Then you also learn your life school, which is kind of like your operating system if you were a computer. It's the overall energy of your life, the overarching energy of your life and the filter through which you experience life and make a lot of decisions. And then another big piece of information you learn that's so important is the life lesson. That's your biggest tripping point. It is the number one thing, the major obstacle keeping you from fulfilling your purpose and experiencing that deeper and more consistent joy and fulfillment and I do.

Speaker 3:

Another important piece is that every marking, even purpose, has both a master path and a student path, and you can imagine how master path feels good. Student path feels crappy Anything that doesn't feel good in your life. I call them the yuckies. Could be little yuckies or big yuckies. There's at least one student path involved and nobody can be on the master path of anything 100% of the time, because we're works in progress, we're humans. So it's very helpful to know what those student paths look like so that when you experience them you know where to take action. And it helps to know what the master paths look like because then you know what to strive for, you know what to aim for.

Blaire Stanislao:

So can you describe a little bit about what? So just maybe you can pick an example or you can talk about it generally. But how would you describe the difference between a master path and a student path in detail, like with one particular path?

Speaker 3:

Okay, so one of the there are so many different aspects to this. I just have to try to go down the main road, One of a possible purpose and there's over. There's hundreds of possibilities. So it's not just you get one of nine things right, there's mixes and blah, blah, blah, and then there's different markings that mean this as well. But one of the possible purposes is all about creativity and it's called artist in the spotlight.

Speaker 3:

So master path would be somebody who recognizes they have a creative urge, needing expression, has several creative expressions, is paid for some of them and it could be how you think. It doesn't have to be painting a picture right. There's oodles of creative expressions and people on the master path can be very charismatic. They will give credit where credit is due, They'll share the stage, so to speak, and you know they just appreciate beauty in all of its forms. They appreciate beauty and harmony in all of its forms. So that's a real short, quick and dirty on the master path.

Speaker 3:

The student path can look several ways. Primarily fear of rejection, and fear of rejection can be very sneaky and we can be very clever in how we strategize to avoid feeling rejected. So the way that often shows up is not believing that you're creative or not knowing all the different ways that you are creative, because if you don't own it, you're not going to be doing it, and if you're not doing it, it can't possibly get rejected. See how clever that is, oh yeah. So, and it also can show up as self-criticism, you know, comparing yourself or your work to others and thinking yours isn't as good. And here's what I say to that Everybody's got a tribe, Everybody's got a tribe, and we worry about being rejected far more than it ever happens, If it does ever happen.

Speaker 3:

You know, in student path, for that artist in the spotlight and spotlight doesn't have to be on stage, by the way, it just means that that person, to do their most soul satisfying work, needs the approval and acknowledgement and you know metaphorical applause or real applause in order to do their best. And they're meant to seek that out, All right. So I was going somewhere and interrupted myself. Oh yeah, Student path can also look like not feeling seen, because if you have creativity and you're not putting out where people can give you that appreciation, they can't see that about you. So that you're not going to feel seen or recognized Makes sense.

Blaire Stanislao:

Yes, it does. And when you, when you share these kinds of things with your clients, what is usually their response? I mean, oh yeah.

Jayne Sanders:

What is the response when you?

Blaire Stanislao:

tell them they're on the student path. And this is what it looks like and this is how it can play out.

Speaker 3:

Well, I don't know what path they're on. Okay, they know just by what I'm saying and it'll always go back and forth. So, but you know again, the vast majority are like, yeah, I have fear of rejection. That makes sense.

Blaire Stanislao:

Is this similar to where somebody might say let's see what the phrase is? It's like. Sometimes they say the dark side of this energy, or the shadow side, what's, what's? What'd you just say, shadow? So, yes, shadow, that's that's what I meant. Yeah, the shadow side, and then and then the higher vibrational side. Is that similar?

Speaker 3:

Oh yeah, you could, but it's just what we need to work on.

Speaker 3:

Right, right, everybody's got piles to work on. Right, so Right, and yeah, no. People are usually like oh, yeah, yeah, that's me, that's right. And then every once in a while some say, well, how do I get rid of that? And I'm like you can't, because nobody can be on the master path of anything 100% of the time, but it's a mindset. On this particular example. So If and that's a big if Somebody really does on the, you know few and far between Reject you or your work. They are just not your tribe and of course it'll sting. But if you really hold on to that, that it's just not a good fit. You can get through it a lot easier. Yeah.

Blaire Stanislao:

Which is it, which is a relatively Important spiritual I would say a spiritual progression the person to realize that you know it could be about your particular path or what you're doing, but really it's that helps everybody at every point in time.

Speaker 3:

That's okay, does it work out?

Blaire Stanislao:

Just not meant to be. You're not my kind of person.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, that's right, yeah, yeah.

Blaire Stanislao:

So, yeah. The other. So so you're saying you don't really actually know if they're on the master path of the student path, but as you talk with them they can identify more About what. What is their behavior so far about the master path versus the student path and where they are in that spectrum.

Speaker 3:

Yes, and you know, keep in mind, everybody gets two full hours with me, so the hour to do the hand analysis and it's a fire hose, so, and it's recorded and everybody gets a summary, and then there's another hour, if they need that, after they watch the recording, to ask questions and get clarity and get my help. However, I can support them so they're not just. You know I don't dump a bunch of information.

Blaire Stanislao:

Yeah Well, I mean I've done many sessions where these people have a lot of. They have a lot of knowledge. They might do something like hand analysis, but they also do something else and so the information that comes out in the session, I I personally oftentimes find myself trying to keep up, because they're asking questions like essentially saying something to the level. Now I'll say, creativity is not my issue, that's just. I mean, I've been that way my whole life. But and I had gotten to the point where I was like I actually taught art and I have an art degree, so he's pretty like comfortable in that.

Blaire Stanislao:

But I understand the rejection part and I can even understand that as an outsider, because one of the most frustrating things as a teacher or really as a human who's creative, is to listen to somebody say oh, people, cause it's just an easy conversation, essentially I could draw, and they would all make comments about you can, oh, you can draw so well, blah, blah, blah.

Blaire Stanislao:

Okay, wasn't really Helpful to me because I didn't need to praise, right, but they did, I think, and that's why they were looking for that and I could see that. And then, as it continued, I'm kind of like why is everybody saying this? Like what? What benefit does it provide. You know, but it is exactly that. But if it is exactly what you said, cause I came to the conclusion that you know, if somebody says I can't draw or I'm not, I'm not creative, it's because they're not even acknowledging it in themselves. Yeah, and that's not easy to hear. You can't say that and and hear that kind of thing very easily. So I totally understand that and well, and plus people, the general public assumes you're just born with it.

Speaker 3:

Yes and um, I remember my ex-husband was really good at drawing and I'm like man, I'm not going to be able to draw. I'm really good at drawing and I'm like man, I can't even draw a stick, man. And he goes. Well, neither could I. I took a class and boy did that, open my eyes. I'm like oh, I thought you just like you know. No, he goes, you've got to learn. I'm like okay, I get it.

Blaire Stanislao:

Yeah, which is similar to what you're talking about, as you just have to learn to get on that path. The life purpose, uh, is there like a small category, or like a small category, or like a small list of things to choose from in hand analysis and what the kind of life purposes are? It's just like no, like I said there's hundreds of options.

Speaker 3:

Okay, because, like there's each one of the, we get that from the fingerprints. Okay, and so you have 10 on your fingers. I would say 75% of my clients have one or two or more in their palms and they don't even know it. So it could be, let's say, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17. So 24 and any combination of that. Okay, any combination. So you know, it could just be one, some people 10 of their prints, because it determines what the fingerprint looks like and where it is, determines what it means. Okay, and then all the lines everything has master and student pass.

Blaire Stanislao:

Well, so we've got listeners, and this is the first time we've discussed this, so could you pick one example? Just let's say one.

Speaker 3:

Like whatever.

Blaire Stanislao:

And let's just see. You know, let them look at their own hands. I did. I have noticed, since I did send my prints off, it really is much better to get the ink on there and put it on they?

Speaker 3:

I can't. I think what you're about to ask me is not going to work. Okay, but shut my mouth, go ahead Just.

Blaire Stanislao:

No, I was, I was.

Speaker 3:

They're not going to be able to look and see. Yeah, I mean if I would have to say well, if you have this kind of print Anywhere on your hands but not anywhere else, it's too complicated.

Blaire Stanislao:

Is what you're saying it is a little too complicated.

Speaker 3:

I mean, I studied it for years. Yeah, so that's why it's too complicated. I think it'll. Yeah, I'm sorry, I wish that's a good idea, but that's okay, that's all right.

Blaire Stanislao:

Um, okay, so then let's let's talk about. You said there's also you pull from their, their hand prints A life school and a life lesson. What else more about that and what those look like.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, so the life lesson Is the biggest student path. I call it the big kahuna student path Because you know I just like to name things that are fun, that have. But A lot of analysts call it the key to the hands because without working on your life lesson it's very challenging to live on purpose and experience that deeper joy and fulfillment. So the life lessons very important to know it's, it's the great big student path in your hands that impacts everything. It's the greatest obstacle Keeping you from achieving purpose more consistently. So very important. Where are some examples of? You say somebody could have fear of rejection as their life lesson? They could have power issues, self worth, overindulgence, you know, being a chicken, in other words, not using their courage. You know there's just a bunch, like having a message that you're meant to share but not sharing. It's called mute. There's just lots of options. Again, like purpose, all the different prints, yeah, it would be at least 24 times all combinations.

Blaire Stanislao:

Okay, all right, that makes sense. Somebody who's good at statistics could pop that out, right?

Speaker 3:

Probably, but I think it's important to know that. You know, there are some things where you're put in one of four or one of nine, or one of 11. And this is much, has a much broader scope and is a very robust system.

Blaire Stanislao:

Yeah, I find that with astrology too, in the sense that somebody says well, you know, what does this mean? If they ask me questions like sort of like I'm asking you, how can you generalize it? It's actually very hard because there's so many factors that go into it, but there are some specific things you could say very concretely about certain.

Speaker 3:

Yes, you know, yes, exactly, and with hand analysis, we there are some things we call delicious dilemmas, where some information conflicts because we're complex creatures, right? And also threading, where two or three things will give you different layers of the same issue or the same characteristic. Oh, that's interesting potential.

Blaire Stanislao:

Yeah, so in astrology you see that too and I think, no, I don't. I really don't have any interest in doing predictions with through astrology, but I know that a lot of people do, and I've looked at different things and studied for for several years now and what I have noticed is that if you see something in a chart that's indicated by something, if it's going to come to fruition, it's going to be indicated in other places, like just like you said, another way, and then the more frequently it is indicated, the more likely it is to actually happen.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I mean, isn't it fascinating? And okay, there's something that you reminded me of and it went out of my head and it's a pretty good point. Maybe if I just keep talking I'll think of it. I've lost it for a second, that's okay, come back to it. Yeah, darn it Okay.

Blaire Stanislao:

So I would like to dive a little bit deeper into purpose Now. You you did briefly say that it is not our job, which I think a lot of Western people often associate that with right. I would do mine, do you mind if I?

Speaker 3:

Yes go ahead. So you mentioned you don't like doing predictions. Hand analysis doesn't even have that capacity. You know that would be palm reading and I have had people, women, when am I going to meet Mr Right? And I'm like I have no idea. But I can tell you what to work on to make that more possible.

Blaire Stanislao:

Through, because if you're working on that path, the purpose path that you're talking about, yeah, every two in the right yeah, it gets everything in alignment.

Speaker 3:

The more you're in line with purpose, just the better. Life is. Period. And you know the student paths. There's so many. You work on the big ones. You're going to become a better person, right and more self aware, which helps with relationships. So just you know the world opens up when you had that path to be more in alignment with purpose and make the difference that you were born to make.

Blaire Stanislao:

Okay, so let's clarify which. I know we're kind of going backwards because we touched on this at the beginning but we didn't really focus on the real explanation of it. So life purpose is isn't, you're saying, is not necessarily your career, which I think a lot of Westerners would oftentimes associated with. Right, but it is. What is it exactly? How would you describe what your life purpose means to someone?

Speaker 3:

Well, it's how you're meant to make a difference in the world. So very often it's related to career work mine certainly is, but it doesn't have to be. You can do it through volunteer work, you know you can do it all different ways, but you need to bottom line. Every purpose helps people in some way. That's what we're here to do. It's just and I've heard people say well, my purpose is to help people and my cynical response is well, duh. So everybody's here to help others in some way, but that way has got to feel good to them and to the people that they're serving, and it's got to excite them and light them up. So, but it doesn't have to be your job.

Blaire Stanislao:

So, would you say, then the life purpose that you get from the hand analysis is more about it is purpose, but it's more about finding the purpose that helps you to feel more fulfilled or satisfied and it also helps to get other areas of all areas of your life and alignment to kind of feel like you're, you're fitting in the world better.

Speaker 3:

Yes, I think if more people around the world were in alignment, living in alignment with their purpose, we'd be in a much nicer world. Yeah, I, you know. I firmly believe that living in alignment with purpose is the only way to that deeper, more consistent joy and fulfillment, because being aligned with purpose is what brings the fulfillment, you know, when you see the result of the difference that you're making. So and it could, you know, involve motherhood, fatherhood it doesn't, you know, have to be the masses right, because we always underestimate the impact we have when we make a difference in one person's life, because the ripple effect yeah, and there's no real real way to measure that.

Speaker 3:

So exactly, yeah, I. I interrupted you, blair, when I thought of my prediction thing. Do you know where you were going when I interrupted you? Cause I don't remember.

Blaire Stanislao:

Oh well, yeah, we were. I was going to ask about purpose. I was going to ask a little bit more about clarification about what it is which we did, so yeah, yeah.

Speaker 3:

So that's where we're meant to be, and just living in alignment with it. And purpose also evolves over time.

Blaire Stanislao:

So then does it change on your hands. I mean, how does that work?

Speaker 3:

No, how you express it can change. So, for example, remember I said in my story that when I got my hand analysis, I understood why professional speaking I liked better than my other two careers because it was closer in alignment with my purpose. I was also doing a lot of training and coaching and so I was helping people in deeper ways than my first two careers. So it lasted longer, I was happier longer with it, but it's still. After a while the fulfillment started reducing because in a lot to be more in alignment with my purpose, I had to go deeper, and that's why hand analysis does that.

Blaire Stanislao:

Well. So where did hand analysis take you deeper, in a sense.

Speaker 3:

Well doing hand analysis is much deeper yeah.

Blaire Stanislao:

Okay, providing the hand analysis Exactly, doing of that, not just getting your hand breath, okay.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, and I had three coaching certifications, so I had a very nice robust coaching practice as well. So that was helping people very deeply.

Blaire Stanislao:

So that was also in alignment with your purpose. Yes, so are you still coaching? Is that something you still do?

Speaker 3:

No, COVID pretty much wiped that out because of my business model was speaking engagements and there were none, and it took me a year and a half two years to work through my pipeline. But I realized I was ready to evolve again, that I didn't want to rebuild that it took. That was hard, yeah, building that business and I've coached for decades and I was just kind of complete with coaching. But I also now I have a completely different thing too, in addition to hand analysis. I'm in the travel business and that's in alignment with my purpose too, because there's an aspect to my purpose where it's very important for me in order to make the difference I'm supposed to make, I need to figure out what I love and what I'm passionate about and advocate for others to do the same. So when I'm in a business that can bring people more travel by saving money and earn commissions on their travel and all these perks and stuff, I'm helping them love their lives more.

Blaire Stanislao:

Okay, see how that works and then, yeah, yeah, and I can also see why hand analysis would be doing exactly the same thing too.

Speaker 3:

Mm-hmm. Yeah, well, it's just deeper. That's the. Those are some of the deeper markings that I have. That, you know, because it's comprehensive, it's profound, it's I've had. I would guess I'm going to say 30% of my clients cry because they feel so seen. You know, they feel like, oh my gosh, she really gets me. I you know they just really feel seen. Yeah, it's interesting.

Blaire Stanislao:

When I've done astrology readings, that's pretty much usually the response.

Jayne Sanders:

Yeah, yeah.

Blaire Stanislao:

It's, you know, and if they, if they have felt really unseen for a really long time or a large majority of their life, that's when it really hits them hard, Like yeah.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, but it's a good hit.

Blaire Stanislao:


Speaker 3:

Yeah, it's a good hit.

Blaire Stanislao:

Okay, yeah Well, I don't want to skip on you. I think you had an offer to or listeners, oh yeah.

Speaker 3:

You wanted to connect with you. I would love to give your listeners a special offer. So not only am I the most highly certified, but I'm a master, and that's just the sheer number that I've done, and average price for a master is what I charge. Somebody just goes to my website and it's $497. That's the handprint kit, because I've got clients in 12 countries Doesn't matter where you are, because we use handprints the hour for the hand analysis, the summary report and an hour for questions Afterwards, and both of those are recorded. So it's a lot of information. But for your listeners, blair, what I'd like to do is offer 100 off that. So if they go to my website and just at purposewhisperercom purposewhisperercom and reach, contact Jane through there and tell me they heard your podcast, then I'll send in the payment link to knock off $100. So they would get it for $397.

Blaire Stanislao:

Same everything Okay and I'll put a link to that in the description of the podcast.

Jayne Sanders:

So if you're listening to this?

Blaire Stanislao:

then just look at the description of this exact episode and we'll put it in there too.

Jayne Sanders:

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